Johnny Awesome said:
You're deluding yourself IMO MagnumPI, but we'll just leave it at that. You think Sega and Nintendo are "pure" and I don't.
I didn't pretend anything remotly like that
I think you extrapolated too much...
I guess that at present Nintendo and Sega use all the same marketing tools/methods that Sony and MS use. They just didn't use them in the past, just because they didn't exist.
They're all companies trying to maximize profits for their shareholders.
Yes i know, I'm the one explaining it to the guys who think that MS loose money with the xbox only to please the gamers.
Yes i know Sega and Nintendo are no more charity business than MS and sony..
And they also have a strong historical culture of videogames, and gaming in general. That's not a contradiction.
Just look at the history of videogames, they made a big part of it.
MS doing videogames, it's like Nintendo doing an office suite. They sure could do it of buy another company that dit it, but..