CPU Fans


Does anyone have a suggested far for an AMD XP 2200+? Right now i am running at around 40 Degrees C and i am not comfortable with that temperature.
During heavy gameplay my AthlonXP 2100+ is running at ~60°C. . . I'm using the HSF that comes with the retail CPU.
40 degrees is actually very cool for that chip. I'm running a decently rated coolermaster (made for 2100+) on a 1800+ chip, and my cpu usually hangs around 48-53 degrees, and that's with a thin and evenly applied layer of arctic silver III.

If you are really concerned, you could try one of the current monster coolers like an alpha or globalwin, but I doubt you'd get much lower than your current temps. There's also peltiers and water cooling, but that's getting rather extreme.

What brand & model number of motherboard are you using? the reason I ask is do you kno whether the temp is being taken from within the core, or is it taken from beneath the core, inside the socket? Makes a huge difference.....
For that chip, your temps are fine IMO.

What kind of case do you have and how many fans are in it? Your mobo temp seems a little warm, so you can probably get the case temps down by adding some more case fans or more powerful ones.

My 2400+ @ 2.31ghz runs around 41'c at full load but this case has phenominal cooling.
40C idle is fine. I'm at ~42C idle, 50C load with an XP1700+ and Thermalright SK-7 + 80mm (<20cfm--quiet and low flow) fan.

Board temp seems a bit high, though. What's your room temp? How many case fans do you have?

(Again, does this topic belong in 3DT&H? I'll admit it's a nice change of pace from all this furious next-gen rumor-mongering and consipiracy talk. ;) )
my mobo is a GA-7VAXP. the Board temp is usually around 30 - 38 degress C

That seems downright low to me. I'm running a XaserIII case with four intake and four exhaust fans along with dual fans in my PS plus my HS/Fan running ~4000RPMs and my video card fan and my ambient temps tend to run 35C idle(twelve for those keeping count ; ) ), although room temp is kept around 75 degrees. My processor is @2.1GHZ which pumps out a bit more heat then yours, but your temps wouldn't have me batting an eye. Your chip is rated for peak operating temp @90 C, and your ambient temp is peaking around 100 degrees farenheit, I wouldn't sweat it.