Current Consoles vs High End PCs

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Don't get me wrong, BF3 has a massive visual difference in single player too... if you don't own it on PC, I wouldn't even both disputing it. It's clear to anyone who has seen the two side by side. If you don't care and are happy with how it is on 360, fine, but that's different than your claim that it looks similar to high on PC. It does not.

in the video posted when geralt walks out the tent on the pc version it looks like a nuclear winter due to the bloom. i'm pretty sure the dof doesn't have anything to do with the game looking like batman painted it yellow to poke fun at green latern,
That's HDR exposure adjustment, and yeah, it's pretty clear in the screenshots that the 360 lacks proper tone mapping as well (the sky is washed out in a lot of shots for instance, like the one I referenced). Tone mapping and HDR are both realistic and desirable...

There are deeps and freezes. C2 on console had deeps , but nowhere deep as on that pc, which I'd call "freezes".

One thing i realized , Cards with similar performamce, but newer (just like your 8800gts/5670) example tends to run new games a lot better, no wonder it is in interest of IHV and probably part of "TWIMTBP" optimisations.

I undrestand rest od your post. Personally i planned big upgrade in later part of generation but somehow lost interest.Itis just no incentive for me. If there was only half as good line up of technologicaly advanced pc games like in 2004/05 i'd jump in.

And lets not get off-topic into the typical "well consoles were cheaper/better when they came out" argument that never ends and quite frankly is pretty boring... it's more fun to talk about the claim that they are comparable to current, *high end* PCs as was made in the original post :p

So enough of this lame consoles vs core 2/8600 comparisons. Lets talk consoles vs i7/GTX 680. The claim is that the latter produce an equivalent experience :)

Answer is clear. Boring? I thought it's sometimes more interesting (especially for you:) ) to look at which hardware aged better, what caused it , what can good/lack of optimizations can do as well as big non fragmented user base. It all sometimes can be good indicators in future;)

Andrew Lauritzen;1639750 Battlefield 3 high/ultra said:
Well, to keep it simple as a control group we should add battlefield 2 at 1600/1200 and console version , how it was called? modern combat at 480/320(or somtehing like that). Comparison should end at this cause there is no contest in assets,shading, lightening, etc

Something is defintely wrong with fact that we even can compare it successor when gulf in hardware is even larger than last time.
You are missing Joker's point.

The average Joe, personified here by Solarus, cannot see any difference. If they can't appreciate any difference, why should they sink more money into a new platform ?

It means two things:
1. New console needs to be cheap, if there is little perceived improvement in the gaming experience, there is little incentive to spend extra cash over a PS360.
2. The improvement in hardware needs to be substantial so that it becomes evident to the masses that the new gen is better.


I completely agree with Jokers point. The difference between console and high end PC graphics can be considered subtle to the point where an untrained eye will see the same thing upon a cursory analysis. That doesn't mean that the differences aren't there, or even that they aren't significant, just that most people can't see them all that easily.

That said there does seem to be a lot of downloplaying of the significance of 1080p with high quality AA plus a fixed 60fps with no tearing. If I were to be cynical I might point out how significant such qualities are considered when comparing games between the major consoles... ;)

Regardless though, it doesn't really matter to me if the differences are subtle. Near perfect image quality at near perfect framerate is enough motivation for me to choose the PC route. The fact that PC games have subtley better graphics on top of that (and not so subtle in some cases) is just icing on the cake.

For me personally PC gaming is more about customisability, options, and amazingly enough to some people I'm sure, convenience and cost. (but that's a different discussion).

As far as exlcusives go, there are certainly a few very worthwhile exclusives on consoles but they're diminishing with time. My answer to that is, I'll get a console to play the exclusives and play the mutilplatform games (of which there are more than enough these days to make exclusives largely irrelivant to me) on my PC. Best of all worlds.
Since i Can't edit yet....
To put it simply consoles did very good job at staying in the game , especially with this long gen. On the other hand pc gaming , in much longer time did not manage( for obvious reasons, not hardware progress) to leap way beyond console like last time, maybe it is even one of the reasons for console manufactures to prolong this cycle.
How many X should be removed from PC for the API overhead, inefficiency, and unoptimized references you mentioned?

All of those factors apply in different ways so you can't just add them up. API overhead would be fairly universal depending on which API you're using. Just a wild guess but maybe the PC loses ~30% performance on average thanks to the API. Possibly less with DX11.

Inefficiency and unoptimised are more or less the same thing. The level of optimisation that's performed for a particular hardware set determines how efficiently that hardware is used. If you want to add it all up then the highest estimate of relative console efficiency I've heard from a reliable source is 2x from Carmack. That no doubt takes into account the API obverhead as well as the massive performance gains you can achieve from optimising your code for a specific hardware set.

From personal experience i'd say 2x is about right for reasonable ports later in a consoles life. Obviously there will always be exceptions on both sides that break that ratio.

With said inefficiencies, unoptimization and overhead, shouldn't (the game you mentioned) crysis 2 run better on consoles considering crysis 2 sought to fix those problems from crysis 1, so both the PC and console don't have as much of those crisis 1 problems? With said problems you mentioned hindering PC performance, wouldn't that mean the console has the advantage compared to similar PC hardware since the console doesn't have those problems?

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make there but yes, Crysis 2, given that it's well optimised for modern consoles should be expected to achieve greater performance on consoles that equivilently performance PC hardware. Does Crysis 2 perform better on the consoles than it does on a PC powered by a 7800GTX or X1900 Pro? Yes, in all likelyhood it does. But does it perform better than a modern PC GPU that sports between 4 and 10x the power of current generation consoles? Clearly not.
I completely agree with Jokers point. The difference between console and high end PC graphics can be considered subtle to the point where an untrained eye will see the same thing upon a cursory analysis. That doesn't mean that the differences aren't there, or even that they aren't significant, just that most people can't see them all that easily.

That said there does seem to be a lot of downloplaying of the significance of 1080p with high quality AA plus a fixed 60fps with no tearing. If I were to be cynical I might point out how significant such qualities are considered when comparing games between the major consoles... ;)

Regardless though, it doesn't really matter to me if the differences are subtle. Near perfect image quality at near perfect framerate is enough motivation for me to choose the PC route. The fact that PC games have subtley better graphics on top of that (and not so subtle in some cases) is just icing on the cake.

As far as exlcusives go, there are certainly a few very worthwhile exclusives on consoles but they're diminishing with time. My answer to that is, I'll get a console to play the exclusives and play the mutilplatform games (of which there are more than enough these days to make exclusives largely irrelivant to me) on my PC. Best of all worlds.

As for image quality/framerate and resolution, last time the differences between pc and consoles in thise aspects were even larger than nowadays. I always wondered how the old guard from PCVC forums like You , stevie, chairman yang really see it. From overall technological perspective and real world examples , you guys have surely had a lot more arguments back in the day;). I bet let's say in 2005 you imagined 2012 "a bit "different from situation and perspective then.

BTW If I would nitpick and calculate, the list of somehow visually interesting exclusives is getting longer not shorter;) But this may get little off topic.
Just look at this video, for example

I don't think Xbox can match this fluidity:D . But how could it, 9600gt is three years younger has 2.5 times texel rate, 50% more shaders, 256 bits , higher clocks and two times memory bandwidth:???:.. oh wait:oops:

Well firstly the game is running at 1080p on that PC which is already going to require a lot more powerr to achieve a console framerate than what is available in a 9600GT and secondly, since when did BF3 Medium settings on the PC = consoles settings?

Console version looks nothing like that... that's no bullshot with a crap load of AA added that'll you'll never see, that all in-game..

I really don't see the point in this thread...

Consoles are WAY behind even a medium spec'd modern PC

Instead of comparing consoles to PC running console games why don't we compare consoles to PC running PC games?






Consoles were good in there day, but that day was ~5 years ago now.
wow is that last game Skyrim? wow theres a difference I can clearly see. i want more games that visually better like that! also isnt that crysis shot from the tech demo video they showed? i dont recall the game looking like that.
Well firstly the game is running at 1080p on that PC which is already going to require a lot more powerr to achieve a console framerate than what is available in a 9600GT and secondly, since when did BF3 Medium settings on the PC = consoles settings?

Wher he said is is running on 1080? i don see it, even if is why should't (especialy on 1 gigversions). The settlings probably are not on medium, just look at shadows... even if they were, what exactly is making differences t medium settings to bring that card to knees? maybe only nvidia profiling. On the other hand i bet console settings are mix of low and medium. and card with that spec should not have any a problem
I could link another video but instead i will just quote comments:

"On same configuration with my core 2 duo OC to 3.0 , on medium I get 17-22 fps, it¨s not very playable"

"HOW THE? I've got Core 2 Duo 2.80GHz E7400, 9600GT 1GB 128bit, 2GB 800mhz ram but i can't get more than 25 fps on 800x600 low O.O"

"that card sucks very hard in bf3... in low the average of this card is 20fps or less"

"9600gt in medium? bullshit.."

"why LOLI GOT amd 455 3.10 xfx 9600 gt 4gb ram ddr3 and in low at 1024x768 i got like 30 and less...last drivers"
Wher he said is is running on 1080? i don see it,

This was a bit of a dead giveaway:

"22" HP Monitor with HDMI connected @ 1080p Resolution"

even if is why should't (especialy on 1 gigversions).

Because 1080p is 2.25x more resolution than 720p which means it takes 2.25x more power to achieve the same framerate. And that's assuming the console version is running at 720p which it probbaly isn't.

The settlings probably are not on medium, just look at shadows... even if they were, what exactly is making differences t medium settings to bring that card to knees?

You mean apart from the 2.25x (bare minimum) resolution increase?

I could link another video but instead i will just quote comments:

"On same configuration with my core 2 duo OC to 3.0 , on medium I get 17-22 fps, it¨s not very playable"

"HOW THE? I've got Core 2 Duo 2.80GHz E7400, 9600GT 1GB 128bit, 2GB 800mhz ram but i can't get more than 25 fps on 800x600 low O.O"

"that card sucks very hard in bf3... in low the average of this card is 20fps or less"

"9600gt in medium? bullshit.."

"why LOLI GOT amd 455 3.10 xfx 9600 gt 4gb ram ddr3 and in low at 1024x768 i got like 30 and less...last drivers"

Ah youtube comments, the font of all knowledge lol. Have you even considered how inconsistent those comment are with each other? Let alone freely available evidence from review sites.
wow is that last game Skyrim? wow theres a difference I can clearly see. i want more games that visually better like that!

There are some very nice mods indeed. The best part of PC for me is the modding community for the games that can be modded, and that there are some genres that are much better on PC. And I'm not solely referring to graphics whoring here, but to any sort of modding.

Want to visit Elsweyr? You can on PC.

Console version looks nothing like that... that's no bullshot with a crap load of AA added that'll you'll never see, that all in-game..

I really don't see the point in this thread...

Consoles are WAY behind even a medium spec'd modern PC

Instead of comparing consoles to PC running console games why don't we compare consoles to PC running PC games?

Consoles were good in there day, but that day was ~5 years ago now.

Of course they are, but there are very little examples of pc superiority which masses can appreciate. And majority of this few are reached with mods. On the other hand stock pc games are still lacking for budget reasons, for example I bet if gt5 was a pc game, pc gamers would say that cars and lightening looks so good because it is running on pc hardware:D, but it is not, and still there is no replacement . PC budgets can't generally sustain development which leeds to overall production values like from last of us trailer which Joe see in gamestop. Even now pc version of wicher 2 despite having quite high sysreq dos not have : water/sand/snow technology,animations, models and even textures quality of uncharted and not because pc can't.... Last gen it was different and i fell even screenshot from mods( which may or may not come/are even more unoptimized/and for really good few there is years of waiting ) are not doing much in this discussion.

As for screens; Skyrim screen is good, but video would be better;) And this(or even better) is how all vanilla pcgames in 2012 should look). For others i would get inside Joe and commencing nitpicking
-battlefield not much difference, i thought the bushes would be much better in pc version.
-stalker/metro; good shots but thes games have few good effects, and very uneven/bad : textures, models,animations.
- crysis is not from game
- wicher screen is nothing special

In 2012 there should be much more examples(even better). Nobaody argues moores low but it, would be nothing wrong if diffrences in 2012 would like my Medal of honor or FEAR vs timespliters and above.

I'm done ( gmt+2)
-stalker/metro; good shots but thes games have few good effects, and very uneven/bad : textures, models,animations

- crysis is not from game

- wicher screen is nothing special

Have you even played them?

STALKER games look down right amazing at times, near CGI, the textures are awesome and some of the texture packs for it are ridiculous.

Same with Metro 2033, looks CGI in places on PC with 4xMSAA enabled.

Crysis looks better then that screen with mods, especially as now all PC cards can actually apply transparency anti-aliasing to all the foliage

As for Whicher, I doubt they'll be a console game next generation with such high IQ
STALKER games look down right amazing at times, near CGI, the textures are awesome and some of the texture packs for it are ridiculous.

Same with Metro 2033, looks CGI in places on PC with 4xMSAA enabled.

In screenshots maybe, in motion they're nowhere near cgi (depending of course on what cgi you're talking about).
I said : " (playable only in tank and jet levels)" , and you are linking benchmarks from "thunder run"(tank level):D. Anything other than this level( maybe train), with only two shooting AI's and performance is unacceptable ( muliplayer basically unplayable). Yo can see in this movie ( from 3:00)

Guy claims it is running at 720p medium . Look at that dips ( or more accurately freezes), look at those shadows, which are somehow much worse than console version. Moreover scenes in this movie are nothing intensive, add few more solders, runing and grenades and you are seeing slide show. Ironically MW3 was even worse.

The shadows are set to low, thats why they look so bad. Everything else looks better than the console versions from what I can see. I find it unlikely that the consoles are running across the board medium settings and until it's established exactly what they are running then its a complete apples to oranges comparison. For example, are the consoles running BF3 at full 720p? Would they be running with the equivilent of "high" PC textures that the game was set to in that video? Pretty unlikely. In fact "High" textures in a modern PC games designed for 1GB+ GPU's on a 512MB GPU is generally a bad idea and likely exactly what is causing those freezes.

I'm sure with a more optimal application of settings that better match the console versions then that GPU would handle the game at least as well.

I was talking about beginnig of last gen, remember quake, oblivion ports?, Those were pcgames/engines fast ported to xbox 360.

Quake 4 was very much a niche case. I certainly wouldn't call Oblivion particulatly PC biased compared with the console version. What drives you to say that?

Remember all the shock /complaining about in order CPUs, multi threading and necessity of rebuilding engines etc?.And by the time they were somehow optimized, and pc cached up with brute force... This will not be the case this time. Another thing is full switch to console centric development. Look at skyrim which stock version is closer between pc and 360 than oblivion was six years ago...

As above, what evidence do you have suggesting that Skryim is closer between the platforms today than Oblivion was back when it launched? The PC version of Oblivion was only marginally better than the console versions at the time. y understand of Skrim is that on maximum there are quite a few obvious differences in the PC version.

This time with this console centric development, new hardware which may have strong points where pc's are weak (interposers with very low latency connections/ high bandwidth, some crazy threading like 4 way IBM in P7/a2, edrams. I bet minimum one of these will end up in consoles.) AND add much smaller/ maybe none( from prespective of average pc)power advantage...

If anything the hardware of the new consoles is likely to be much closer to PC hardware than the current generation consols were at launch. Xenos had unified shaders and edram, not exactly run of the mill for PC's and I won't even mention Cell.

The general thinking is that relatively speaking this generation of consoles will be weaker at launch compared to PC's of the time. This makes perfect sense given the power restrictions and law of diminishing returns. Your argument seems to be operating under the opposite assumption. That's fine for you but until we have some evidence that you're right and the majority are wrong I see little point in continuing to debate it. Lets just wait until we know what the new consoles will be packing, and what PC's will be packaging in their launch windows and we can pick up then based on fact rather than fantasies.

There are truly none developers interested in truly pushing PC anymore.

This was never an argument I put forward. In fact all along I've said that PC's are underutilised. That doesn't mean that game engines designed for the new consoles ar efor some reason going to run like dogs on equivilently powerful and capabale PC hardware though. Its clear developers are targetting PC as a platform along with the next gen consoles even now. UE4, CE3 etc... are all marketed as being designed for "PC and next generation consoles". And given the increasing cost of development it only makes sense that developers would trend more towards cross platform development, not less as you seem to be arguing.

Another thing, there are surely powerful forces, namely console manufactures which will depend on seeing these boxes as truly next gen by publics end even geeks and may persuade devs to making console versions stand out for some time/not making pc version/making conversion from last gen machines.

This just sounds like wishfull thinking now. I can see no logical reason for Sony or Microsoft to pay developers to deliberately gimp the PC versions of games that would only be playable at console settings on a very small percentage of PC's around the launch time anyway. Hell if they were going to do that then now would be a better time to do it when there's a lot more risk of gamers jumping from consoel to PC for the better graphics with a very low cost of entry.

Far more likely is Sony/MS will pay for exclusivity but then that will be exclusive to one console, not consoles in general with the PC being the only loser. Plus, because of the rising cost of development, the incentives for exclusivity are going to have to be higher to offset the developers costs and loss of revenue from not releasing on a third platform.

Remember pc versions of Just cause, GRAW, not releasing force unleashed,cod 3, bad company "because pc is to slow". I feel that combination of all this, will make few years of nasty ports on PC ( an probably there will be no light in the tunnel for pc gamers like crysis was last time...)Console exclusives level , let alone higher will be no match for small pc devs.

I'm not sure what argument your making with those games? I'm not familiar with the circumstances of them all but GRAW was arguably better on PC - albeit completely different to the console game and COD3 was released on PC alongside the console version if I recall correctly and ran at least as well. But regardless, yes sure the PC had a few raw deals last generation and it surely will next as well. But given the likely relatively weaker position of the consoles this time round, their requirement to render at higher resolutions and less API overhead hobbling the PC, there's every chance that this generation will be better than the last in that regard. Especially given the higher pressure on developers to release on as many platforms as possible to recoup development costs.

About API. I don't listen too much these reassurances about efficiency, Dx11 pc-console parity? yeah right , just like parity of dx9 with console and pc at the beginnings... Gosh, I remember all these buzzwords : dx10,stream out, SM4.0, geometry shading

Your lack of understanding of what an API enables does not make it any less relevant. Its a simple fact that DX10 and moreso 11 are more efficient than DX9. I'm not talking about added features, I'm talking about pure API overhead. The kind of overhead which doesn't really effect consoles regardless of the features that API exposes.

With consoles regardless of the generation, you can pretty much code to the metal almost totally eliminating API overhead completely. The next generation consoles will sport a greater featureset but in terms of pure API overhead they'll be no better off than the current generation consoles or the generation before that because they're already pretty much as good as it gets.

PC on the other hand has always been hobbled by a think API but as DX progresses, not only does the featureset grow put the overhead goes down. Completely hypothetically since I don't have real numbers, lets say DX9 saps 30% of a GPU's performance on average while DX11 being more efficient only saps 18%. Thats a universal improvement for PC's that won't be reflected in consoles dues to a generation change.

Virtually every game from this generation was DX9 at it's core and only tacked on a few DX10/11 additions so the efficiency gains were largely unseen. That won't be the case next generation where games will be built from the ground up with DX11 efficiencies at their core.

and now these "monster" can't even play b3 like a console...

I think it's time we dropped this now don't you think? Without an apples to apples comparison from a reliable source it's waste of time debating this point.

Few years later we have third generation of dx11 cards and not a single game have efficient, groundbreaking implementation of any features . Consoles will gain new efficiencies too, and soon we will see new excuses about new API needed, and at the same time excuses about fragmentation of pc base which will be cause of not using it...

No ones trying to claim that PC's have made great use of DX10/11 this generation. In fact that's my point, where they haven't this generation they will next and that's a relatively bigger gain for PC's than it would be for consoles where the API overhead is practically none existent in the first place. Don't get me wrong, there will be efficiencies to be taken from the greater featureset which consoles will benefit greatly from (as will PC's) but on balance, the PC's going to benefit more by a move from native DX9 to DX11 than consoles will.

And yes there will always be complaints about API overhead on the PC and no doubt we'll all be looking forward to DX12 and the extra efficiencies it will bring which will likely never make it to the core of ame engines just like DX10/11 didn't this generation. But that's doesn't take away from the fact that DX11 is a step forward for PC efficiency to a greater degree that it is for console efficiency.
Easy to see the difference...

- Play a Gamecube or Wii game using Dolphin (64 bits version, runs faster) emulator for PC.

- Set any HD resolution, 9x SSAA -craziest AA I've ever seen in my life, honest-, 16X Anisotropic Filtering.

- Play a game like F-Zero GX (GC) or such.

You will be watching CG quality graphics --thanks to your PC uniqueness. ;)

You will come to appreciate Gamecube for its graphics, they were good. That's the difference to me. :smile:

joker454 is right. I think that people don't discern the difference all the time because console games these days run at HD-like resolutions.

I still wonder why developers don't sacrifice graphics for framerate on consoles, 30fps are really bad, imho.

Even my laptop is more powerful than current consoles, by a huge margin.
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