Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Hmmm okay! Just asking. I have a 170 thorn that could still be useful then! Even if needed. still operates well in Crucible. Not sure if better than palindrone
The 170 Thorn was nerfed too though. Enough that it wasn't such a menace?

So if true it would be like 170 Thorn just escaped the latest Thorn nerf, not the prior ones.

How does Red Death operate differently in 170 form vs current, Pelupa? It's not like a two burst kill is it?

Edit: Got my 400 Shell from the Forge. So now I ONLY lack the chest piece.

My odds may not be good from the crucible (with 3oC I mean), maybe one drop an hour and a 1/10 chance of it being a chest? Ten hours?

Probably wont get it til next week's raid then.

I did have something, a exotic heavy engram, decrypt at 399 for me though. That was a first, since I hit hit 399 everything I got from raid or exotic engrams had been 400 (and that was probably 15 loot, enough to make it more than random chance). I wonder if it was just a bit of a glitch.
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Do you still do the weekly Shaxx Crucible bounty? How many matches do you usually need to get the 50 primary kills these days?

My experience of doing Clash/Rift and Supremacy the last 2-3 days was about 2x more matches than the bounty needed.
I like the new Shaxx bounty. Didn'tv really notice it til like a week ago.

But basically, nightfall quality rewards for some PVP, and "forcing" you to play different gametypes, I kind of like the idea. except Supremacy which I dislike although it can be fun. I'll probably do it for a while.

As far as kills, well Supremacy isn't great for primary kills. Also crests denied was lagging for me. But on my last match I went from 13 to all 20 crests denied. And I finished match 7 about 3 or 4 primary kills from 50. Which I then picked up in the next match easily.

Mind you though, to some extent I'm playing for what I need rather than naturally, especially as I get close to 7 matches. So I might get some far off Mida or Grasp kills that wont get us crests, but help the primary kills portion of the bounty.

50 primary kills is just over 7 per match (7x7=49). That doesn't seem too hard. Supremacy isn't huge on primary kills but in other types it should be easy.

It sucked when I did that bounty the other day and got 20 SC's though.

If they're going to give SC's and 3oC for nightfall tier rewards, they should give you like 200 SC's, and 100 3oC or something. It would STILL probably sting. Heck one of my nightfall rewards recently was 12 3oC I think. I normally have like 80 in my inventory. I could give a crap about 12. Let alone I'd much rather have light level loot.
Rise iron is the most expensive destiny dlc with the shortest content ever.

It's already dried for me in less than a month :(

The neo fallen also no longer being treated as fallen, so glimmer buff no longer work on them :(
Dang it, got a exotic Chest Engram, which was the last thing I needed, sure that would make me 400. Nope, the stupid thing decrypted at 399 for some reason (previous chest armor was 396, overall light 399, all other exotic engrams except one have decrypted at 400 since I reached 399 overall). Maybe it was because the previous chest armor was only 396 or something.

I guess 400 waits one more day. If I have time to play much. I discovered farming the Iron Tomb is best for farming exotic engrams. Still boring though.

Did get a Badger CCL from a vanguard package though,. been seeking it forever. Pretty solid roll too, hand laid stock and crowd control. Recoil isn't a huge deal on slow firing scouts, but it does give it 84 stability and seems very nice. It seems pretty good indeed.

I'm not sure why Badger always seemed so much better to me than every other high impact scout, but it did, and seems to still.

Crowd control gives 84 crits when it procs on the gun, so that can give a two head one body kill. Nice synergy with a sidearm too, maybe even more than Mida since it's even more of a sniper.
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Rise iron is the most expensive destiny dlc with the shortest content ever.

It's already dried for me in less than a month :(

The neo fallen also no longer being treated as fallen, so glimmer buff no longer work on them :(
The dread explorer shell with glimmer for fallen works on fallen splicers for me. The thing is when bungie released the taken king they nerfed glimmer boosts into the ground. They stop working for a short time if you kill to many enemies to fast.
i hate bungie for keep forgetting that Destiny is not only their game, but also ours.

despite their original "7 pillars" is good and encourage player involvements and investments and creativity
The dread explorer shell with glimmer for fallen works on fallen splicers for me. The thing is when bungie released the taken king they nerfed glimmer boosts into the ground. They stop working for a short time if you kill to many enemies to fast.

It was a complex set of changes. Since you can have a glimmer buff on all the time with shells, it couldn't be as potent as the old consumables.

The new systems seem to be designed to just work in the background and keep you flush with glimmer. However, there is no longer a way to gain a large amount in a short time (except to some extent things like the raid)
FINALLY playing a random crucible match and got that exotic chest to drop (again). Finally officially 400 after being 399 for like a week and a half.

Been busy though and didn't care that much or I coulda had it a lot sooner (by farming Iron Tomb or raid).

So that's max light for probably a long while and crosses off a major thing to do from the list. Now I need to beat hard raid just to say I did, and get Chaos Dogma (AFAIK the only raid weapon I really want). Other than that I may not even raid much.

I never got Outbreak Prime back when it was hyped so it may be too late. Also, since it doesn't seem that great it kinda saps my desire to pursue it. I do need to do the Khvostov quest, just to do that. i think it's easy and has some grimoire associated.

I noticed I am missing a lot of yr 2 exotic primaries in the kiosk! Not even for sure what they are. Well one will be thorn, one Prime, one khvostov, but there seemed about 8! Also, why isn't there a year 3 section in the Kiosk? Aren't we in year 3? Lazy Bungie...

I'm only missing a couple heavies, those will be the Arc and Solar exotic swords. I only did the void quest (which is good now since Dark Drinker is so good in this raid).

Eventually every expansion gets to that slow point where I go collect all the ghost shells/siva fragments/whatever. Probably still a ways off.

IB next week has chest armor, that'll be good to stock up on 400 chest armor.

Clever Dragon too. Seems like the most popular gun in crucible. Well I always did say that Grasp archetype is 50 times better than the hawksaw archetype. Guess I'm proved right. The 24 mag kinda nerfs my enthusiasm though, that's just too small. Plus I already have a pretty well rolled Grasp.

Bungie needs to hurry with the vault upgrade. I'm always sitting on like 104/108 weapon slots and juggling them.
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Hell of a Clever Dragon roll in IB. Plus 400 loot dropping like candy.

The big thing now seems to be HCR rounds on pulses. I've always though HCr was placebo effect based on some old youtube vids where you couldn't tell the difference. Now though, I'd be eager to try one out.
IB is stupid good loot wise. Plus The Silvered Dread is apparently the best PVP MG you can get and I'd say PVE too, because it seems easy to get field scout on and ammo is king (PVE)? I got 400 stuff out the butt at this point. Oh and pop 3oC while playing constantly for even more 400 infusion fodder.

Been fun to go back to MG in crucible. Sometimes you can run off long streaks with those things.

I tried for the one millionth time to go away from Mida with Clever Dragon. Nope. Sucked.

If I use BD+Shinobu's Vow+Mida+Sidearm, I'm kinda just killing it lately. Some of it is the noobs in IB and light advantage, but still. My last few match K/D's: 1.80, 1.88, 1.00, 1.10, 1.88, 1.10, 2.20, 1.38, 1.58, 1.27, 2.80, 3.00

Now that I'm getting better and better with Sidearms and have better muscle memory for Skip grenades again, my performance is higher than ever.

Mida+sidearm is kinda vicious. Really lets you cover all ranges. With a blazing fast TTK up close with the sidearm, and the best ranged primary in the game. You'll take your fair share of losses against shotgunners of course. It feels very natural for me. I can never feel natural with a shotgun cause I always feel like I'm in no mans land. Do I rush? Do I not rush? A lot of times I rush and get killed.

Another good thing about sidearms is ammo is rarely an issue.

The other thing about the loadout is with the flinch changes Mida can challenge Snipers pretty decently. Which makes running a sniper yourself to challenge other snipers, a lot less necessary.

Sidearms have good air accuracy too. You can use this, like jumping over barricades to engage people behind them from above being pretty effective.

I'm using a Jabberhakke D lately. I have 18 rounds in the mag with it is it's main strong suit. With a 12 rounder you will run out mid firefight sometimes. I got some tier 12 boots with Sidearm ammo perk, I'm slowly unlocking it, once I do I'll be interested to see if I pick up/spawn with even more ammo.

It sucks if I deviate from my preferred loadout or subclass my performance suffers a lot. Oh well.
No problems either. I really like what they did with the strikes though I'm not sure at the moment how I'll "enjoy" an Omnigul NF Arc/Void burn the way the strike is played now.
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Had a rare great loot day yesterday! Got Chaos Dogma, Zeal Vector (been wanting both for crucible) and finally beat heroic WOTM. I didn't get the ship, which I didn't know was a thing...

Zeal Vector has really short range but really fast potential TTK with barrel mods. So far on use though, I have to deem it total garbage. I've been experimenting and, no sidearm can beat my 18 round Jabberhakke yet.

Chaos also has out-of-class TTK with barrel mods, can kill in 4 body or 1 head 2 body (or maybe 2 head 1 body I forget). However, on use, the stability is so bad I haven't found it to be that great. It kicks like a horse. You can use smallbore to up the stability a little (it's your only option to increase the range/stability), but then you go from 16 rounds with extended mag to 10, blech. Also it only takes you up to a whopping 36 stability.

Editz: Liking Chaos more today, had some good k/d games. Will take some getting used to. Should fit well in my ultra conservative, ultra long range play style. The blazing fast TTK is nice.

I can use Mida, Clever Dragon, a few other random 37/48 scouts, Distant Star, probably Chaos now, all decently effectively.
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I was getting bored of this game FINALLY, but I found two new pursuits that suck a ton of time to keep me busy. First, win 100 rumble matches to get that grimoire. Second fun thing I stumbled on, is trying to solo Crotas End for Flawless Raider.

100 rumble matches is tough. Probably on average it takes me 10-20 matches per win (average) so it's a huge time sink. Still, I'm up to 68 wins after a few weeks. Probably will be the hardest grimoire in the game. Besides that I have few grimoire left. Mainly the doubles one as far as difficult ones, and the Trials one.

Sometimes I'll lose 30 rumble matches in a row, but sometimes you get a bad lobby and you can reap a handful of wins in a short time.

I feel like this is a tough time in the games life to be going for rumble grim, as there isn't a lot of noobs on the game. It's a lot of tough as nails competition, the remaining die hards. There's no recent expansion or anything to provide new blood.

A lot of these grimoire actually, if I had planned at them more from the beginning would have been long done. Hell rumble grim is a good example, I could have slowly chipped away at it for 2.5 years, had the benefit of playing lots of noobs early on in the game, it would have been long done by now. Instead I'll kinda just decide "hey I'm gonna get that grimoire now". Not the best strat.

I'm trying different loadouts but even in rumble Mida-Sidearm is my best. I notice that when I win, usually I get more kills with my SA than anything else. Basically noobs are easiest put down with the sidearm.

I dont think, post Clever Dragon, any pulses are worth it for me in rumble. Hawksaw just has too slow a TTK, I'd rather just use Mida. The best thing about Mida is my mind is really easily able to differentiate when to use sidearm and when to use primary. If I run a pulse or hand cannon, it's easier to be confused about which is best for a given situation. Plus Mida is pretty decent at getting long range cleanup kills, it's great all around weapon. That said most people run hand cannons in rumble, and I'd love to be able to learn them. I FINALLY got a perfect Eyesluna, Rifled/Rangefinder/Hidden Hand. So right now it's Mida, then dabble in hand cannon when I can.

Crotas end, solo-ing, I have not done it yet, but I'm making real good progress. I even figured out finally how to sword jump over the bridge section reliably. That's something I never thought I could do, I would always just watch others in the group do it when I raided. I just learned a great, easy strategy for Deathsinger with Sleeper Simulant, very easy. Now on to Crota. After I get all the individual parts reasonably down, then I can start trying to put together flawless runs.

These things are very rewarding, challenging myself as a gamer, doing things I didn't think I could do.
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