Do you expect the ps3 will be the most powerful system?

Lazy8s said:
Sega Sammy's high-end arcade board

Blue Gene 2006.

(This to show that we could all find more powerful systems, the thread was about consoles, Lazy, but thanks for reminding us about your obsession)

To stay on topic. The console that comes out last should be the most powerful.
In some, but not all comprehensive aspects. And easily & efficiently extracting that performance is another matter entirely. (think PS2) But as Guden O says, this is all still speculative talk.
It will be the best at rendering jaggies of the three.
You'll be amazed at the clarity and sharpness at which the jaggies are rendered in PS3, xbox2 and Revolution will come nowhere near PS3 performance in jaggies and flickering textures.

Jaggies were this generations "bumpmapping", just not many people realised it.
You really think a line that displays "smoothly" on screen requires more prosessing power than a "jagged" line! Just look and compare: a "smooth" line is just that, a simple line, whereas a jagged line has much more elements, it's almost like hundreds of lines in one. Same with flickering.
It's sad to see the developers have become somewhat lazy, and current games do not feature much jaggies or flickering.
GT4 is disappointing because I xpected it to have more jaggies and flickering than GT3, but instead it seems to be having much less of them.

Jaggies are graphics, good jaggies are good graphics, console that outputs best jaggies is most powerful.
All signs so far seem to indicate that PS3 will be the most powerful system, with the exception of Revolution which could turn out to be a bit of a dark horse in the next generation in my opinion.

Having said that each system will obviously have its own strengths and weaknesses, and all I can say, is I can't wait to play them all! ;)
Well, it's safe to expect the others to also use the marketing flops, they should be comparable enough ;)
Sonyflops this gen were rather conservative, I think. I don't think nVidia has much to say what numbers Sony will give next gen, as marketing should still be 100% in Sony's hands.
So it'll be just SONYFLOPS metric, with no NVFLOPS added.
sony should make it not more powerfull , but with a Much wider range of media possibilities ,connectiviy,interfacing ,etc..
Each console will probably have different strengths, but on balance I expect PS3 to be the most powerful. I don't think Nintendo will wait too long, and they'll probably be going for more budget-concious (but powerful!) choices, so I doubt they'd capitalise fully on any time advantage they might have.
If the PS3 comes with 1 full PE (1PPE-8SPE) configuration, there's no way any of the others will be able to compete with it in CPU power. And since GPU's will be either nVidia or ATI, I believe that in the end, PS3 will be the most powerful next-gen console. At least in the later version of games, when developers have learned to take full advantage of it's multicore architecture.
Alejux said:
I believe that in the end, PS3 will be the most powerful next-gen console. At least in the later version of games, when developers have learned to take full advantage of it's multicore architecture.

But how many years will this take, I wonder? ;)

Isn't the expected release date of PS3 quite a bit later than XBox2? If so, you would expect it to be more powerful.
According to accounts, PS3 has been in development the longest with the biggest RnD budget, the largest collaboration of technologies with a more substantial backing due to wider technological market (Cell in more than PS3), and is coming out later giving more time for progress.

If it's not the most powerful, Sony have really managed to screw up!
We know the PS3 will have a GPU based on Nvidia's next gen PC GPU. We know XB2 will have an ATI GPU based on its next gen PC GPU. Looking at it simply the differences graphically will be the difference between what Nvidia can gain say over 3-6 months extra developemnt time. Which to me seems to suggest the differences we see between a 9700 and a 6800, IE very little. I can't see how the CELL can help in the graphical sense if both machines are using PC derived GPU solutions. Oh and I'm still convinced the CELL will be a 1-8 setup although the 8 bit is quite interesting.