Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

^^ dont forget the "mini phogoth" in skywatch ledge that only appear for 1 day when was released. really shocked me because i was listening closely to hear the chest/material sound. Then BAM! suddenly mini phogoth in my face hahaha

i think i recorded it in case someone want to see it.

*its name is not mini phogoth. Just like any enemies in Destiny, Bungie just change the scale and rename.

You mean the phogoth/knight+sword in the little cave below these beached helicopters? If you run a round there you can meet them every time you walk into the cave. They aren't really heavy hitters. If the phogoth is there when you enter the cave the guy "transports" to the cave opening and hits you in the back. If you know that killing him is just a matter of a few seconds. Most of the time he falls off the cliff too.
Gotta say I love this game! Only thing I dislike is the fact that I there is no matchmaking for raids and weekly a. With that being said, I need more destiny psn friends.

If your interested in doing raids and weekly a or crucible pls add me: jostepop

Edit: Oh and I'm Europe based and it's ps4 were are talking about
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that shotgun have very low damage and very high recoil. Need to fire it really really really point blank.

They are awesome in pvp though as most maps are pretty close quarters. Pre-nerf all I did was run around with my invective shotgun. That guaranteed 30kills minimum. I understand why they needed it though, fully auto shotgun was kind of to much
This game is so addicting it's ridiculous. You're always just a bit away from upgrading something else.

I thought I would finally tire of it when I decided today the only way to progress was an alt-nope, now I just slavishly pursue leveling the alt :LOL: I've got to get him to level 20 ASAP!

My hours played is at 106 now.

I think I not only want to get to level 30, but also ideally get the "perfect" gear set and have my guy looking cool too, before I finally stop and wait for DLC.

Neither of the good gunslinger exotic helmets look good, so I'll probably have to go with a good exotic chest plus a raid helmet in the end to get my guy looking how I want.

Who knows how many more hours that is. 60?

man, static image does not do justice about how awesome the 1st level in destiny are.
gotta capture some more samples and more time of day :D
Results of my weapons testing, with Athens Epilogue before and after an upgrade of attack from 257 to 267:

The acolytes in Steppes cave, which were higher level than I had assumed/wanted, 18, indeed showed a difference, it went from 49 damage to 52. The level 28 ascendent acolytes in the nightfall strike, also showed a difference, going from 147 to 155 damage.

So, at least it's not a divide by ten thing as I had heard postulated, with no effect on lower level enemies. Basically meaning a upgrade from 257 to 267 would have allowed it to have max impact on enemies up to 26.7 level, instead of 25.7 prior. It had an increased damage on level 18 enemies. 3/49=6.1%, 8/147=5.4% on level 28's, so damage actually increased more at the lower levels, although I suspect it is due to rounding, as 2 or 4 damage at the level 18 enemy would have produced a much different percentage.

I wish I had tried some level 4 or some such enemies. Maybe next upgrade. I thought the Acolytes in Steppes were like level 4, but they're level 18 turns out.

I'm sure way more testing has been done elsewhere and/or everybody already knew this, whatever "this" is, but anyway.

The impact rating may have increased with the upgrade. Didn't look like it at a glance, either way AE only has a sliver of impact, but I didn't pay close attention. Doesn't really matter though, the effect is the same.

I guess if all upgrades pay out similarly (more testing sigh) and there are what, 4 damage upgrades per gun? at 5-6% per up, it's 20-24% more damage fully maxed versus not. Sounds reasonable, if a tad disappointing, and it's just conjecture anyway. Having a gun hit ~25% harder after having been maxed isn't too bad anyway I guess.

Rangers, the damage calculation doesn't work that way.

Essentially if you're one level down on the enemy, you receive a 1/3 damage penalty.
Two levels down, it's ~50% damage penalty. Three levels down I think it's 2/3 damage penalty.

This is the main reason for hitting LV30 for the LV30 raid and hitting LV28 for the LV26 raid. (Gatekeeper is LV27, Atheon is LV28)
If you're LV29, you deal 1/3 less damage (and take about 1/3 more damage) throughout the entire LV30 raid.
This is a penalty that almost no weapon upgrade/skill can match.
Maybe you can deal more with a Vex Mythoclast in LV29 over a LV30 character with shitty weapons, but you also have to take into account defense.

You get no benefits for being any level above the enemy, it would just be your weapon's attack rating that's allowing you to hit for more damage.
Granted, lower level enemies have less health than higher level ones so you still get to kill Lv 5s faster than Lv 20s.

The weapon attack rating seem to be linear, but with a catch.
I have several Vision of Confluence from the raid.
So I ran through a test, all guns have same skills.

The 300 damage gun currently crits LV 20+ red mobs for 890, normal hits are 297.
The 267 damage gun currently crits LV 20+ red mobs for 756, normal hits are 252.
The 257 damage gun currently crits LV 20+ red mobs for 715, normal hits are 239.

Using these data points, it appears that the damage is approximately
[(weapon attack) - 80 ] * impact = damage
In the case of Vision of Confluence, this number is approximately 1.35.

[300-80] * 1.35 = 297
[267-80] * 1.35 = 252.45
[257-80] * 1.35 = 238.95

Headshot Multiplier is 3

I also have two Ice breakers that's rated at 260 and 300.

300 hits for 6420 and 1284
260 hits for 5241 and 1049

Headshot multiplier is ~5

For Icebreaker, this impact number is about 5.83

[300-80] * 5.83 = 1282.6
[260-80] * 5.83 = 1049.4

There is probably some minor rounding issues and the 80 number may be a bit off, but it's in the ballpark.
Assumption is LV20+, as the damage formula obviously breaks down for lower levels.

The takeaway is that fully upgraded exotics hit for ~22.2% more than new ones (260=>300, 40 damage increase over 180).
Fully upgraded Legendary weapons hit for ~31% more than new ones (248=>300, 52 damage increase over 168).
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Rangers, the damage calculation doesn't work that way.

Essentially if you're one level down on the enemy, you receive a 1/3 damage penalty.
Two levels down, it's ~50% damage penalty. Three levels down I think it's 2/3 damage penalty.

This is the main reason for hitting LV30 for the LV30 raid and hitting LV28 for the LV26 raid. (Gatekeeper is LV27, Atheon is LV28)
If you're LV29, you deal 1/3 less damage (and take about 1/3 more damage) throughout the entire LV30 raid.
This is a penalty that almost no weapon upgrade/skill can match.
Maybe you can deal more with a Vex Mythoclast in LV29 over a LV30 character with shitty weapons, but you also have to take into account defense.

You get no benefits for being any level above the enemy, it would just be your weapon's attack rating that's allowing you to hit for more damage.
Granted, lower level enemies have less health than higher level ones so you still get to kill Lv 5s faster than Lv 20s.

The weapon attack rating seem to be linear, but with a catch.
I have several Vision of Confluence from the raid.
So I ran through a test, all guns have same skills.

The 300 damage gun currently crits LV 20+ red mobs for 890, normal hits are 297.
The 267 damage gun currently crits LV 20+ red mobs for 756, normal hits are 252.
The 257 damage gun currently crits LV 20+ red mobs for 715, normal hits are 239.

Using these data points, it appears that the damage is approximately
[(weapon attack) - 80 ] * impact = damage
In the case of Vision of Confluence, this number is approximately 1.35.

[300-80] * 1.35 = 297
[267-80] * 1.35 = 252.45
[257-80] * 1.35 = 238.95

Headshot Multiplier is 3

I also have two Ice breakers that's rated at 260 and 300.

300 hits for 6420 and 1284
260 hits for 5241 and 1049

Headshot multiplier is ~5

For Icebreaker, this impact number is about 5.83

[300-80] * 5.83 = 1282.6
[260-80] * 5.83 = 1049.4

There is probably some minor rounding issues and the 80 number may be a bit off, but it's in the ballpark.
Assumption is LV20+, as the damage formula obviously breaks down for lower levels.

The takeaway is that fully upgraded exotics hit for ~22.2% more than new ones (260=>300, 40 damage increase over 180).
Fully upgraded Legendary weapons hit for ~31% more than new ones (248=>300, 52 damage increase over 168).
Thank you, great post. I always wondered about weapon attack ratings and how they translate to damage to higher level enemies.

Here I am wishing I had VoC and you have multiple of them... grrr. Orangpelupa also has it, damn you guys!
My scout isn't bad (A.1F19X w/field scout and exploding precision kills. Also have Multi-Tool), but I really wish I had that auto mode.

On another note, I recently bought Truth from Xur and the next day I received unfriendly giant with void damage, which is basically a Truth-light rocket launcher (less blast damage, not as good enemy targeting). The plus of UFG is that it has a field scout perk to hold 1 more rocket. Plus it frees up my exotic slot, so I think I'm just gonna roll with UFG instead. Feel like I wasted 17 strange coin now. :/
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unfortunately the auto aim from scout rifle is still lower than handgun. so in hectic time, especially in VoG, it become harder to play (need more time and concentration to kill more enemies using scout).
Yeah I would agree with that. But in most cases, depending on how you play, scout rifles can be very effective if you sit back and pick away at enemies. They're especially good for bosses.

During close range battles, I still prefer hand cannons too (or even ARs).

In the end, there's no one primary weapon that I use for all situations. I switch between my scout, hand cannon and AR frequently.
for me sniping head using handcanon is easier than using scout rifle due to auto-aim on handgun. But for boss, scout do have more DPS than handgun.
I skipped over hand canons. The small amount of shots+reload time would make me feel really vulnerable with MoBs and closed quarter situations. Use some Legendary Scout only for some 100 headshot/accuracy bounties. Also no real problem against the Cabal if I feel like but ARs or sniper(if distance) feels more comfortable. ARs/Pulse are imho more flexible in close and mid distance games.
Yeah I would agree with that. But in most cases, depending on how you play, scout rifles can be very effective if you sit back and pick away at enemies. They're especially good for bosses.

During close range battles, I still prefer hand cannons too (or even ARs).

In the end, there's no one primary weapon that I use for all situations. I switch between my scout, hand cannon and AR frequently.

It's a good idea to keep switching to setup correctly for the situation though you lose half ammo I suppose this could be made up with ammo synthesis. I hate the fact it's on cool down though and that cool down is across all three weapon types
I skipped over hand canons. The small amount of shots+reload time would make me feel really vulnerable with MoBs and closed quarter situations. Use some Legendary Scout only for some 100 headshot/accuracy bounties. Also no real problem against the Cabal if I feel like but ARs or sniper(if distance) feels more comfortable. ARs/Pulse are imho more flexible in close and mid distance games.
My hand cannon has 13 shots per mag, which is plenty since it does a lot of damage per shot. Plus they have high amounts of auto aim as orangpelupa said, so getting crits is fairly easy. I don't feel vulnerable at all using it... quite the opposite. It is probably my favorite primary overall.

I've been using my scout rifle a lot lately for the nightfall (or any difficult mission) since the bump/patch (paired with Ice breaker) because I play a lot more cautiously in this. Any other time, I usually rush in and try to get the most kills. :)

I have Red Death (exotic pulse) but no matter how many times I try to like it, I just can't like pulse rifles. They just seem like a weaker scout rifle. They seem effective for <lvl 20 enemies, but not so much for higher level enemies for some reason.

Before the recent patch, my preference was AR > hand cannon > scout >>> pulse. After the recent patch, it's hand cannon (slightly) > scout (slightly) > AR >>> pulse.
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