Creative X-fi now listed at stores

I couldn't justify the cost of the two upper end guys, but I did buy the Platinum. I had some money coming back from the Creative settlement, so it's $50 less than normal (otherwise I would have gone for the botton line one). Creative may have goofed on my order to boot, so it may even be cheaper. :p We'll see how much they charge my card for....

Another review:

This seems like a pretty realistic review IMHO. My cranks on the card are pretty much the same as theirs (with the exception of the firewire port).
It's kinda disturbing to see the survey @ the top of their page:
26% Like the 24X more processing power
8% Like the 127 simultaneous voices
15% Like the Xram
13% Like the EAX5 ext.
38% Like the Crystalizer
Seems marketing does go a long way! :(
C'mon, how long was XP on the market before Creative could get drivers for the new OS they knew was coming for how many years in advance?
Heh, more importantly maybe was how long it took to get 2K drivers out. And they sucked for a long time. XP came with some default Live drivers at least.
CosmoKramer said:
Masterbaiter, what is your impression of the card?

I'm still waiting on mine, so till then I'm modestly optimistic. I'll be pretty happy just to have bass that isn't diminished when I game now. I could care less about the Crystalizer, but most of the game related stuff is of interest to me (well.. when there are games out there that support EAX5 that is...).
I also do a bit of goofing around with midi, so I'd be curious to see what the ASIO performance is like as well (even more curious to see what Emu does with the chipset...)

Seems to me that the GamePC and IXBT reviews have been the most balanced so far though.
P.S. I think I've seen you (& Thomase) over @ 3DSS. I'm a lurker over there more or less. :)

-edit- it's gonna be here tommorow (14th) drool.......
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Well I've had it for about a week now. I did a reformat on my system this weekend to make sure all was good in the world, so I can start to post some comments on it now.
First off. It just sounds plain better than the old Audigy2 ZS that was in my system prior. The upper end is much more clear, and articulated.
Directional location of sounds is much better as well (running in 5.1 surround)
The biggest difference is having proper bass back without having to mess with settings too much (+15 db bass option under gaming console).
I may be missing something in the settings, but there doesn't seem to be a way to optimize your speakers for your specific setup (distances, and balance are missing), so that seems to be a glaring omission (there is one for THX, but that's it). I'll look on the CD to see if I just goofed up here.

I didn't have any problems with the cards setup @ all, but it should probably be noted that some people are having problems with them:
It seems this problem may be more bios (mobo) related than soundcard.

I've only tried a few games so far: Thief3, FEAR, UT2K4,and BF1942. BF42 has a tendency to crash on occasion with a sound loop, but I am inlined to blame BF42 rather than anything else. In all fairness it seemed more prevailent when playing the Battlegroup42 mod over Desert Combat, or just plain 'ol BF42. The locations of sounds was great though in all games.

I am not using the Crystalizer function. It doesn't impress me that much (or for that all) & seems more like a bell than anything. Music (mp3's & cd's) sound much better on this card too. I haven't attacked any other features on the card yet, so this is about all I comment on for right now. All I can say is that I'm pretty happy with my purchase so far.
sounds like it will be a good upgrade to my audigy 1 when i finally get a new computer,

just wondering whether you noticed any if at all performance increase in games?
MasterBaiter said:
I may be missing something in the settings, but there doesn't seem to be a way to optimize your speakers for your specific setup (distances, and balance are missing), so that seems to be a glaring omission (there is one for THX, but that's it). .

The THX Console affects 3D-gaming as well, i e it is what you're looking for.
Way back when, I said I'd never own another Creative sound-card. I'm in the midst of building an entirely new system and figured "wtf, I'll give them another shot now they have product not based off the live-lineage". I'm still waiting for my pre-order to be delivered. I hope their drivers and software have improved greatly.

Keep us posted on your experiences with the new toy.
MasterBaiter said:
Ah! Well I think that solved my wee conondrum! :p
Thanks Cosmo!

No problem :)

I've ordered the Fatal1ty version, but it seems it'll take a while before I get it. :(
Btw, what is your system spec? The reason I ask is that I've heard something about a compatibility problem with nForce4 based systems.
Yep. I linked to it in my top post actually Cosmo. I haven't run into a problem specifically with the card. My system has other issues which makes it fun to reformat, but that's another story...

3700+ Athlon64
Epox 9NPA +Ultra
2 Gb OCZ DDR400 mem
2 WD Raptor drives (raid 0 array)
1 Seagate 7800.8 250 Gb drive
Memorex DVD burner
7800GTX VGA adapter
Dell 2405 LCD

Audio system:
Onkyo TX-SR602 Receiver
Yamaha YST-SW205 Subwoofer
Aura Bass Shaker (attached to chair... keeps me regular...)
KLH Satellites
I think I might wait a bit for the X-Fi. I have an Audigy 2ZS, and I am just fine with it. Of Course, I am more than willing to be open to new products though. ;) Onboard is just not as good as teh Audigy 2ZS, and I am expecting that much of an improvement the X-Fi has ovet teh Audigy 2ZS.

The X-Fi and the Audigy 2 ZS use the same codecs [edit: DACs]unless you get the Elite Pro. So audio quality will be identical, unless games all of a sudden take audio very seriously and actually use X-Fi's new capabilities. The improved resampling may help, but honestly I can not tell the difference between my A2ZS resamping and using a high quality software resampler plugin with Winamp.

I doubt that game houses will start developing for the card on a large scale anytime soon because it will be several years before X-Fi tech penetrates into the market, if ever. It is arguable whether Creative has really impacted the market since the arrival of AC97 mobo audio. Even with most games having options for EAX HD say, most people just don't care. It doesn't seem to have motivated many to buy Audigy. I know very few people with separate sound cards these days. Plus, developing for niche products is not a good use of game developmental resources, especially when most people don't give a rat's ass about audio quality and use that noisy AC97 on their mobo.

And honestly I'm not convinced X-Fi brings that much to the table for games. Unless you like headphones a lot. A2ZS has pretty decent audio positioning, and EAX is of questionable worth, so I just don't see X-Fi becoming hugely popular, especially with the ridiculous price of the thing.
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swaaye said:
And honestly I'm not convinced X-Fi brings that much to the table for games. Unless you like headphones a lot. A2ZS has pretty decent audio positioning, and EAX is of questionable worth, so I just don't see X-Fi becoming hugely popular, especially with the ridiculous price of the thing.

I agree... I wish they would spend less time developing check-mark features so they could spend more money on getting better ADCs and DACs on the boards (the 'cheap' ones also, I mean), as well as some (to sayt it again) DD encoding... that would be worth for games and multi-channel environments... When I hear that Cristalyzer thing I can't help but think is more or less the same as CMSS3D on the current Audigys, which is USELESS, and even worse, needs to be activated in order to get stereo sources to play on back speackers, which worked by default on SBLive and took me HOURS to find it here.

BTW, I recall in my SBLive 5.1 X-Gamer I had the chance by using the mixer to determine where each sound source would be placed on the surrounding, i.e. I could setup CD music to be played from behind and Aux-In from left right, etc... I can't seem to be able to find this now, has anyone used it before - is using it now?