Current and former PS2 owners; determining trends

PS2 owners, current and former... which describes you?

  • In this gen I've owned PS2 exclusively. Loving the PS2 experience.

    Votes: 42 34.4%
  • I started off on PS2, but have since bought other consoles. Still love my PS2 though.

    Votes: 31 25.4%
  • I had PS2 but have since abandoned that weak piece of trash.

    Votes: 13 10.7%
  • Didn't think I'd get a PS2 this gen but got a PS2 later on anyway - I've since become a believer.

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • I started out on another console this gen, but I've since bought PS2 and I enjoy it very much.

    Votes: 8 6.6%
  • Neve owned a PS2, just watching the poll.

    Votes: 26 21.3%

  • Total voters

Carl B

Friends call me xbd
EDIT: Option #5 is actually supposed to read: "You bought it mid/late into the gen, but it's left you dissapointed." - so vote accordingly with that in mind. In addition, option #4 *is* supposed to imply that you started out on another console; otherwise vote #1

Similar to my recent Dreamcast poll, this poll here isn't trying to be grand or sweeping in nature, but to hone in on one facet of the console picture in particular. For whatever reason today I was thinking about this, so here it is as a poll. And what was I thinking about?

Well, basically PS2 has the highest number of units sold, but that sometimes doesn't tell the whole story. Now, it stands to reason that PS2 has the most number of 'loyalists' among the consoles as well, but I *know* that at least some percentage of the Sony owner base has abandoned the system for whatever reasons. Getting a sense of how many indeed have abandoned it to go elsewhere can help paint a picture a little more accurate than the indomitable '100 million consoles sold' sometimes does. Because truthfully, some of those owners have since gone elsewhere.

And of course on the flip, in fact I've read in several posts of formerly anti-Sony individuals as recently as in the last month or so getting the console and falling in love with it's selection of games and content. So both trends could factor in and it works both ways.

To the multi-console'ists who gave me hassle in the Dreamcast poll because they felt the criteria was too strict; hey I own multiple consoles too! But really I'm just trying to focus in on an industry trend here with regard to Sony and nothing else, which is why you won't see 10 different poll questions asking which other consoles, etc etc... ;)

Polls tend to work very well on B3D because it is inherently a multi-console forum and it tends to be fairly civil as well (comparatively), so as always I'd ask that non-PS2 owners not skew the poll results, and that all posts be opinion-oriented and non-flaming.

(PC/PS2 gamers, for purposes of this poll I would say that PC's do not count as a console, in case there's any confusion)
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I never intended to get a PS2, but Metal Gear Solid 2 and Gran Turismo 3 was too much to pass up. Got it for christmas a year later. Never wanted a gamecube cause, well, no games really appealed to me. Xbox, well, it was just as expensive as a PS2 but had no games I was really interested in either. And that includes Halo. I was hoping for halo on the Mac as Bungie promised but that took forever...

The built in DVD capability and backwards compatibilty also clinched it for me.

Really, I never looked back and never regret not getting another console.
I really don't know why people need to insert such biased responses into their polls. You don't have to love it, and it doesn't have to suck.
I bought DC on 14 Dec.2001 (still have it in working condition but do not play now), then bought PS2 in 2003.
AlphaWolf said:
I really don't know why people need to insert such biased responses into their polls. You don't have to love it, and it doesn't have to suck.

Yes that's true, but I just figured it adds more flavor. Using the word 'biased' doesn't make much sense if you're granting it's in both directions. Flavor text I prefer. It by no means that the responder feels to that extreme; I think we can all filter out the core meaning of the responses. I just put some extremism in the poll answers to try and soak it up lest it come out in extreme forum posts instead. Like I said though, the intent of the various answers is clear, and I think varied enough answers are provided that anyone can feel comfortable putting themselves in one or another withut feeling they've overly misconstrued themselves.

Or, if not they can certainly post to clarify.
xbdestroya said:
Yes that's true, but I just figured it adds more flavor. Using the word 'biased' doesn't make much sense if you're granting it's in both directions. Extreme flavor text I prefer. It by no means that the responder feels to that extreme; I think we can all filter out the core meaning of the responses. I just put some extremism in the poll questions to try and soak it up lest it come out in extreme forum posts instead. Still like I said, the intent of the various answers is clear, and I think answers are provided that anyone can feel comfortable putting themselves in one or another.

No. I don't feel comfortable putting myself in one or another as I neither hate (weak piece of trash) nor love my ps2. If you only want answers from people with extreme views your poll is perfect.

<edit> I admit I could have worded it better than using bias, I didn't mean you were biased I meant each poll response individually, but even then it really isn't the right word.
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I bought the DC during launch and watched it whither away. Then I picked up the PS2 during the NA launch (came across a unit at Best Buy and even though I wasn't lookng to buy one, I figured that I should buy one anyway given the shortage). I was honestly very disappointed in it for the first year or two. It's only been in the past couple of years that I've really started to enjoy it, specifically for games like Ratchet and Clank, Ico, KD, Dark Cloud 2, God of War, etc. Actually, and add GTA3--that games been a killer app for PS2. Ironic that a system I wasn't interested turned out to have some of my favorite games of all time...

AlphaWolf said:
I really don't know why people need to insert such biased responses into their polls. You don't have to love it, and it doesn't have to suck.
Because it makes the poll more fun and regardless it's not scientific?

I took nr.2 . I started with a imported US PS2, then I got an Xbox and finally a GC when RE4 came out. But my PS2 voltage converter burned someday and took the console with it :(

At the time I only play PC games, because my TV also died I try to save money for a PS3 and a good HDTV - but I also feel the need to upgrade my PC...argh the pain !
AlphaWolf said:
How does it make the poll more fun?
By engaging in emotional discourse. Using bland wording, though it might be more "fair", does not make for engaging reading. Using bland scenarios ("they are all good") does not make for interesting reading.

Well anyway AlphaWolf I understand where you're coming from, but Sis is right, I was just trying to spice things up a little in wording. Definitely if you don't feel comfortable voting in it, that's all good - either way though feel free to post your experience.
I was a huge Dreamcast fan, and hated Sony. I even vowed to never buy a PS2, cause I thought it was technically inferior. Funny how a few years can change one's view. Had the GCN for a year, and decided to get the PSTwo, and it's an awesome machine. It was Shadow of the Colossus that made me buy the PSTwo, but also picked up Rachet and Clank 3 (awesome game!), Metal Gear Solid 2, and Jak 3. Too many great games to resist, and developers have gotten really good at pushing the hardware. So many RPG's to choose from!!! Dragon Quest VIII to be picked up on Nov 22nd!

Now bring on the PS3!!!
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Going Commando is a much better game than Up Your Arsenal.

UYA technically has gameplay that is a bit better (some better gun options, etc, nothing major), but the story mode is about a third as long and the game just feels rushed and incomplete (thanks half-ass online). Not to mention the arena in Going Commando completely DEMOLISHES the pathetic excuse that is in UYA.
love the ps2 for it's first and second party games like ico, mark of kri, etc.. also all the rpg games sony consoles are known for.
I bought mine this spring and it is my first console ever. I've always been a computer user but I bought the PSTwo because my computer was too old for gaming and the ease of gaming on a console. I've got five games so far and I am looking into buying some more in the near future. I will not buy another consoles from this gen and I will probably stay loyal to Sony in the upcoming gen too.