Well, played it for a bit yesterday. Game is pretty decent. Graphics are not bad.
Gameplay (movement, shooting, powers, weapon variety, weapon modding, etc.), feel like a poor man's Warframe. I do like that there's an element of variety in wardrobe vanity in types of clothing. But I wonder how much control you'll have over how you look at higher levels. Also, the coloring/dye system is pretty weak compared to Warframe.
Haven't seen much of the story so far, but it looks like they put in some effort. The random Adventures are fun so far, but I don't know if their novelty will wear off over time. Other players dropping into the same "world exploration" instance is kind of nice. Number of players per instance seems to be very small, but it's still nice.
It doesn't appear they've changed much from the console version to accommodate KB/M players. IE - it's pretty easy so far. Constantly headshotting enemeies since they move pretty slowly.
Not a fan of a shotgun being an uber weapon or whatever they call that weapon slot.
It is nice that I rarely feel a need to ADS. Shooting from the hip is reasonably accurate and I've only used ADS for additional zoom so far. In many cases it's far easier to get headshots firing from the hip than using ADS.
Nice array of graphics options. I was happy to be able to immediately turn off motion blur and DoF. I was surprised to see an option to turn off chromatic aberration.
Levels take a REALLY long time to load on SSD compared to other games I have. But keep in mind I don't buy many AAA games anymore, so I'm comparing to games like Gears of War 4 (where it also has really long load times, but they are hidden by semi-interactive walking segments).
Overall a positive experience so far.
Yup per instance is only like 16 players max I think.
Yes the long load time is due to matchmaking. You also can trigger it in the open world by taking shortcuts using sparrow.
The majority of enemy are slow but there are some that's fast. Actually I can only remember 1, one type of fallen.
You you look at higher level is not too customizable. The coloring also annoying to do.
In console it also have pretty easy headshots but only for PVE (I think, as I have not touched PvP), due to the high amount of auto aim and bullet magnetism.
Scout rifle is the worst offender where it can headshots easily while hip fire or aiming down. It also allows headshots to be done even when you didn't aim on the head, as long as the first shot does aim at the head.