Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Saw is actually pretty slow with time to kill IMO, unless you hit all head shots, but it's snappy to raise and lower and you can get some body shots on moving targets pretty easy, it suits an active playstyle which I submit is why streamers like it.

It's TtK is faster than Mida for both precision and body shots and much faster than the DIS-43. Try Jade Rabbit, TtK is fast, three tap to the head. Long range, good AA and highlighting scope.
It's TTK is .87 to the head according to Merculus spreadsheet and 1.42 to the body vs Mida at .9 and 1.5. For starters the 1.42 body TTK is pretty slow, lots of guns do 1.3. The head TTK is figuring you hit your first 8 shots in a 3 burst burst land to the head. This will basically never happen IMO. So effectively, it's head TTK will consistently be slower than Mida, probably .93 I'm guessing.

Then, you have to constantly work to keep the shots within a burst on head target. It's a lot more difficult to use than Mida, which is more like "fire and forget".

Then at longer ranges it's really problematic vs Mida, as you'll start getting damage dropoff and it's even harder to hit head shots. A lot of maps it's just not going to compete right off the bat. Frontier, Bannerfall, Widows Court, Memento, Rusted Lands, Exodus Blue, Shores of Time, Timekeeper, realistically, even Blind Watch, Pantheon, and Twilight Gap have areas immensely favorable to Mida, the list is long.

TTK's and stats really dont seem to tell the story in this game. By stats you'd think my Dis 43 could compare to Mida, but somehow in real gameplay it doesn't even seem close. .9/1.5 TTK's for Mida vs 1/1.3 for Dis, seems like it would even out, Dis has a more forgiving 4 shot kill. but in practice Mida walks all over Dis. I'm even skeptical of the slow body TTK of Mida, in practice it seems to kill quick as hell in almost any situation, even body shots. The one area it's admittedly weak in is CQC.

I wish I could stop using Mida, I've been using it so long it's boring as hell. But I cant find anything nearly as effective. Sometimes I can use the vendor Hawksaw effectively...but other times I struggle with it. My mind changes a lot though.

I want to start trying to use Hand Cannons. I'm started to get a little interested in competitive Destiny PVP, and in last weekends tournament, everybody was using Hand Cannons. I have two Finnala's Perils in my vault with apparently near perfect rolls. Both have Rifled Barrel and LITC. I have Imago Loop and Eyesluna, but those rolls aren't as good.

I have a feeling though, top tier 3 v 3 is a whole different world to public 6V6. HC's may be great in the former but not so great in the latter which I play...I also read a claim HC's greatest strength is in air accuracy (not sure if this is true)...well, jumping around and other wizardly CQC maneuvers is definitely not my playstyle or capability.

I'm doing the Salvage grimoire though now, it's both fun grind and maddening, but I've ground my way to 69 wins. After that I'll have to tackle Skirmish (currently 25 wins), and the last and likely most difficulty will be Rumble (9 wins). I normally dont play these modes if I wasn't chasing grimoire.
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BTW, I think it's pretty inarguable at this point this game has destroyed The Division for long lasting popularity. It's almost always way ahead in twitch viewers and reddit forum activity these days. Despite that it's a year and a half older. The Divisions reddit forum seems at risk of becoming a ghost town even. And I'm amazed that Destiny seems to still easily place 5-10 in twitch viewers on weekends. Considering it's a console only game too, that's a huge handicap on twitch. I dont see any other consistent top 10 games that dont have a PC version or aren't essentially PC focused (stuff like League, Dota 2, Counter Strike, Hearthstone, Overwatch that dominate twitch)

I saw this Forbes article discussing why and he mentioned content this and that, Destiny expansions are improving the game etc, it totally missed the boat IMO, The Division gameplay just isn't there. Plain and simple.

Crucible is another huge thing Destiny has going for it that fosters continued play when PVE content is dry, that The Division has no analogue for.
I enjoyed The Division, but it got old fast. My buddies got the new expansion and like it but I have no urge to play it. Will probably end up selling it.

As for weapons and TTK in Destiny, I don't really pay attention to any of those stats; I use what feels good to me -- and to me, I do better with Hawksaw than I do with Mida. I feel that I only do better with Mida at longer ranges but Hawksaw feels better most of the time. Maybe because I use my sniper just as much as my primary and I feel comfortable sniping at mid range.

At close/mid range I prefer handcannons over pulse rifles. I have a really nice Eyasluna with outlaw, rifled barrel and reactive reload. Also got a nice Imago Loop with outlaw, rifled barrel and firefly. The sights on my Loop aren't good, but I'm not complaining. It's like Fate Bringer except with way more range.

Also got really excited last night... I got my second Longbow. Saw it had hidden hand, snapshot. Go to look at the scopes... no shortgaze, slr10 or even ambush. FML. I still don't have a sniper that I would consider really good... just a bunch of mediocre rolls. Meanwhile I run into a bunch of people in crucible with longbows and LDRs with hidden hand, snapshot/quickdraw and shortgaze. :/
If only ubisoft adapt and evolve rather than punishing it's players...

The Division was Hella fun with 8 players glitch! It's also fun with the health Regeneration glitch. The way player exploit explosive grenade in the first raid boss also nice. The hunt on burger King is fun with every day we think more and more efficient strategy and or equipment. The way you can exploit the environment to your advantage on various encounter.

Instead of adding new item and game mode to accommodate those fun stuff. Ubisoft just patched them out, inconsistently.

Generally it's very unclear what is ubisoft's stand in player freedom to exploit the game. Sometimes they encourage player to use their head and exploit the game. At the other time, they don't.

In destiny it is always consistent : bungie doesn't want you to play however you want. Bungie want you to play as close as possible to bungie's vision.

It's not only apparent in their patches but also in their encounter design, level design, gameplay design.

Bungie is consistent. This is not a sandbox. This is a theme park.

The Division always keeps changing between sandbox and theme park.

That's what
It's TTK is .87 to the head according to Merculus spreadsheet and 1.42 to the body vs Mida at .9 and 1.5. For starters the 1.42 body TTK is pretty slow, lots of guns do 1.3. The head TTK is figuring you hit your first 8 shots in a 3 burst burst land to the head. This will basically never happen IMO. So effectively, it's head TTK will consistently be slower than Mida, probably .93 I'm guessing.

Then, you have to constantly work to keep the shots within a burst on head target. It's a lot more difficult to use than Mida, which is more like "fire and forget".

Then at longer ranges it's really problematic vs Mida, as you'll start getting damage dropoff and it's even harder to hit head shots. A lot of maps it's just not going to compete right off the bat. Frontier, Bannerfall, Widows Court, Memento, Rusted Lands, Exodus Blue, Shores of Time, Timekeeper, realistically, even Blind Watch, Pantheon, and Twilight Gap have areas immensely favorable to Mida, the list is long.


I want to start trying to use Hand Cannons. I'm started to get a little interested in competitive Destiny PVP, and in last weekends tournament, everybody was using Hand Cannons.


You can't complain about PR ranges in one sentence and then next talk about how good HCs are great, HC are the worst range in the game. PR exist between HC and SR ranges. Most engagements don't take place at extreme ranges anyhow, but SRs are obviously best suited for that range which is where the Jade Rabbit is nice. Best in class range (94 vs Mida's 58) and three shot kills. BTW I'm looking at the same spreadsheet and it says 1.33 for the body for the Hawksaw/PDX-45 vs 1.5 for Mida.
I dont use HC. Just thinking of trying them since they are used in the most elite level play suggesting they are the best. However, being the best in elite play 3's probably doesn't translate to me at all anyway.

You say most engagements dont take place at extreme ranges and that seems to be the prevailing opinion, but it seems to me like most maps actually favor long range despite what people say. As a Mida user it's pretty ingrained in me to play the edges, the long site lines,'s almost so in my nature now. All that becomes more difficult with a pulse.
The weapon you choose depends on the map, your play style, match mode, and even skill level (and the ever-changing weapon balancing in Destiny).

Hand cannons are used a lot in competitive (3v3) play because they mostly play an aggressive play-style where most engagements are close/mid-range and you do a lot of shooting mid-air. Hand cannons are very strong close/mid-range and have the best accuracy in the air, hence why pretty much everyone uses a hand cannon in competitive play. Plus competitive play in Destiny consists of year 1 maps only, and all of the bigger maps usually get waved due to slow play.

Just because the best PVP players use hand cannons doesn't mean they're for everyone. No point in debating which primary is better because there is no definitive answer.
I for one hate HCs. I can never hit anyone. The bummer is a I have a ton of great rolls too. I had two Eyslunas drop last night in about 15 minutes of play after getting one in two years.
I've hated HC's when I use them in PVP too, which I havent even touched one for ages. I tried with Last Word at one point, I was completely terrible with that gun.

Now that I have a bit more skill though I sort of want to try a rushing shotgunner playstyle with Universal Remote, and maybe the infamous Last Word/Sniper loadout. I would take a lot of pride if I could succeed with those. Would take total rethinking of my philosophy.

But I'm scared, because initially I would likely suck really bad. Oh yeah, and I'm not a very good sniper.

I kind of miss the early days of this game, I ran HC's in PVE for a good while as my main, it was fun. I dont know how viable they are in PVE now, it just seems like scouts are best for PVE. Early on it seemed like HC's were king in this game. Now knowing they have been range nerfed saps my enthusiasm for them in PVE. Same for AR's I guess, sometimes I miss them.

There's threads on GAF where they talk about your first days with your first MMO will always seem like this incredible, nostalgic era to you, and I can definitely feel that with Destiny. Just watching engrams fall from enemies was so cool and exciting back then.
VoG is the only raid that still can retain the awesomeness. Sure it's not as awesome as the first time. But there's still that unique feel.

Crota and Oryx have nothing like that.

As for strikes, sepiks and the stairway of orb also still have that awesome feeling.

Btw I've redone the story mode because I accompany my cousin thst just played destiny.

Yuck. Nolanbot really did not fit. Especially on WE'VE WOKEN THE HIVE.
Yeah Nolandroid is just awful. Delivers his lines much worse and more flat than Dinklebot in most cases. I cant believe some people prefer him.

Plus, Dinklebot gave the game a serious, mysterious sci-fi tone that I miss. Now it's like all jokes with Cayde.

I see on reddit a claim that there wont be more vault space in ROI (though since deej said vault space wont be an issue, some are speculating on more kiosks etc).

That's terrible get it together Bungie. I'm slightly crimped for vault space even now. Especially because in prep for fast leveling up in ROI, I'm saving 5 of each exotic engram. So that's 15 weapon slots and 20 armor gone off the top.

I also keep classic VOG guns (heck I used to keep other legendary raid/etc classic, but they had to go because of space), then you have the need created by Bungie to use some of your vault to store infusion fodder eating even more space...

Shoot things like Yr 1 Trials boots with +special, or Matador 64, are now in high demand in the crucible sweaty space. Allegedly people even pay top $ for accounts that have Matador (it's supposedly a little better than any yr2 shotgun). Well, I had, and might still have all that stuff except I delete it to save space.
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Man I tried Kings Fall for the first time in ages Tonight. Wanted to get the Transept fragment, and I also needed some 335 artifact infusion fodder.

Anyways I really sucked, first time ever running it on a Titan. I couldn't do the ship jump puzzle (I kept failing at that one high jump, til they pulled me through). I couldn't do the Transept jump puzzle (at least in a reasonable time frame, had to go to orbit to get invited back, the one first jump to the ledge for the chest I couldn't nail). Couldn't even fathom doing the being torn jumps with Titan, so whenever I was Torn it was game over. I eventually just left in disgust and embarrassment. Bad experience.

I did learn about Titan jump canceling though LOL. That might be helpful. I can barely do the Torn jumps on a Hunter though, real doubts I could ever do them on a Titan. Yuck.

I decided I just dont like Kings Fall for that reason. I heard a raid Sherpa on a podcast say the same thing, he hates that some newbs or just less skilled at jumping people just cant do the raid cus they cant parkour, even though they can do everything else.

I guess the difference is the "focal point" isn't voluntary in Kings Fall. Like relic runner in VOG, sword runner in Crota, all those were voluntary and I was happy to let others take them, not that I know I couldn't do them given practice. Kings fall forces it on everybody with the Torn mechanic. That's the difference. And the Vog jump puzzle is nothing compared to Transept.

I guess I'm torn, I'm usually against dumbing down the game or making it easier. And I did fight and fight until I'm decently passable at every section on a hunter, and beat hard raid 15+ times. OTOH, I think the parkour fail points on Kings Fall just make it too stressful and a bad raid in that way. It's very unapproachable.

What makes it bad for me is there's no way to practice. Like I know I could learn to do the Titan jumps well, but it's so much pressure when everybody is counting on or waiting for you, and I tend to choke under pressure. Like if there was a dummy raid to practice on by yourself or something, that'd be so great.

Holy smokes maybe I had forgotten how good raid loot is or got lucky, but the loot was great though for the checkpoints I did complete. Somehow got THREE 335 chests. Three! Normally a 335 anything is like a unicorn in this game. Also got a 334 heavy, 335 fusion rifle, I think two 335 artifacts, just that I remember.
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After playing Destiny at launch [got to lvl28, everything done except the 1st raid], I finally returned to Destiny today. I have much campaign content to play and many new systems to learn.