Dr Zeus! Dr Zeus!

pax said:

Come and save me doctor Zeus! :oops:

I've only watched the first few minutes but how can the narrator claim that the chimps have an understanding of numbers from those tests? AFAICS it is demonstrating that they can recognise symbols and remember an order but I didn't see them associating, say, "5" with five items. <shrug>

[Update] OH - typical.. of course, they then show this in the next segment.
Yeah its a bit long at 8 min but the conclusions seem pretty right I find... Chimp had 68% success to the journalists's 60%.

Another chimp only 4 years old had near same capabilities at remembering the numbers...

I suppose it could be training but you'd think humans could inherently do this well enough to compensate and beat the chimps... but who knows...

Maybe its kind of the same way those caffeinated teenage meth\crack whores kick my old ass in Joint Operations every so often... :LOL:
pax said:
Yeah its a bit long at 8 min but the conclusions seem pretty right I find... Chimp had 68% success to the journalists's 60%.
I suspect that if you could get the journalist to practice this several times a day for several months he might score a little higher...

Perhaps they should teach them "tetris" or "mine sweeper" for a fairer comparison :)