Countdown to Battlestar Galactica

And for those savy enough, StarGate: Atlantis episodes can be found already. The first 4 episodes of the second-half of Season 2 (2.11, 2.12, 2.13, and 2.14) are out. The fifth one will likely be out on Tuesday. :cool:
IgnorancePersonified said:
is that a new movie or the 2nd Instalment in the new series?
Second half of the second season I believe, but it's the second part of a two parter that had a HELL of a cliffhanger ending and a lot of people are looking forward to it. :)
IgnorancePersonified said:
Watched most of the new ones though Starbuck being a chick and Apollo being such a dork was a bit hard to handle.

I like Starbuck as a girl.
RussSchultz said:

I like Starbuck as a girl.

Same here, it works.

Though I guess there would be plot potential in giving Apollo a "bud" who resembled the original Starbuck, even if temporarilly.
I think they cast her well but the cigar smoking cylon arse kicking 'tude clashed with the sobbing "I let apollo's bro die and it's all my fault" bit... adama should have kicked her arse good! if it was a guy there would have been 5 sec's max of intense soul searching ... and that would have been fine.

I will have to catch up on the episodes I missed in preparation. Is a good series just got distracted watching them all.
RussSchultz said:

I like Starbuck as a girl.

I initially had quite some difficulty accepting her in the role but now find that either she's grown into it well and/or I've learned to accept her in it. I think perhaps earlier I found her too hammy.
New BSG > Old BSG

January 6th can't come fast enough. Also, Lost returns the week after.. I believe.. (yay)
K.I.L.E.R said:
I like Starbuck as a man.

Yey! GTOTW!!! Where's l-b when you need him? :LOL:

On Topic: I watched a few episodes and somehow it lacks the charm of the original. Didn't really drag me in.