Diablo 4 [XO, XBSX|S, PC, PS4, PS5, XGP]

Having a good experience so far with D4. It's definitely Diablo but it's also different enough to pique my curiosity on how the builds will work.

Been playing Barbarian and so far I'm confused on how these 3 weapon types work. It seems to be tied to the skill, which is really weird. For example, I'm focusing on 2H blunt and have some skills allocated where if I'm using 2H blunt there are additional effects, however if one of my 1H dual-weapons are blunt, the Bash skill will use those instead and there's no way I can see to force it to use the 2H Blunt unless I ensure neither of the 1H weapons are blunt. Really weird design.

I like the overall graphic design, the set pieces are very nice and of course it's a lot less color saturated than D3, very grim dark.
Sorry, is it an online game only, or is that just the beta? Can you clear and area of monsters or do they constantly respawn like MMORPGS?
A lot of that is server issues. It's much worse than it was with D3 open BETA.
From what I understand, people were abusing Amazon and buying and getting codes and refunding it. So they didn't have the capacity for all the players. ie, way too many codes were handed out based on projections.
Some monsters are triggered by a player entering the area. So, if you are sitting there and someone enters the area, that action can cause monsters to spawn on top of you. However, unlike something like FFXIV or Guild Wars 2, where monsters are either a static level for the zone you are in (FFXIV) or scaled to your character level and zone (Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV world events), D4 will spawn them based on the level of the person that spawned it. So, while I was level 14 a person came by that was level 26 and poof level 26 mobs on top of me and I died pretty quickly.

Bad shared world design that.
This is fine. It does group most people in the same level together, and it's something you endure anyway when you are being power levelled. I didn't see any issue with this.

Also, since everything everywhere scales to your level, it never feels like your character is actually progressing other than looking at numbers on your character sheet or looking at the items you get.
This is not true. I think the Barb is the only class that is suffering at the moment, I'll do more experimentation, but it with Rogue and Sorc, there is a viable no gear path for World Tier 2 at least.
The Barb is extremely gear focused, and the special mechanic (weapon specialization) will likely need some tweaking. I think long term Barb is going to scale the best, if this keep it this way, but short term, it falls behind very badly.
Having a good experience so far with D4. It's definitely Diablo but it's also different enough to pique my curiosity on how the builds will work.

Been playing Barbarian and so far I'm confused on how these 3 weapon types work. It seems to be tied to the skill, which is really weird. For example, I'm focusing on 2H blunt and have some skills allocated where if I'm using 2H blunt there are additional effects, however if one of my 1H dual-weapons are blunt, the Bash skill will use those instead and there's no way I can see to force it to use the 2H Blunt unless I ensure neither of the 1H weapons are blunt. Really weird design.

I like the overall graphic design, the set pieces are very nice and of course it's a lot less color saturated than D3, very grim dark.
Barb is very difficult to play, and at lvl 16 I have not found a path yet for it to compete without an augment. Part of the major issue is that it's class skill is revealed in A2 area of the game. Whereas Rogue and Sorc can get their class ability in A1.
Killing the world boss was incredible. I think I walked out with 11 legendaries. Drop rates for legendaries improved dramatically at lvl 25. Wish I could see the item tier higher.
I figured out the weapon types system. Bringing up skills with S you can hover over the skill and use the middle mouse button to assign the skill to a specific weapon type instead of it automatically selecting the "best".
Something else disappointing is that you are basically locked into 6 skills during combat. Even swapping skills in is a bit of pain (UI issue) as you have to open your abilities panel in order to move a skill into an active skill slot. POE definitely does that infinitely better.

The skill system pre-paragon is also surprisingly linear. It gives the illusion of a lot of choice but it's pretty linear. Last Epoch (FANTASTIC new ARPG), Grim Dawn, and POE are better in that area.

This is basically a beginner ARPG. It's made to be as simplistic as possible as it's geared towards a more casual audience, which isn't a bad thing. The game itself is relatively fun so far albeit the MORPG elements feels not so great in a Diablo game (just my opinion, I can see how some people would love it). Simple skill system, simplistic and almost non-existent crafting, simplistic potion system, etc.

Part of me is tempted to try to refund it, but we'll see if it grows on me more. Outside of the server issues, it's definitely really polished, feels good (responsive controls) and looks great for an ARPG.

So, close to being great, but its simplistic systems (IMO) let it down. I do want to see if the paragon system opens up some more choice and complexity.

I figured out the weapon types system. Bringing up skills with S you can hover over the skill and use the middle mouse button to assign the skill to a specific weapon type instead of it automatically selecting the "best".

I found death blow as being a potential way forward. It’s likely the build I will push since it can kill fast with the right weapon.
Something else disappointing is that you are basically locked into 6 skills during combat. Even swapping skills in is a bit of pain (UI issue) as you have to open your abilities panel in order to move a skill into an active skill slot. POE definitely does that infinitely better.

The skill system pre-paragon is also surprisingly linear. It gives the illusion of a lot of choice but it's pretty linear. Last Epoch (FANTASTIC new ARPG), Grim Dawn, and POE are better in that area.

This is basically a beginner ARPG. It's made to be as simplistic as possible as it's geared towards a more casual audience, which isn't a bad thing. The game itself is relatively fun so far albeit the MORPG elements feels not so great in a Diablo game (just my opinion, I can see how some people would love it). Simple skill system, simplistic and almost non-existent crafting, simplistic potion system, etc.

Part of me is tempted to try to refund it, but we'll see if it grows on me more. Outside of the server issues, it's definitely really polished, feels good (responsive controls) and looks great for an ARPG.

So, close to being great, but its simplistic systems (IMO) let it down. I do want to see if the paragon system opens up some more choice and complexity.

I disagree. It’s a beautiful evolution of what D3 is alongside how they handle seasons and gearing and itemization. I don’t see the need to have hundreds of abilities because the sum of them wouldn’t make it stronger. Being able to curate a build is the key to enjoyment in Diablo and certain builds will always emerge better than others and blizzard is great is getting non standard builds going by providing gear that augments existing abilities just enough to turn a shit build into an absolute monster.

Diablo is about build crafting, and that means skills take a back seat because items have a large factor on how you build. Each build will only get you so far, gear will omly
Get you so far.
Gear + Build + Talents :: now they gets you to Torment 15 Greater Rift lvl 75.

People talk about Souls games like they are super hard. When you can kill everything without dying, so either you make it to the end and you “understand the puzzle of Souls game” or you don’t. Diablo is much more forgiving. Most people will finish the campaign, and stop there. Most people will not make it to the end; as in; understand what it takes to beat the hardest content in the game.

That is the end game. Comparing POE to A1 beta of D4 Is pretty unfair to yourself.

They are vastly different games, one is F2P designed to keep you playing and paying forever, and one is not, and the player experience is very curated to their design philosophy.
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Something else disappointing is that you are basically locked into 6 skills during combat. Even swapping skills in is a bit of pain (UI issue) as you have to open your abilities panel in order to move a skill into an active skill slot. POE definitely does that infinitely better.
You're basically criticizing Diablo for being Diablo here. It doesn't have to try to be PoE or other more complex ARPG builders, I like the basis of the system as it is.

D4 in particular seems to be a blend of D2 and D3 with some slightly different build progression mechanics and these weapon sets. Though I obviously haven't really seen everything it has to offer yet.

Keep in mind that long term Diablo is about max level builds to grind the dynamic mechanics available at Paragon level to slowly optimize your build and obtain the items you need. Combine that with Seasons to reset everything and try new builds and other classes each time, that kept D3 interesting.
That is the end game. Comparing POE to A1 beta of D4 Is pretty unfair to yourself.

They are vastly different games, one is F2P designed to keep you playing and paying forever, and one is not, and the player experience is very curated to their design philosophy.

Sure, I get that, which is why I'm interested in seeing what the paragon system is like in D4, perhaps it changes drastically then and it isn't similar to the extremely simplistic system that D3 had.

Also, I wasn't comparing D4 open beta to POE end game (or Last Epoc or Grim Dawn). I was comparing it to their early game, first Act. And D4 is much much more simplistic in pretty much every aspect. But as I said, that's not necessarily a bad thing as it appeals more to casual players. I'm seeing people playing D4 that didn't play any of those other ARPGs because it's certainly more approachable due to it's simplistic game systems. Hopefully, for some of them this will be a stepping stone to some of the better (IMO) ARPGs.

For what it is, D4 is a well polished AAA introductory level ARPG that presents a good experience. I can totally see some people really digging it just like some people actually liked D3. I could also see some things not resonating with some people (the MORPG aspects I'm still not sold on for example).

What I found most disappointing, due to the pre-BETA hype, was people saying this was a lot more like D2 and so far it isn't really. It has the illusion of being like D2, but it's skill system and upgrades are, so far, just an evolution of D3. And while I enjoyed D3 as a relatively engaging average ARPG, it never held my attention nearly as much as D2 did and continues to do.

And remember, caveat ... I'm still waiting to see the paragon system to see how the later stages of the game evolve.

You're basically criticizing Diablo for being Diablo here. It doesn't have to try to be PoE or other more complex ARPG builders, I like the basis of the system as it is.

D4 in particular seems to be a blend of D2 and D3 with some slightly different build progression mechanics and these weapon sets. Though I obviously haven't really seen everything it has to offer yet.

Keep in mind that long term Diablo is about max level builds to grind the dynamic mechanics available at Paragon level to slowly optimize your build and obtain the items you need. Combine that with Seasons to reset everything and try new builds and other classes each time, that kept D3 interesting.

I'm criticizing D4 for being more D3 than D2. :p POE, Last Epoch and Grim Dawn are more like D2 than D3 or D4 (so far).

I understand D3's system as I came back for each season and played them for about a week or so until I reached the end of the content for that season (last Torment and near the top of the leaderboards). But once I did that then I lost all interest in D3 until the next season and after a few seasons I couldn't be bothered to even do that anymore. It was just too easy with builds being too narrowly confined to whatever Blizzard wanted you to focus on for that season and a limited number of total viable end game builds (limited relative to other ARPGs). So, while each season was interesting in that it meant you needed to try a different build based on what Blizzard wanted you to play, eventually that couldn't cover up all the other areas of D3 that I found less than satisfying.

Keep in mind, I get why some people liked it. :p I'm just talking about things that I find unsatisfying about D4. Also, keep in mind that for the moment I'm enjoying it, but nothing in the early game has really shown me that it's good enough to be what "I" (remember, me, not anyone else :)) would consider a top tier ARPG. :)

Damn, some of these bosses on WT2 with Barbarian are pretty damn challenging.
Yeah I'm reading a lot saying that Barbarian is much weaker vs Sorc and Rogue at these low levels. It's certainly been challenging for me in some parts on WT2, I really can't just faceroll some of it.

I do like the slower and smaller scale fights, and actually moving around to dodge slow attacks with positioning well for big slams etc. D3 was always just rush/slaughter everywhere.
Interesting I've been watching Sequisha play D4 and he's running a Barb and just face tanking everything. There's something he uses that bases his damage on how much health and shields he has so he just rolls through content with no trouble. He's 25 on the barb and has almost the entire map cleared.

The only time he's come even a tiny bit close to dying was when he was reading chat and ate an entire boss mechanic.

If that is the weakest of all the classes, then D4 is entirely too easy.

I was playing Necro, because I always had fun with corpse explosion in diablo 2. I heard necro is really strong, so the game seemed super easy as I feared. Hopefully there are harder difficulty options on release.
Interesting I've been watching Sequisha play D4 and he's running a Barb and just face tanking everything. There's something he uses that bases his damage on how much health and shields he has so he just rolls through content with no trouble. He's 25 on the barb and has almost the entire map cleared.

The only time he's come even a tiny bit close to dying was when he was reading chat and ate an entire boss mechanic.

If that is the weakest of all the classes, then D4 is entirely too easy.

Thorns.. yea they can be OP. Are they playing on World Tier 1?
The interior environments look really good. The outdoor areas look horrible. When I first started the game and you exit the cave to do the prologue, I thought my game was bugged and everything was greyscale, but nope that's how it is. You have greyscale rock exteriors, brown mud exteriors, and white snow exteriors so far. The real-time cutscenes also aren't great. I don't need frequent story-telling cut-scenes in a diablo game. Just give me the megabucks pre-rendered ones between acts.

My memory of Diablo 2 was that you'd start an act and it would kick your ass until you leveled and geared up, and you'd slowly be able to progress further and further until you could beat the boss, and then the next act would start and you'd repeat. Now Diablo feels like it's just easy all the time. I'll try some other classes and see what the deal is. I heard sorcerer is really strong, so I'll probably skip that. I want to see one of the more difficult classes.
It's A1... guys. Like let's be real. Tuning is not that hard for them either. They just scale the world tier.