Current and former PS2 owners; determining trends

PS2 owners, current and former... which describes you?

  • In this gen I've owned PS2 exclusively. Loving the PS2 experience.

    Votes: 42 34.4%
  • I started off on PS2, but have since bought other consoles. Still love my PS2 though.

    Votes: 31 25.4%
  • I had PS2 but have since abandoned that weak piece of trash.

    Votes: 13 10.7%
  • Didn't think I'd get a PS2 this gen but got a PS2 later on anyway - I've since become a believer.

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • I started out on another console this gen, but I've since bought PS2 and I enjoy it very much.

    Votes: 8 6.6%
  • Neve owned a PS2, just watching the poll.

    Votes: 26 21.3%

  • Total voters
I have all 3 consoles but love the PS2 the most as it has the best games out of all 3 consoles. GoW, SOTC, MGS3 are my fav games so far. PS2 was the best console of this gen, not due to it's power but the games it had. I hope the trensd continues with PS3 as well.
Bought my PS2 a couple of months after launch but didn't really use it heavily until they rolled out the Network Adapter in 2002. Through that point, mostly played PC games online.

Tempted to pick up and Xbox and GC a couple of times but really didn't have time for more than one console.
Some interesting stats so far. It'd be cool though if any of the voters who abandoned the system posted their take on it all though, just to have that complete 'collage' thing going here, but no pressure! :cool:
Where is the option for "I started with a PS2, bought other consoles which I like better, but I haven't abandoned my PS2"?

I don't have to "love" the PS2 to still enjoy some of it's exclusives, do I?
Powderkeg said:
Where is the option for "I started with a PS2, bought other consoles which I like better, but I haven't abandoned my PS2"?

I don't have to "love" the PS2 to still enjoy some of it's exclusives, do I?

No you don't have to 'love' PS2, but regardless option #2 is for you. Posts #5-#14 explain the phrasing of the questions. ;)

I highly doubt there is someone on the board that will actually pigeonhole you into the actual literal words used; it's just flavor text really.
As another example, if you only own PS2 and hate it, but play a game on it once in a while, #1 is still the option for you.

I'll add that surely there ought to be comparative Polls for GC and XB ownership, if this is claiming to be a follow-up to the Dreamcast poll. I wanna see 'Opinion Poll 3 - Revenge of the Opinion Poll' and 'Opinion Poll 4 - Son of Opinion Poll' followed by a naffy EA tie-in game and run of fan-written novels.
Shifty Geezer said:
As another example, if you only own PS2 and hate it, but play a game on it once in a while, #1 is still the option for you.

Exactly. :cool:

I'll add that surely there ought to be comparative Polls for GC and XB ownership, if this is claiming to be a follow-up to the Dreamcast poll. I wanna see 'Opinion Poll 3 - Revenge of the Opinion Poll' and 'Opinion Poll 4 - Son of Opinion Poll' followed by a naffy EA tie-in game and run of fan-written novels.

Well, it's not the follow-up to the Dreamcast poll per se, it's just the 'next' question that intrigued me. Basically what is the 'turn-off' factor some people have experienced with PS2. So that next time people are tossing around the strength of the PS2 install base, we can maybe say something like... "But remember, that x% of PS2 owners seem actually to have abandoned it to go elsewhere..."

Honestly as it stands now Sony's user base seems pretty satisfied with the console, which is good for Sony/PS2. But it's definitely the case here that a large percentage of Sony owners own other consoles as well, though not as many as maybe I would have thought.

That might be the basis for another poll - how many GC, XBox, PS2 owners own *only* that console. But to isolate the answers to certain questions there might require too many poll options.

I mean we could do some fairly extensive polling here, and come up with all sorts of data, but for now I'm just sticking to questions that answer personal interest questions of mine. :)

(which is why the topics might seem so divergent)

EDIT: Might as well do a mid-way assessment right now as well.

Of 91 current and former PS2 owners:

~43% are enjoying the PS2 as their exclusive current gen console

~33% started off on PS2 and now enjoy it as one of multiple consoles they own

~13% of original PS2 owners found it lacking and have since moved on to different platforms/options

Between ~2% and ~11% of individuals who thought they would not purchase a PS2 at the beginning of the gen have since given it a shot and are enjoying it*

Between ~0% and ~9% of individuals who decided they'd give the PS2 a shot later in the gen have found that it fell short of their expectations when buying it*

* Since question #5 was mistyped, I have to account for the fact that some voters may not have read my clarifying edit in the first post of this thread, which is why I've been forced to include a data range. By default however, I would assume 2%/9% to be the case - for lack of indication to the contrary.
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Well, I voted #1.

I'm a Sony PS2 owner, and before that a PSone. Before that, I've owned a SNES and a PC, but converted to the PSone in 1997. Since then, I have been exclusive to the PlayStation brand simply because they've supplied me with my gaming needs and gave me more than I could ask for. I've come to love PlayStation franchises like Naughty Dog games (Crash Bandicoot, later Jak series), the Final Fantasy games and Gran Turismo. I've also always loved many games by Capcom (Resident Evil back on the Psone), Metal Gear Solid and Tekken.

Never once did I consider switching over to Dreamcast when it launched in 1999. At the time, I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore gamer but a casual that gradually became a loyal supporter. When I saw Dreamcast in the shops, I was impressed by the graphics, but deep down, I told myself that PS2 would deliver the same, if not better, wich is why I waited.

With all the franchises that I have come to enjoy as a PlayStation owner, I see no reason to support xbox360 at this point. Maybe if I would go for a second console maybe then, but even then, at this point, a Nintendo console looks like the safer bet to me.
Considering how I wouldn't shut in the DC thread I should say something here too, right? ;)

Well, let's see after my 16bit days I went N64>PS>DC>PS2>GC.

I originally bought the N64 out of hearing things about how it was more power and there wasn't the load problems the disc formats had (I was young, sue me) and, of course, playing Mario64. I enjoyed it and had plenty of fun but the games were rather sparse... you're standard 1st party Nintendo titles and some Rare games. Some time passed with large gaps between games and I bought a PS. The 1st game I owned was none other than Metal Gear Solid, nice introduction, eh? Followed by FF7. A great start that only got better, I end up buying more games for my PS than I owned for everything else combined. A year or 2 later I recieved a Dreamcast for christmas, which made me sad (I always feel terrible when I recieve something nice), but the real sad thing was that I purchased even fewer games than I did for the N64... Soinc, Skies, Grandia, and a few others, but I loved each and everyone of those games. I have certain... obsessions, about skies, but I won't go into that...ahem. Wonderful games, but there just weren't that many. Thankfully I still had PS to keep the games rolling in. Though after the DC died my collection of game octupled or so. It's easy to buy games when they only cost a dollar. :) At this point, I had pretty much played through all the games I wanted to for that generation (still missing a few to this day though... rare ones like Klonoa) and decided to move on. So I bought a PS2 and the very first game I played was Metal Gear Solid 2! Apparently lightening does strike twice!! Hilariously enough, the 2nd game? ICO. Apparently Sony's a lightening rod! And I was off. I'm having a great time with my PS2, game after game after game, and at this rate I won't be done till 2008. Of course, the story doesn't end there a year or so back Nintendo started bundling games with it's console and when I saw the Metroid Prime bundle I just couldn't resist. To this day Metroid Prime is the only FPS I've EVER finished. 'Course, it doesn't stop there I've bought a good number of games for my GC, and I quite like the little cuboidal guy. I've bought a fair share more games than I did for my N64, and I'm always saddened that it faired worse than the N64. As to the future? Well, frankly as interested as I am in nextgen, I really have no plans to buy anything for a good while. There's simply too much for me to play now to move on.

If you've reach this far, then +1 to you for being able to read through that gobbly-gook!! :) As you can guess, for me, while I've pretty muched loved every console I've owned, Sony was the one that always had the a seemingly never-ending supply of incredible games.

Well, there you go!!
Mefisutoferesu said:
If you've reach this far, then +1 to you for being able to read through that gobbly-gook!! :) As you can guess, for me, while I've pretty muched loved every console I've owned, Sony was the one that always had the a seemingly never-ending supply of incredible games.

And this is why, IMHO, Sony will be very succesful with the PS3 no matter what Microsoft or Nintendo throw at them. There never seems to be a shortage of good games, and I don't have to list the games to prove the point, many people are playing an incredible game right now in Shadow of the Colossus. This is what Xbox needs, not a mandatory 720p resolution at 4xAA...