
Encouraging news. I can't wait for standard displays to have significantly higher PPI than what is currently available (even on laptops it's still too low, IMO). Whether that will ever happen in my lifetime? Meh. I'm not holding my breath.

I'd love to have a 3800x2400 (or higher res) on a 24" widescreen monitor with an OS and applications that can scale properly independant of monitor resolution.

Heck I get an eyesore just looking at the aliased smilies on this board. :LOL: Not to mention all the aliased text... A higher PPI and a resolution independant scaling OS would do wonders for my ever older growing eyes.

I think the original plan to have all or most Vista native applications be .net (including the desktop) on launch was canned quite a while back.

I'm not sure if it was more from general community backlash (doubtful) or just that they ran into time constraints (I think MS refocused on Security in XP around this time) with Vista and thus had to can it (more likely).
