Fred wrote:
Other than that I agree with Fred....
Well, there's considerably more than what most people seem to think. A lot more (in terms of area). In a previous post I wrote:Nuclear waste in terms of area is not that large, maybe a few meters down covering roughly a football field in terms of what the US has outputed.
According to National Geographic's July 2002 issue the United States has 52,000 tons of spent fuel from commercial, military, and research reactors, as well as 91 million gallons of radioactive waste from plutonium processing. This waste is considered "High Level" waste. "Transuranic" waste is waste that includes clothing, tools, and amterials contaminated with plutonium, neptunium, and other man-made elements , of which there is about 11.3 million cubic feet of waste. "Low level" waste from hospitals and research institutions, including decommissioned power plants, air filters, ect., total 472 million cubic feet. Finally, uranium mill tailings, left over from extraction of uranium form ore, total 265 million tons, but has the lowest radioactivity.
Yucca Mountain could hold 77,000 tons of waste. With over 2,000 tons a year of high level waste, and yucca scheduled to open in 2010, the site will be nearly full from the start, and Yucca 2 will have to be prepared.
Other than that I agree with Fred....