I agree that legendary engram drops are far more rare. But rewards seem the same, if not better for me. As I said a page back, I've been having a good week in terms of rewards/drops. I've got Monte Carlo, 77 Wizard, Grim Citizen III, 3-4 pieces of legendary/exotic armor, a legendary shotgun (dismantled) as rewards/drops, all in the span of 3-4 days this past week. The week prior, I got at least 3 legendary weapons.
Mind you I run two characters (29 and nearly 28) and have been doing the nightfall, weekly and daily story missions with both characters. I've beat the raid a few times, but received nothing.
At the boss, some people also go to the back left of the room, behind the rocks. But I think the other way is more safe.
The Truth
Red Death
MIDA Multi-Tool
Pocket Infinity
Monte Carlo
Super Good Advice
The only one I use on a regular basis is Icebreaker. I use Pocket Infinity occasionally, and I'm kind of digging Monte Carlo but I just got it. Everything else I've either dismantled or I have a legendary that I prefer.
Edit: speaking of legendary drops, I just got an interesting pulse rifle from a purple engram called Strange Suspect. Its perks are field scout (extending clip from 30 to 42), and a full auto mode. Seems like the pulse rifle version of VoC.
Mind you I run two characters (29 and nearly 28) and have been doing the nightfall, weekly and daily story missions with both characters. I've beat the raid a few times, but received nothing.
It's not TOO bad to solo if you know where the 'safe spots' are. When the wizards spawn, go back up the stairs and shoot down the hallway. They won't follow you up. And for the boss, don't enter the room where the boss is, stay back and snipe him through the doorways. If he's out of sight when looking through the two doorways, run up and fire a few shots at him and he will move to the left so you can see him again. That thing that spawns and fires void blasts will come and go... just hang back and it as well as any wizards will disappear.Yeah that Nightfall's a monster to solo this week...think I'm gonna put that on the backburner this weekDont know if it's worth buying an arc legendary just for this strike either, since my policy has been to not buy weapons.
At the boss, some people also go to the back left of the room, behind the rocks. But I think the other way is more safe.
IMO, exotic heavy weapons are a waste of a slot, unless it's something REALLY good like Gjahllarhorn. Icebreaker usually holds my exotic slot, unless I'm doing the raid where I'll use my void fusion rifle. A lot of the exotics I've come across aren't anything special. Exotics I've owned are:I have lots of coins this week, but I'm not too sure on the wisdom of buying exotics either, since you can only equip one, and that's gonna be ice breaker for the forseeable future for me. Granted you can switch but still.
The Truth
Red Death
MIDA Multi-Tool
Pocket Infinity
Monte Carlo
Super Good Advice
The only one I use on a regular basis is Icebreaker. I use Pocket Infinity occasionally, and I'm kind of digging Monte Carlo but I just got it. Everything else I've either dismantled or I have a legendary that I prefer.
Edit: speaking of legendary drops, I just got an interesting pulse rifle from a purple engram called Strange Suspect. Its perks are field scout (extending clip from 30 to 42), and a full auto mode. Seems like the pulse rifle version of VoC.
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