Do you expect the ps3 will be the most powerful system?

BriefcasemanX said:
Because arcades aren't popular anymore doesn't mean that Sega/Sammy aren't trying to change that. Again, if I'm spending hours at an arcade than I'm not spending as much on console games unless I'm a super rich 4th grader with an unlimited budget and no time constraints. If people play the new Sega/Sammy board in arcades it WILL take away from consoles. Someone who bought an Ngage probably isn't going to buy another handheld gaming device so yes it's competition albeit small competition. We have yet to see how popular(and therefore how big of competition to consoles) the new board will be. They are both after the same customers.

take what away from consoles? millions of people? highly doubt it :)
BriefcasemanX said:
GwymWeepa said:
BriefcasemanX said:
GwymWeepa said:
BriefcasemanX said:
I think that if consoles weren't competition for arcades then the arcade industry would still be booming. The biggest reason people went to arcades in the past is because the graphics were WAY better, as well as the interactive control on certain games. When home graphics became as good as arcades and the quality of wheels, flightsticks, etc became better and featured vibration that's when arcades started to die. The arcade cannot survive unless it has something better than what you can get at home. There is competition there.

Consoles are competition to arcades, not the other way around. Sega's next board is no competition to ps3. So again, will ps3 be more powerful than its competitors? This includes MS, Nintendo, and any fool company that could possibly make a console considering the market.

I disagree. Unless you mean it in the way that the Ngage is no competition to the Gameboy, i.e. it's nowhere near as popular. People only have so much money, and so much time to play video games. If Sega's new arcade board lures me to the arcade for 3 hours a day I'm going to spend less time playing at home, and therefore spend less money buying games for my console/s.

Gameboy is a competitor to N-gage, not the other way around. It doesn't sell jack, how can something that is no threat be considered a true competitor? Same goes with arcades...I mean if you asked the main man in Sony to name his competitors, do you think he'll ever mention arcade machines? Probably not. Then ask an arcade manufacturer his major competitors and he'll probably mention home consoles at the top of his or her list.

Because arcades aren't popular anymore doesn't mean that Sega/Sammy aren't trying to change that. Again, if I'm spending hours at an arcade than I'm not spending as much on console games unless I'm a super rich 4th grader with an unlimited budget and no time constraints. If people play the new Sega/Sammy board in arcades it WILL take away from consoles. Someone who bought an Ngage probably isn't going to buy another handheld gaming device so yes it's competition albeit small competition. We have yet to see how popular(and therefore how big of competition to consoles) the new board will be. They are both after the same customers.

People don't *choose* to play on particular arcade boards, hell few people even know what the heck they're playing on when they go to the arcades.

Back in the 90's hardware vendors could afford to splurge on arcade boards because the absurd margins on the cabinets. Arcade owners simply arent' willing to pay what they used to fill their shops with cabinets of the latest graphical whiz game today. Nowadays they just don't want to fork over the $30,000 grand when a $900-$2400 (mabye $5000 at the high-end) cabinet can bring in just as much revenue (if not more). Plus the reduced number of arcades make that harder on the hardware vendors too... The revenue streams just aren't there anymore to sustain that sort of development...
Inane_Dork said:
Kolgar said:
P.S. I can't remember details of the EGM tidbit I mentioned in my post above, so I didn't really do it much justice. But in the mag, it sounds a bit more credible and certainly worth considering, despite the fact that names were not named.
Claiming 10x more power from 6 month newer hardware is not very believable.

Although I could probably agree with you on that, I still prefer to remain open to both possibilities. Afterall, neither are using the same tech, and the time difference apart from one another seems to be of a great length as far as development time is concerned. But, what I'm mainly focused on right now is probably the workstation. Many seem to have already forgotten about this thing. I'm not really sure exactly how this box is suppose to work, but I do remember what the last one was capable of doing, which was much more advance than any PC or console of this gen, and that one was much older. This one here is the third installment. Which means this next console could rely on more than just what its inner hardware is able to achieve on its own like those of previous consoles.

Oh,and by the way, that last box was exactly 10x more powerful than the PS2 dispite being released around the same time. ....just something to think about.
worse case for Xbox2:

I'd expect PS3 to be *upto* 3-4 times more powerful, on paper, and in theory, than Xbox2. that is still less than the difference, on paper, bandied about between PS2 and Dreamcast. PS2 was touted to be, conservatively, 4-5 times more powerful than Dreamcast, and upto 20 to 50 times more powerful than Dreamcast in certain areas. like, remember, 50 times more image data.

even *IF* PS3 was 3-4 times more powerful than Xbox2, it probably would not mount to much difference in first generation games. and even in later generation games, it will take PS3 developers quiet alot of effort to show a noticable difference over Xbox2.

look at Xbox and Gamecube. the Xbox is newer technology, and is several times more powerful than Gamecube on paper (going by PR spec anyway). but the difference between them in games is not so huge.

likely outcome:

I'm expecting PS3 to be maybe 2-3 times as powerful as Xbox2 in CPU power but only 50% more, or at most, 2x, in GPU power. the GPUs are going to be fairly close. PS3 GPU should have some more performance to play with. higher fillrate, higher bandwidth, higher rendering throughput, but not nearly as much of an advantage over Xbox2 GPU as there was between PowerVR2DC and GS performance difference, which was hugely in favor of GS. (not talking features or image quality, which favored DC's CLX2 / PowerVR2DC) ....Features wise, the PS3 and Xbox2 GPUs should be very close.

some people are probably still thinking that PS3 will outclass Xenon in CPU power by an order of magnitude. like 10 fold or more. they are probably thinking 1TFLOP / 1024 GFLOP PS3 CELL 'BE' CPU vs 84-100 GFLOP Xenon CPU. ....and then a PS3 GPU that outperforms Xenon GPU as much as the PS2's GS outperformed the DC's CLX2 / PowerVR2DC. this is just extremely, extremely unlikely.

I will eat the worlds population of dead crowe corpses if this happens. ;)
SEGA and Sammy make a surprisingly large amount of money from the amusement sector year after year, and Sony's balance sheets from the whole PlayStation2 investment are not as rosy as some assume, with some recent quarters even ending in the red. Seeing who has made more in those respective businesses this generation might actually make for an interesting comparison (even discounting Sammy's contribution.)
Megadrive1988 said:
look at Xbox and Gamecube. the Xbox is newer technology, and is several times more powerful than Gamecube on paper (going by PR spec anyway). but the difference between them in games is not so huge.

"Several times" more poweful for technology seperated by months, essentially? Perhaps, the more pragmatic, yet realistic, explanation is that this Xbox advantage of "several times" turned out to be [gasp] "hype"? Go figure.

FWIW, comparisons drawing from past competing desktop architectures to explain PS3 vs. XB2 are already pretty strained. We aren't talking about G3's and Celerons with consumer videocard-based technologies anymore. ...and here's the big kicker- you can argue that PS3 is turning out to be a dollop more complex than XB2, but making an assertion that games will come more easily for one over the other in the beginning is ignoring the basic facts. The same issues (programming for parallelism and concurrency) that will make PS3 a hairy beast to get results from will be evermore present in the form XB2 is to take. MS will be equally "underfire" to come up with a development environment that can leverage processor multiplicity as Sony/IBM. There's just no way around that regardless if you are comparing such abstract figures as 3 vs. 1, 6 vs. 9, x vs. y, or whatever makes sense for whatever argument.

On other hands, can't believe somebody is still actually building the case for arcade boards competing in the home console realm. :oops: :LOL: Last time I spent big cash in an arcade was like- 6-7 years ago??? I've even stepped into a D&B's a few times since then, just to check out the scene. It's friggen' dead, and not one machine really compelled me to juice up the ole card and kill an hour or so. Perhaps, some people here would care to post in on the last time they spent any significant time in an arcade (uhh, like that's so 90's, right? ;) ). ...or not- perhaps it would be far better as a separate topic than here, and I think this certain poster (let's call them "lazy" for the sake of argument) knows this full well.
BriefcasemanX said:
GwymWeepa said:
BriefcasemanX said:
GwymWeepa said:
BriefcasemanX said:
I think that if consoles weren't competition for arcades then the arcade industry would still be booming. The biggest reason people went to arcades in the past is because the graphics were WAY better, as well as the interactive control on certain games. When home graphics became as good as arcades and the quality of wheels, flightsticks, etc became better and featured vibration that's when arcades started to die. The arcade cannot survive unless it has something better than what you can get at home. There is competition there.

Consoles are competition to arcades, not the other way around. Sega's next board is no competition to ps3. So again, will ps3 be more powerful than its competitors? This includes MS, Nintendo, and any fool company that could possibly make a console considering the market.

I disagree. Unless you mean it in the way that the Ngage is no competition to the Gameboy, i.e. it's nowhere near as popular. People only have so much money, and so much time to play video games. If Sega's new arcade board lures me to the arcade for 3 hours a day I'm going to spend less time playing at home, and therefore spend less money buying games for my console/s.

Gameboy is a competitor to N-gage, not the other way around. It doesn't sell jack, how can something that is no threat be considered a true competitor? Same goes with arcades...I mean if you asked the main man in Sony to name his competitors, do you think he'll ever mention arcade machines? Probably not. Then ask an arcade manufacturer his major competitors and he'll probably mention home consoles at the top of his or her list.

Because arcades aren't popular anymore doesn't mean that Sega/Sammy aren't trying to change that. Again, if I'm spending hours at an arcade than I'm not spending as much on console games unless I'm a super rich 4th grader with an unlimited budget and no time constraints. If people play the new Sega/Sammy board in arcades it WILL take away from consoles. Someone who bought an Ngage probably isn't going to buy another handheld gaming device so yes it's competition albeit small competition. We have yet to see how popular(and therefore how big of competition to consoles) the new board will be. They are both after the same customers.

How many people spend so much time and money that it seriously impacts Sony's bottom line? Dude it isn't even a blip on Sony's radar, while for arcades, they've pretty much been crushed by the home console market.
I'd expect PS3 to be *upto* 3-4 times

you understand that 3-4 times more power nextgen is more significant than 3-4 x was past gen ? (ie :2Gflops versus 6 gflops this Gen ,and 80 gflops versus 240 gflops nextgen) .
If PS3 has a power advantage over Xbox 2 like Neo Geo had over Genesis that will be a wide gap. I think this comparison is the most likely.
Megadrive1988 said:
worse case for Xbox2:

I'd expect PS3 to be *upto* 3-4 times more powerful, on paper, and in theory, than Xbox2. that is still less than the difference, on paper, bandied about between PS2 and Dreamcast. PS2 was touted to be, conservatively, 4-5 times more powerful than Dreamcast, and upto 20 to 50 times more powerful than Dreamcast in certain areas. like, remember, 50 times more image data.

even *IF* PS3 was 3-4 times more powerful than Xbox2, it probably would not mount to much difference in first generation games. and even in later generation games, it will take PS3 developers quiet alot of effort to show a noticable difference over Xbox2.

look at Xbox and Gamecube. the Xbox is newer technology, and is several times more powerful than Gamecube on paper (going by PR spec anyway). but the difference between them in games is not so huge.

likely outcome:

I'm expecting PS3 to be maybe 2-3 times as powerful as Xbox2 in CPU power but only 50% more, or at most, 2x, in GPU power. the GPUs are going to be fairly close. PS3 GPU should have some more performance to play with. higher fillrate, higher bandwidth, higher rendering throughput, but not nearly as much of an advantage over Xbox2 GPU as there was between PowerVR2DC and GS performance difference, which was hugely in favor of GS. (not talking features or image quality, which favored DC's CLX2 / PowerVR2DC) ....Features wise, the PS3 and Xbox2 GPUs should be very close.

some people are probably still thinking that PS3 will outclass Xenon in CPU power by an order of magnitude. like 10 fold or more. they are probably thinking 1TFLOP / 1024 GFLOP PS3 CELL 'BE' CPU vs 84-100 GFLOP Xenon CPU. ....and then a PS3 GPU that outperforms Xenon GPU as much as the PS2's GS outperformed the DC's CLX2 / PowerVR2DC. this is just extremely, extremely unlikely.

I will eat the worlds population of dead crowe corpses if this happens. ;)

I'm not saying you're wrong, but if this is the case, then what purpose does the workstation serve? As I said before, it may not be what the console can achieve on its own any more. Comparing GPUs, CPUs and distances apart looks to be the least relevant here.
"Several times" more poweful for technology seperated by months, essentially? Perhaps, the more pragmatic, yet realistic, explanation is that this Xbox advantage of "several times" turned out to be [gasp] "hype"? Go figure.
For advancement to make new technology hundreds of times more powerful than old technology by the end of a console generation like every company claims, a few months should yeild an increase in "power" of at least several times. Power is an unqualified term to start with, but it usually implies how much more time it would take the older machine to render with the features that the new machine has introduced: a PS2 trying to render custom per-pixel effects and with more advanced texture filtering, for example.
i finally got experience RE4 in glory. and i conclude Xbox is not several times powerful than GC. ok RE4 may be little off in textures/iq and framerates, but it still as dropping like when i first saw NG. ps2 on other hand...

anyway i saw a topic that rumor Xbox may get RE4 port. i hope so. i fear how ps2 cant do justice to Capcom gem.

as for ps3? if it comes late, of course it have to be sold as the most powerful console. it IS sony AND now nvidia too. ;) but i doubt its not that late unless sony want give MS too much time. couple with same gen gpu, multi ports etc etc i said b4, i dont expect the experience of next gen to be as disparity as Xbox and ps2.
_phil_ said:
I'd expect PS3 to be *upto* 3-4 times

you understand that 3-4 times more power nextgen is more significant than 3-4 x was past gen ? (ie :2Gflops versus 6 gflops this Gen ,and 80 gflops versus 240 gflops nextgen) .

I disagree, there's diminishing returns. Things will look more realistic, but the difference won't be as jaw dropping as it for the typical ps2 game vs. the typical Xbox game. In fact I bet a very talented studio working for the 360 can mimic to a degree indistinguishable by the casual gamer any graphics that can be produced by the ps3.
_phil_ said:
Things will look more realistic,

add 'MOVE' ,'REACT' ,'Behave' ,and some other cpu-centric possibilities to that perception ;) .

AI and physics seem to be the hardest thing to implement in games well, I doubt very many games will make great use of physics...and I further doubt that there will be games that have such amazing physics and AI on the ps3 that they couldn't be translated onto the 360.
GwymWeepa said:
AI and physics seem to be the hardest thing to implement in games well, I doubt very many games will make great use of physics...and I further doubt that there will be games that have such amazing physics and AI on the ps3 that they couldn't be translated onto the 360.

Maybe MS should buy out Havok and make their physics software a part of DirectX. I shall call it: "DirectHavok".


...... :oops:

so , basicaly , you are just expecting the same games than previous gens ,but with more polys ,and more texturing?
how sad and boring.

BTW,novodec is way better than havok ;)
_phil_ said:

so , basicaly , you are just expecting the same games than previous gens ,but with more polys ,and more texturing?
how sad and boring.

BTW,novodec is way better than havok ;)

Thats what I'm expecting

Halo 3 , mgs4 , grand turismo 5 , gta 6 , zelda whatever , mario whatever . final fantasy 2000

ALl looking better with a new plot or more cars and weapons
Maybe and maybe not. Since they are speeding up the way games are being developed, this could change, therefore, allowing more developers to experiment with new projects. I believe this is what really hindered this generation.