RussSchultz said:
I will guarantee the church I was raised in will never ever accept your lifestyle, or that you and your partner are married in the eyes of God.
Period, end of story.
That is your church. Not all churches. Frankly I'm not a religious person, but I understand the relational implications associated with marriage.
And let us be sure here. Marriage is not a judeo-christian construct. It is not a religious construct. Marriage has been around since the dawn of time in different forms, some of which were religious in nature, others not.
RussSchultz said:
You can rail against it, call it wrong, pigheaded, etc. But it won't change the fact that they won't accept your status as married. It is fundamentally against what is written in the Bible.
Your equation to interracial marriages doesn't compare because there is no fundamental equation with intermingling of the races and what is prohibited in the bible.
So is eating pork. So is a woman going out of her house while she's menstruating. So is eating fish on any day other than Friday. Those same abominations are listed in the same chapters that it outlaws homosexuality. They are fundamentally against what is written in the Bible.
I suppose we should create a law stopping the eating of bacon.
And actually there are quite a few passages in the bible that have been used to support everything from misogny to slavery to a prohibition against interracial coupling.
And let's not forget that timeless dissent by the judge in Loving vs. Virginia case in which he stated that interracial coupling upsets god's natural law and would bring about the downfall of the institution of marriage and civilization itself.
Sound familiar?
RussSchultz said:
But, ya know what? I wouldn't care if a group of people DID demand that marriages were only between two white bread crackers. The government has no business redefining religious beliefs to further social engineering. I ESPECIALLY don't like the supreme court redefining religious activity by fiat.
Fine. If you want marriage to be solely a religious construct, then all rights and priviliges associated with marriage are now defunct. If you get married, it will not be recognized by the government in the same exact way that if you get baptized, it is not recognized by the government.
Now if you want governmental recognition for your relationship, then you should enter into a civil union. But marriage, if it's a religious construct as you're saying, should be completely innocuous wrt the government. There is no more marital status anymore. There is only civil union status.
But that will not happen, and you know it just as well as I do. Nor is that my wish.