Doom turned 29 today!

Just loaded up my original version and played a bit in DOS box and freaked! I forgot it was arrow keys and alt for strafing, but my muscle memory reminded me of the controls which freaked me out even more! I also forgot you can't look up/down or jump, it feels so weird and primitive yet so familiar!
I remember playing it first on the school 486DX33 PC and then on my Amiga 1200, years later when it was ported.
Now one of my favourite games of the past 10 years is Doom Eternal, among Witcher series, Mass Effect, CS:GO and SnowRunner.

Happy Birthday DOOM!
The smooth first-person-view action of Wolfenstein 3D was a revelation. It was also fun and addicting to the max as we took turns playing the game with a room full of us youngsters. I'll never forget the first time we discovered the chaingun: the NOISE it made! Bad-ass!

But then came Doom.

It was basically Wolf3D, only a LOT better and smarter in every way possible... and then some. Another revelation iD gave us was multi-player in first-person view. We had immeasurable amounts of fun with the null modem multi-player game mode (which were practically proto LAN parties). Seeing one of my buddies moving on my screen for the first time was mind-blowing. The sound of someone moving close by with the chainsaw equipped was genuinely terrifying.

Just finished reading Masters of Doom for the nth time, by the way. Highly recommended.
That first time I connected with my uncle to play multiplayer over a 1200baud modem...nothing beats having to disconnect to call each other to make sure we saw what we thought we saw that it worked.
nothing beats having to disconnect to call each other to make sure we saw what we thought we saw that it worked.
That sounds like an extract from the Riddle of the Sphinx.