I was getting bored of this game FINALLY, but I found two new pursuits that suck a ton of time to keep me busy. First, win 100 rumble matches to get that grimoire. Second fun thing I stumbled on, is trying to solo Crotas End for Flawless Raider.
100 rumble matches is tough. Probably on average it takes me 10-20 matches per win (average) so it's a huge time sink. Still, I'm up to 68 wins after a few weeks. Probably will be the hardest grimoire in the game. Besides that I have few grimoire left. Mainly the doubles one as far as difficult ones, and the Trials one.
Sometimes I'll lose 30 rumble matches in a row, but sometimes you get a bad lobby and you can reap a handful of wins in a short time.
I feel like this is a tough time in the games life to be going for rumble grim, as there isn't a lot of noobs on the game. It's a lot of tough as nails competition, the remaining die hards. There's no recent expansion or anything to provide new blood.
A lot of these grimoire actually, if I had planned at them more from the beginning would have been long done. Hell rumble grim is a good example, I could have slowly chipped away at it for 2.5 years, had the benefit of playing lots of noobs early on in the game, it would have been long done by now. Instead I'll kinda just decide "hey I'm gonna get that grimoire now". Not the best strat.
I'm trying different loadouts but even in rumble Mida-Sidearm is my best. I notice that when I win, usually I get more kills with my SA than anything else. Basically noobs are easiest put down with the sidearm.
I dont think, post Clever Dragon, any pulses are worth it for me in rumble. Hawksaw just has too slow a TTK, I'd rather just use Mida. The best thing about Mida is my mind is really easily able to differentiate when to use sidearm and when to use primary. If I run a pulse or hand cannon, it's easier to be confused about which is best for a given situation. Plus Mida is pretty decent at getting long range cleanup kills, it's great all around weapon. That said most people run hand cannons in rumble, and I'd love to be able to learn them. I FINALLY got a perfect Eyesluna, Rifled/Rangefinder/Hidden Hand. So right now it's Mida, then dabble in hand cannon when I can.
Crotas end, solo-ing, I have not done it yet, but I'm making real good progress. I even figured out finally how to sword jump over the bridge section reliably. That's something I never thought I could do, I would always just watch others in the group do it when I raided. I just learned a great, easy strategy for Deathsinger with Sleeper Simulant, very easy. Now on to Crota. After I get all the individual parts reasonably down, then I can start trying to put together flawless runs.
These things are very rewarding, challenging myself as a gamer, doing things I didn't think I could do.