Does Ryzen 7 need faster ram for graphics related work?


Double Agent
I have built a PC with a Ryzen 7 1700 CPU and 16GB of DDR4 Ram clocked at 3200Mhz some months ago for work related stuff.

Recently I have concluded that I may require more RAM for my work which is graphics related.
Programs I use mainly include Substance Painter, Zbrush, Maya and Unreal Engine 4.

I went for the 3200Mhz Ram initially because it is known that Ryzen performance is affected significantly by speed of Ram. I have never seen any benchmarks regarding the programs I am using. The clear benefit is mostly talked for gaming in videos and articles which is not my priority. So I paid extra for faster Ram hoping that it will matter also for my work but I am still unsure.

Now of course I am considering doubling or quadrapling. Going for 3200Mhz Ram will be significantly more expensive than going for something slower. I am wondering if the ram speed for my work does provide clear benefits. Otherwise I ll go large with the memory size for cheaper options.

Does any of you know if a Ryzen 7 1700 benefits significantly with faster Ram for the type of work I am doing?
There are a number of websites testing Ryzen 7 memory speed scaling, there seems to be a good performance/price ratio around 3333MHz memory AFAIR.
I think there are some with 3D rendering with Maya and the like, also zip compression and so on...

Here's one googled quickly :
Hmmm can't say the link is very helpful.

There is no extensive benchmarking on workflows and programs used for 3D graphics specifically.
I ve searched a lot and I can't find much. Especially for Zbrush.
That suposedly uses a lot of CPU processing especially when modeling meshes with very dense polycounts. Things like Zremesher, projecting details and Dynamesh are also very important in Zbrush. But I can;t find anything about it
are any of the programs you use accelerated?
cuda/opencl ect
if so you may be better spending the extra money on a gfx card

here's a test, downclock your ram see if you notice a difference
are any of the programs you use accelerated?
cuda/opencl ect
if so you may be better spending the extra money on a gfx card

here's a test, downclock your ram see if you notice a difference
Yes some do.

Zbrush though uses solely the CPU and system ram is super crucial. It is difficult to test it with Zbrush because of the nature of the work.