Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

If people explicitly join a fireteam, then I believe voice chat works. But a standard matchmaking game doesn't do this, you all are playing in separate single fireteams. Afaik

I've basically given up on the game. I find no satisfaction in grinding. Trying to do the weekly heroic co-op strike solo (as for some incredibly stupid reason it doesn't use match making) will likely be my last memory of the game until the dlc comes out. I'll give it a second chance then, given I was stupid enough to pay for it.
the repetition is annoying but it become good again after i changed my play style to "Guardian The Explorer" and "help friends".

i still trying to find a way to visit The Gate (or whatever its called, the 1st intro area).


the complain specially about the story

and this :p

it seems those guys at Xentax has successfully extract Destiny's PKG files :)

hopefully they will create easy to use extractor app out of their studies. Then i'll happily rummage them all to search for cut content :D
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Just got this for leveling up my crytarch:

My second exotic weapon along with Red Death.

Also got legendary chest armor for a Titan from a blue engram. Dismantled it for shards.
You get rewarded each time you level up your crytarch. You level up by decrypting engrams. Your progress to the next level (and your cryptarch level) is in the top left when you visit the cryptarch. Once you level up, a reward will be sent to the postmaster and there's a decent chance you'll get a nice reward. I got a legendary engram and it happened to be an exotic (the weapon above).
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How many of you guys have done the raid??

I've just got to the end boss with a group of guys... crazy stuff for the first go around!

Really exciting, like a game within a game, what awesome challenge too... at least for 27ers.
Just ran my first raid. Pretty fun actually. Sorta saddening that after this raid we won't be getting any new content until the new year.

Regardless, this feeling reminds me of when we were trying to figure out MC back in wow classic days. (a very good thing, though 40 people is much great effort than 6) We had to hunt down a random person in the tower to fill our last spot. Surprisingly not too hard to get someone.

We didn't manage to down the first boss, just working on the final phase before calling it a night, we'll try to down boss tonight!
/fingers crossed
How many of you guys have done the raid??

I've just got to the end boss with a group of guys... crazy stuff for the first go around!

Really exciting, like a game within a game, what awesome challenge too... at least for 27ers.

Damn you, take me with you !

the only raid in this game is VoG right? or im missing something...

Yup thats the one, but it seems it is long, has multiple bosses, tough and drops loot that is not available otherwise !
i have never tried RAID or Nightfall :(

need more frieeeeeeends

Holy... Destiny retail price hike 5-10 dollar.
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i have never tried RAID or Nightfall :(

need more frieeeeeeends

and more light for level 28 ! Me and you both are in the same boat :yep2: !

BTW, I will buy ACU or FC4 if you plan to, as you are usually online whenever I play. Seems like our times match consistently and we can co-op regularly.
unfortunately its super expensive in here. I suspect due to a political instability currently happen in my country making our currency dive free-fall. gonna wait for the price for Asia region, hopefully cheaper.

so im currently considering getting it on PC, faking ID on Mexico :p

btw you gonna buy it digital or physical?
The Fireteam/chat behavior Renegade is describing matches exactly what I saw in the Alpha and Beta on PS4. The chat behavior everyone else is talking about matches what I'm seeing now in the retail release on the XBO. Might simply come down to platform.
The Fireteam/chat behavior Renegade is describing matches exactly what I saw in the Alpha and Beta on PS4. The chat behavior everyone else is talking about matches what I'm seeing now in the retail release on the XBO. Might simply come down to platform.

I almost never game online so have virtually no experience but I thought the PS4 voice chat settings in game were subordinate to whatever the user had set in the main PS4 settings panel.

Worth somebody with a PS4 unable to chat checking what their global PS4 voice chat settings are.
I am buying all digital as of now. Let me know if you buy it on th eps4.

roger, i'll wait for the local "Asia" price for the decision. Hopefully they are in normal price (40-50 USD) and not the new price (60-70 USD). If on new price, sorry renegade. im absolutely sure ill get the PC ver instead :(

im on default and its already on. But in destiny, they limit the voice chat only to "Fireteam". the problem is when i do matchmaking with random people, they are colored Greed (meanging, they are in my team) but they are not in my "Fireteam". so we cant talk.