The majority of frauds in traditional finances are probably not credit card related, but more likely to be various scams. Credit card frauds are easier though, because it's easier to buy stolen credit card numbers and find some less careful online merchants to cash in. Scams, on the other hand, require "operations" and are more risky.
Crypto scams are also very common, but since they can only targets people with crypto currencies, the target audience is limited. They also have the disadvantage of more difficulties on cashing in, as unless you have some ways to buy actual goods using crypto currencies you probably want to sell your "earnings" for fiat money and it's not that easy.
There is actually a premium in OTC markets for "clean" BTC and ETH, which are directly mined so guaranteed to be not from some dubious sources, as some centralized exchanges (especially those in China) are known to freeze accounts with money received from "dirty" wallet addresses.