they need a simple reliable and fast test to see if you have got it, have had it. find the real numbers of infected
I think me and the gf had it about 2 weeks ago for a few days, symptoms a little bit of a cough, no fever ( my temp always between 34.8 -> 36.4 ) sense of smell decreased a bit, nothing else though.
I was taking hydroxychloriquine as I had volunteered to work in the hospital (no medical knowledge, just make coffee, move patients/bodies, clean whatever) but stopped taking the pills as I can feel my arthritis coming back a bit

Things arent so desperate as for them to accept me yet to help out.
Not sure we had it, but I wouldnt be surprised, I can hear a lot of ppl around me in the apartments with it.
I'm sure the actual number of ppl with it/had it is at least 10x higher maybe even as much as 50-100x so all these measures they are doing now perhaps are not as necessary, here in spain perhaps 20% of the workers have returned to work, shops arent yet open though