I haven't posted here for a while coz .... I got lost in Night City

Finally stolen The Chip yesterday, after 15h into this game. I'm easily distracted by random events in the Night City, died several times trying to be a hero! I've explored a bit of underwater world, climbed on some tall buildings where I wasn't expecting to be able to, stolen some heavy duty trucks, hacked lots of consoles and stolen every bottle of alcohol I could see

The story so far is WOW! Sad, happy, serious and I must say, first encounter with Mr NEO was a bit shocking!
Can't wait to finish work and jump back in!
Few general points I wanted to make:
- had one (1) single crash to desktop at the beginning of the game (patch 1.01?), nothing since and my longest single session was yesterday with 4h+,
- performance on my PC is excellent, but yes, it's not a slow machine. I ran everything Ultra or Psycho where available, bar RT as not yet supported on 1440P screen with Freesync. My FPS can dip to 53, at times, but most of the time it is solid lock on 60 (or 72 if I choose that as my target),
- sound and graphics are top notch, but sometimes animations can glitch (should be fixable in future patch),
- build on top of GFX and Sound is this believable world, atmosphere, something RPG fans can really appreciate,
- Ai in general is glitchy and not the best (apart from the moments when it work really well and then they kill me), but I can live with it, hoping future patch will fix a lot of issues I've seen (NPC stuck, not attacking you when it should, cars route finding),
- shooting mechanics are great for an RPG, hacking is really good (my primary approach),
- as DSoup mentioned, I'm blown away by how many different approaches you can have to mission and I know exactly which one he described

I had high enough tech ability to just open the door, but found balcony entrance by hacking cameras at the market and one of them had very clear view of the 2nd floor flat with target in sight. I've analysed all my options, search surroundings, before proceeding through main doors

- driving for me is really fine, not perfectly suited for keyboard + mouse, but quite good on a controller. I play a lot of driving sims and racing games and therefore can adapt quickly to different handling models, which might help here. What surprised me was looking at how suspension works on different cars in CP2077, amazing details animating individual wishbones and shocks, wasn't expecting that from an RPG!
PS. I've tried this memory .csv edit and it definitely works, as before my maximum RAM usage was 10.5GB after a long session, where now ... just look at the screenshot