Man I've been sucking in crucible basically since 2.0 patch...not sure why. I play worse when tired naturally and I have been the last few days, maybe that's part of it. It seems to me the competition has been really strong too, so maybe the good players are coming back to try out 2.0? The new maps confuse the crap out of me too, they're all extremely dense to the point of annoyance I feel like, and dont lend themselves to longer ranges at all which I kind of need to excel with Mida. Except Bannerfall, I feel like I do sort of ok on that one, and maybe the Dreadnaught one.
My k/d is .74 and frankly falling, it was ,75. My daily kd was like .68 or something yesterday, and I played a lot too so it wasn't an anomaly. Whereas before the last few days before this week I was consistently running kd's around 1.0 for a few days. On top of that I feel like I'm on the losing team about 5/6 of clash matches lately. I switched back to bladeddancer yesterday since I was doing so bad, didn't really help.
Since I just got 100 clash wins and that grimoire, I guess I'm just going to play only control until I get that grimoire, and so on (the harder stuff like skirmish and shudder, rumble, not looking forward too). I feel like going to new possibly harder playlists combined with my crap play lately and my kd is headed south for a while. Not going to worry about it too much, just try to get better.
Also cant really figure out the new gun Meta, feels all over the place. Which I guess is good from a balance perspective. I'm just using Mida which has a lot of advantages but it feels a little lacking sometimes in brute DPS. If not I'll try Red Death, those are like my only two options and it's kinda boring.
I think I might try a Fusion rifle, I have noticed with Mida I go through long stretches of not really even using my special weapon, which seems like a missed opportunity. I'm really terrible at CQC, usually if somebody's on top of me I'm dead anyway, so maybe a FR which I could use at mid-close ranges would be more to my style and I could actually get some use out of my special? Might as well try it anyway.
Kinda dont love Party Crasher sometimes either, with shot package you have to remember to ADS which, doesn't come naturally to me, and the rate of fire is just atrocious. Also the weapon model with that stupid plug on the end is ugly, at least Matador 64 looks cool. Maybe I'll even try Found Verdict again. Kinda the same issue with my Shadow of Veils, the gun model is just ugly. It's not a big enough deal to actually effort to get a new main sniper/shotty, especially with TTK on us, but it is a slight annoyance.
Edit: Speaking of other guns, was reading some people on reddit talking about VOC (been killed a few times lately by it too) and one mentioned Badger CCL. Badger was always one of my faves in PVE. So I gave them a whirl. VoC is only doing 61 crit, so Mida will walk all over it as they're both 4 shot crits and Mida will fire a lot faster. But Badger is quite interesting indeed, it does 73 crit, it's a 3 shot kill. Looking at the reddit spreadsheet it's a .8 ttk which is tied for the best among scouts and beats Mida's .9. Further, it does 49 body, spreadsheet has it listed as a 5 shot body but IMO most of the time it's going to be a 4 shot body, and a fast ttk there as well. I was doing decent with it already in that one match. Definitely promising so far. Another advantage is the thing has max scout range too with the right barrel. That's another reason I liked it so much in PVE I considered it a mini sniper, good for when IB ran out against oracles and stuff. Now I kinda wish I'd have kept more different rolls as I remember having 3-4 of them at one time from drops, but a long time ago I sharded all but one. It also has luck in the chamber, which with a 14 mag might be decent. One thing I did notice is I think the aim assists is way less than Mida, I noticed quickly my bullets dont seem to gravitate to the enemy head nearly as much. Still, VERY promising.
Edit2 Badger CCL seems very similar to The Scholar which I haven't noticed exactly tearing up crucible. So that's kind of a buzzkill. Still, we'll see. Mida will definitely be much snappier, faster ADS time, faster ready time etc.
Edit 3: Man I've been mowing with Badger. Very noticeable increase in punch over Mida, the kills just seem to come a lot quicker. I think it just suits my long range, slow paced style well (yet paradoxically I'm a pretty awful sniper shooter, heh). I feel outgunned in long range one-on-one shootouts almost never now, which happens decently often with Mida. The higher damage really helps chalk up a lot of scrap kills on already damaged enemies as well. At the very least I think it's going to be my go to legendary when I want to run an exotic special/heavy (was just reading on reddit that Ice Breaker is pretty great in crucible 2.0). I was worried about losing aim assist but it doesn't seem to be much problem at all. The Red Dot sight I'm using gives a nice boost to stability and I'm guessing aim assist, that may be helping.