Dilbert @ february 4.

That is great... it only took 1 year, but apparently the silliness has permeated to regular people...
I've been following Penny Arcade a lot more than Dilbert lately, but it looks like that's gonna be changing.

Damn it, now I'm gonna be catching up on Dilbert all morning! (Ok, there are worse ways to drink me coffee. ;) )
Scott Adams is a very good writer IMO, and the most amazing part is that even considering his success, he does seem to read his e-mails!
Sent a mediumly-sized e-mail to him back in November IIRC, saying how amazing Dilbert is and how I was recently frightened of how similar some of NVIDIA's recent actions were (I shortly summarized the benchmark cheats). Not only did he read it, but he replied with a short "Thanks for the note, seems like a mess indeed" e-mail, not automatic at all.

For someone who wrote that many books, and sold that many particularly, that's an extremely impressive behaviour IMO!

My sister's a writer and he replied to her e-mail within a day, at length. Seems like a decent guy.
