Battlefield 2042 [PS, XB, PC]

Live stream now.

edit: ? I guess I'm still an hour too early for this thread. They specified 7am PT. So ... ?

Tune in starting June 9, 2021 at 7:00 a.m. PT to watch the live countdown to the reveal of the newest addition to the Battlefield franchise.


I dunno. w/e. I was looking forward to hyping myself for pure joy. Unfortunately another hr wait.
I'm commenting while I am watching the video.

Did I see a tank with brake lights?

Who brings a four-wheeler to a high-rise roof top?

"Hey Bob, you know what you need in the cockpit?"


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I'm commenting while I am watching the video.

Did I see a tank with brake lights? Who brings a four-wheeler to a high-rise roof top?

"Hey Bob, you know what you need in the cockpit?"


lol crazy necro bump
uh... tried it since its on gamepass
  1. wheres the destructions?
  2. so few vehicles
  3. very unintiuitive vehicles controls
  4. confusing classes
  5. unbalanced AF (why even bothered with matchmaking if its unbalanced AF?)
[2]so few vehicles

Good thing otherwise there would be even more vehicles on top of skyscrapers. :p It's probably been fixed by now but you used to be able to just drive vehicles up the sides of buildings. And you could air-drop vehicles on top of buildings.

[4]confusing classes

Yeah, one of the goals for BF2042 was to get rid of classes. Most people hated that change.

ood thing otherwise there would be even more vehicles on top of skyscrapers. :p It's probably been fixed by now but you used to be able to just drive vehicles up the sides of buildings. And you could air-drop vehicles on top of buildings.
people stioll managed to place boats on top of skyscrapers as portable spawn point. dunno how rofl
turns out BF2042 is actually quite good once i stopped playing like im playing a battlefield game, and start playing like im playing a call of duty

  • work alone
  • do all kinds of war crimes (camping in a bush, meleeing people from behind like a madman, going BEHIND enemy line and start trolling people)
  • ignore vehicles
sadly since there is a bug EA won't acknowledge my xbox account is not linked anymore to my EA account so i can't access any EA game on my XsS.
I got hit by that long time ago but with EA desktop x gamepass license on pc.

I contacted them and I got lucky, they fixed it in a few weeks
whoa whoa whoa. turns out there are aircraft only mode that was amazing to play but repetitive.

the dual-rush (dunno what its called) mode need more vehicles, more destruction, more shenanigans (hello flying helicopers INTO a tunnel in previous battlefields)
seems my ip address got shadowbanned by EA/DICE.

i cant play at all (persistence data error) with my main internet. work fine with mobile hotspot.
seems my ip address got shadowbanned by EA/DICE.

i cant play at all (persistence data error) with my main internet. work fine with mobile hotspot.

Account bans have happened just out of nowhere too. One of my accounts got banned for cheating some years ago. Now luckily theres almost always steam sales 😉
Wow stellar customer service! It got fixed in few weeks and you consider yourself lucky!!! Holy f..k!
my standard is low.

  • Google: its almost impossible for a normal human to get in contact with a human. various "advisors" provide factually INCORRECT solutions. When i get in contact with a real human being, they simply told me to contact a different departement. Contacting different departement just result in telling me to contact the departement telling me to contact a different departement
  • CDPR: took months just to reply with something generic like "we've released an updated that may fix your issue"
  • PlayStation: uh.. how do i even contact them? (they used to have easy to find contact form before the major website redesign). I have an easier time tweeting @yosp to get answers! but now he is no longer the playstation boss.
  • NVIDIA: never reply
  • PayPal: they cant do anything

oh btw microsoft also has made it super hard to find the live chat button or support ticket button for both microsoft and xbox. they still make it easy to contact "xbox gamers" (whatever that means) via live chat tho.

oh EA also has changed their website AGAIN, and now i cant find the live chat button. but after manually digging the website, i found email button. BOOKMARK THIS

must be logged in beforehan
For most ISPs, dynamic assigned IP addresses don't change very often.


However, troublesome players know how to adjust the DUID or MAC address of their router to have better fortune in obtaining a new IP address from the ISP. They spend far too long in learning how to circumvent punishment then actually getting better at the games.
my standard is low.

  • Google: its almost impossible for a normal human to get in contact with a human. various "advisors" provide factually INCORRECT solutions. When i get in contact with a real human being, they simply told me to contact a different departement. Contacting different departement just result in telling me to contact the departement telling me to contact a different departement
  • CDPR: took months just to reply with something generic like "we've released an updated that may fix your issue"
  • PlayStation: uh.. how do i even contact them? (they used to have easy to find contact form before the major website redesign). I have an easier time tweeting @yosp to get answers! but now he is no longer the playstation boss.
  • NVIDIA: never reply
  • PayPal: they cant do anything

oh btw microsoft also has made it super hard to find the live chat button or support ticket button for both microsoft and xbox. they still make it easy to contact "xbox gamers" (whatever that means) via live chat tho.

oh EA also has changed their website AGAIN, and now i cant find the live chat button. but after manually digging the website, i found email button. BOOKMARK THIS

must be logged in beforehan
Unfortunately everything you say is true. I had issue with my payment 2 years ago on PlayStation store and it was nightmare to get it fix. The support page is predefined issues and if your don’t fit then bad luck. As you say how the hell do I contact them. Such a painful process. What a time we live in when suddenly support become such a bad experience. Tragedy.