Could Dreamcast et al handle this/that game/effect? *DC tech retrospective *spawn

But does TTT handle it differently because of a hardware difference, or just artistic application? The fact no other PS2 games got the same results suggests the latter, with Namco just being ahead on the superior execution of conventional techniques.

Edit: And I don't understand Cloofoofoo's point to SC3. I thought that was a DC game but it wasn't. What are the DC games that used the same techniques?
I already answered that question. I was describing what I found particularly impressive and unique in TTT in general. There was no comparison. Cloofoofoo's argument was that there was nothing particularly impressive. While he was focusing in the general technique I was focusing on the result. At the end of the day whether we attribute it to art, hardware or engine or a combination, the result is the same. Materials were more convincing.

I already answered that question. I was describing what I found particularly impressive and unique in TTT in general. There was no comparison. Cloofoofoo's argument was that there was nothing particularly impressive. While he was focusing in the general technique I was focusing on the result. At the end of the day whether we attribute it to art, hardware or engine or a combination, the result is the same. Materials were more convincing.

Well theres definitely something weird when it comes to the lighting. So basically there seems to be some 1D texture gradients that when selected it removes the lighting all together some chunks of the stage. I saw them in multiple stages. Its only my guess but it probably somehow samples the gradients to control the lighting in the stage , I mean cel shading kinda works like that so it might not be far fetched. Look at the screen below, When i select that specific gradient 1D texture it gets rid of that chunk lighting from the stage. I guess combine this plus the environment map material and you got the ttt look. I guess at its worse thats like 3x passes, 1 for base, 1 for env material , 1 for lighting?

1d textures:



Normal , no gradient selected:

Gradient that controls the light on the floor removed, only base texture remains and affects characters too:
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I see. Would be nice to bring this back onto the topic of other platforms running the same games and techniques. ;)
Well speaking of that, comparing to my prior post of ttt lighting, now that I think about it theres a game on dc that if Iam not understanding wrong does something similar. Sonic adventure 1 and its somewhat recently discovered lighting engine " lantern" for the dreamcast. That game always did have peculiar look to it. who knows maybe these two things are the same technique? For sa1 it uses several control textures for diffuse and specular parts of lighting.

There are several ways you can achieve that TTT effect on the Dreamcast.
It's not the simple presence of roughness that gives TTT it's looks. Now that I m checking the visuals again, I think Namco first build the scenes how they would have looked like if there were no real time limitations to get an idea of the proper blending of light and materials, then baked the right environmental maps and lights on to the textures and lastly either placed the right light probes that correspond to the environment supposed lighting directions or the environment light was "baked" similar to environment maps to affect uniformly all materials. Jin's stage in particular exhibit multiple hues coming from the right directions. White from the direction of the open window, yellowish from the side of the painted wall and other hues from other sides. The fires also seems to have their corresponding hues casted to the character. The ground planks on the other hand exhibit their own separate environmental maps, not one uniform specular, with a subtle illusion of convex surfaces and bevels in the edges of each plunk.
Well speaking of that, comparing to my prior post of ttt lighting, now that I think about it theres a game on dc that if Iam not understanding wrong does something similar. Sonic adventure 1 and its somewhat recently discovered lighting engine " lantern" for the dreamcast. That game always did have peculiar look to it. who knows maybe these two things are the same technique? For sa1 it uses several control textures for diffuse and specular parts of lighting.
They aren't textures (but I think the mod for the PC version that restores the lighting stores them in textures as an implementation detail.) The lighting code does a dot product between the normal and light vectors, then does a table look up with the result to get the final vertex RGB value. On the DC, it's all done on the CPU. Complex math, like exponents, can be precalcuated, and it allows for other effects, like making the in-shadow side be a different color than the lit side, or the weird spike near the middle of Ice Cap's specular lighting table, that might be difficult in a more standard system.
A more interesting question, does DC even have the memory to handle some of these effects in an actual game?
It's an interesting question since the DC had 16MB of RAM and 8MB of VRAM , whereas the PS2 has 32MB of RAM and 4MB of VRAM but with tremendously huge bandwidth for it's time for fast streaming.

In the case of TTT all of the visuals present on screen must have been stored on the available memory and fixed. Nothing to swap in and out/streamed if I understood correctly. The quality of the textures though in TTT looked pristine compared to the blurry mess of PS2's DOA2. The variety of detail in many TTT stages were exceptional.
Playstation mafia dominates and self confirms its opinions*again*
If you are referring to my post you are misreading. PS2's DOA 2 was inferior to the DC version since PS2 had less VRAM, but then we have TTT that couldn't exploit the PS2's fast bandwidth, so everything is most likely stored in just 4MB of VRAM like DOA2. I don't know how PS2's RAM might have been used to achieve that presentation. So @davis.anthony's question is an interesting one and nobody came with an answer.
I for one don't think there's a reason that it'd have to be one to one. Look at the likes of Doa2, they look pretty extensively different, but both look great in their own ways. If ttt was to run on DC, I'm sure it would lose a light or two, or maybe some sort of geometry or effect in the. Background, but namco has great teams, so I'm sure with actual effort, they'd get it to match or be damned close on a theoretical Dreamcast version
There was always a rumour that the PS2 version of DOA2 was printed by accident as the developer sent over a pre-release sample to Sony to test, and they printed the retail disks using it.

Always thought that was funny.
There was always a rumour that the PS2 version of DOA2 was printed by accident as the developer sent over a pre-release sample to Sony to test, and they printed the retail disks using it.

Always thought that was funny.
That was only the first Japanese version. Western, European, and 2nd Japanese versions were completed. Technically the US Dreamcast version wasn't nearly complete since they enhanced that too later on. If it had sold as well on DC, I'm sure a "hardcore" version would have come, too.
That was only the first Japanese version. Western, European, and 2nd Japanese versions were completed. Technically the US Dreamcast version wasn't nearly complete since they enhanced that too later on. If it had sold as well on DC, I'm sure a "hardcore" version would have come, too.

So it was actually true then?!!??
They aren't textures (but I think the mod for the PC version that restores the lighting stores them in textures as an implementation detail.) The lighting code does a dot product between the normal and light vectors, then does a table look up with the result to get the final vertex RGB value. On the DC, it's all done on the CPU. Complex math, like exponents, can be precalcuated, and it allows for other effects, like making the in-shadow side be a different color than the lit side, or the weird spike near the middle of Ice Cap's specular lighting table, that might be difficult in a more standard system.
Thx for clearing that up. Maybe they could be doing something similar in ttt in this case maybe what ever values they are getting from this tiny textures to change the vertex color values(ala cel shading). Seeing how youre the man to ask about low level dc things, what do you think about those faked materials using env maps ttt does , on dc? Realistically in a scenario as ttt how would you expect the dc to handle? basically everything from the fighters to the stages use it. in all cases the fighters even use different multiple env map per each player model depending whether its clothing , skin and so on. And could the secondary accumulation buffer feature help?
If you are referring to my post you are misreading. PS2's DOA 2 was inferior to the DC version since PS2 had less VRAM, but then we have TTT that couldn't exploit the PS2's fast bandwidth, so everything is most likely stored in just 4MB of VRAM like DOA2. I don't know how PS2's RAM might have been used to achieve that presentation. So @davis.anthony's question is an interesting one and nobody came with an answer.

Yeah... I wouldnt worry about it. Dc vq compression is aound 5;1 up to 7:1 depending on the case. Not to mention ttt doesnt take as much memory for textures as you think, cant comment for the stages but lets for example jin png version of all his texture is just around 300 kb. Now lets compress this Dreamcast native vq format( basically dreamcast can read this compressed format that it doesnt have to decompress it so it doesnt take any further memory use. ) So the pant texture + alpha map in png for that is 86 kb, in DC native vq format is 18kb. You could do that to pretty much every texture. So like I said memory wouldnt be an issue at least for textures for this game. Btw that alpha map is it controls its faked specular. Keep in mind Some one loaded Sc2 XBOX assets to dreamcast , that included textures and simply vq compressed them and had memory to spare.
Does anyone know if anyone has ever dumped TTT stages? I mean the 3D models, I'd like to see to a what extent Those effects can be replicated on the Doa 2 engine.