Megadrive1988 said:
admittedly, that *is* interesting, SegaR&D. although it does not mean Sega Sammy will enter the market with it.
For all we know all the SH3707 really is is probably a die shrunk SH-4 and PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC-CLX2) combined into a single integrated silicon wafer (or something like that, I could be wrong)
Basically the original DC's SH-4 and PowerVR 2 were produced on a .25 micron engineering process resulting in a very hot 200Mhz and 100Mhz clock speeds respectively and that was way back in 1998.
Fast foward to 2004 or even 2005 or whenever the SH3707 reaches production and if its produced on .13 micron process it could definetly fit inside a pocket sized handheld while running cool and consuming very little energy.
But thats just my theory.
Megadrive1988 said:
Dreamcast 2 / Dreamcast sucessor was in development in 1999-2000. but it never made it out of R&D.
edit: I wonder how NAOMI 2 ports to SH3707 would fair, given enough memory.
Although it never made it out of R&D if we look at the Hikaru and NAOMI 2 techspecs we could make a theory that a NAOMI 2 combined with a DVD-Rom drive would make for a pixel perfect Virtua Fighter 4.
Best of all SEGA (back then in that alternate universe) would not have had to spend much money making such a console because all that is being added is:
a second PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC-CLX2), the Geometry Processor : Custom Videologic T+L chip "Elan" (100mhz) and at least double the ammount of system/video ram found in Dreamcast plus the DVD-Rom drive.
Of course we all know really what happened in our reality, PS2's hype allowed the press to bash the DC and put it down by constantly mentioning how said DC game will also be on PS2 and telling us (the masses and even the hardcore) to ignore the DC exclusive RPGs and pay all of our attention to Square's PS2 only FF series. Constantly bringing up the names SegaCD, 32X and Saturn even though we were in the year 2000!! constantly driving in our head the fact that the PS2 can play dvds and PSX games, even though Sony had no A, AA and much less AAA PS2 games in 2000 you could just settle and play enhanced PSX games instead of checking out DC's lineup. Constantly saying how the PS2 opening graphics were so superior when in fact the PS2's 4MB vram crippled it. Totally ignoring and downplaying any of Sony's overheating consoles and other problems.
Of course the XBox and GameCube's combined launch was not going to help. Mainly M$ stepping in would always have caused SEGA to think twice before trying to stay with DC in a fight for 3rd place, but at least M$ was not the villain of the story.
For more info on SEGA's Naomi arcade hardware and other here:
Finally as for Naomi2 to SH3707 or Dreamcast conversion, definetly lower detail to fit in a small screen.
But I feel that the handheld market is not about specs and power, its about games, Nintendo has constantly proved this over the years and they have built up a proprietary fleet of dinasty like proportions.
Knowing that I would have to say that only if SEGA can come up with "handheld hit" material would the console sell but I feel that no, unless Microsoft helps SEGA out since DC used WinCe and therefore it would have to be a joint M$+SEGA+Sammy type of deal for me to say yes.