DOA 4 - photorealistic background

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I'd imagine they have been finshed messing with the grpahics for a while and are on to playtesting and such, at least if they plan on releasing the game any time soon.
Even Soul Calibur III on the PS2 had pretty incredible backgrounds. Easily the best backgrounds of any fighting game before it. I wouldnt call those photorealistic though. Definately a step in the right direction but thats taking it a little too far.
!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
You do relise that JPEG compression is'nt the only thing to blame, its the crappy texturing to begin with
I'm pretty sure the back of that monkey you circled has vertex shader fur all over it, but it's hard to though all the jpg blocking.
kyleb said:
Do you not realize that you circled a bunch examples of nasty jpg compression?
What the?
Why have people been saying that since the new (and not that great) pictures came out?
Thats not a fault of JPEG compression, thats the texturing. You really don't understand compression artefacts at all I guess.
I am not impressed. But I like the motion blur!

And no, I dont think the background is that good. But I would like to see it in action with the motion blur!
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