PS360 market is quite enormous at this late stage, so you can be fairly sure they'll still develop the game with those two old clunkers in mind, even though there's no way in hell the game will be out ahead of PS4/xbone release day...
I don't expect it before Q4 2014, at which time the new systems will be at least a year old. With the PC port on top, it should be a big enough market.
Also, id should capitalize on their existing megatexture based engine as soon as possible, before other companies catch up. Not to mention being one of the early FPS titles on the new sytems.
Edit: the reason is that they will probably have to redo a LOT of content for the nextgen systems - levels, characters and that already covers like 90% of the assets. They might end up rewriting some of the story too, so it might be close to a complete reboot and in that case even 2014 is not guaranteed. honestly, they should start a marketing campaign at least at the E3 of the release year, so if we don't see anything at the next show then it might end up a 2015 release.
The new Wolfenstein should take care of the PS360 generation sales wise.
Didn't id say that there's quite a bit of texture tiling in Rage, despite the megatexture tech...?
Not sure what you mean... They do start with repeating textures in the editor, but then come the stamps to make each scene unique.
Anyway, a game with mixed indoors and outdoors environments is fully within Doom scope, a number of Doom/II levels were largely outdoors. It's just Doom3/RoE that was almost exclusively an indoors affair.
The reason they shouldn't focus on outdoors is to maximize texel density within the game world. Without a vehicle, they won't need several dozen square miles of canyons and such, so they can make a more efficient use of disk space (the use of BR in the X1 also helps there). Nonetheless, do expect large city areas based on the leaked content.
Although I'd still love to see id embrace the art style of Wayne Barlowe's Inferno.
google images
It is remarkably similar to Doom1/2's art style if you can see past the huge pixels in the game. The way color is used, the spaces, even the creatures, it's actually closer to Doom than the Dante's Inferno game that was supposed to be based on it.
Oh yes indeed. Rage was a hell of an enjoyable game when not car racing, IMO.
It doesn't get nearly enough credit for that. After all the cover based shooting established by COD and Gears, it was refreshing... Yeah, Halo is like this too, but their dynamics are very different and the weapons added a nice flair too. Particularly the exploding ammo for the shotgun
I'm itching to actually play all the way through Rage, I've just not actually dedicated myself to it yet...
I'd really like to say that the endgame is worth it, but unfortunately I can't do that