Down goes london boy !!!


Well london boy you just got passed up !!!!

Bawhahaha !!!!

Dw I'm coming after you next !!!
I was gonna say, the number three spot ain't gonna be quite so easy for you to kids start up school Aug 25th and I'll finally get some time to post again. 8)

Sorry, I just had to!
digitalwanderer said:
I think I can safely say there ain't a whole lot of things on the boards I fear, bring it on. 8)

How about me in a speedo !~!!!!!!! bawhwhaha
Hahah. London boy was upset he was going to loose his spot. And now he did .

I need to put some distance between him and I ....
K.I.L.E.R said:
Can I see pics of your dong Sage?

a few years ago there were some pics of it with a face drawn on it and some cotton balls done up to make it look like Ocsama Bin Laden and it was titled "Ocsama Dick Laden" but i dont think you could find it... that was a long time ago