Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) [2020]

That's actually not true, fractional-wave antennae are absolutely a thing; example: Quarter-wave antenna - Wikipedia. Actually there are even fractal antennas which can radiate efficiently over a ton of RF spectrum.

Anyway, the need for an antenna isn't the limiter IMO. The real limiter here is the amount of RF power you need to send any signal at all from something so small that it fit inside a hypodermic needle. To get that maximum 5G coverage radius, you'll need to be able to transmit at least a few thousand feet. You're gonna need several hundred milliwatts to get there.
I was misremembering from ~ a year ago from a skeptoid episode
the antenna still has to be physically large enough to capture the wavelength, and this is a limit set by physics, not by technology. On the order of about a centimeter is the lowest bound, which is far too large to be injectable. Pet chips range from about 1 to 4 centimeters in length and about 7mm wide, fat enough that the needle used to inject them is huge and terrifying, nothing like a medical hypo.
Yup, that quote seems accurate to me. I'm not an RF engineer, I do have some background from early adulthoot working in that field :)

Either way, nothing we've been simply injected with is gonna transmit anything.
Of course not. It's about receiving, not transmitting. The actual plan of Gates and his fellow lizards is to turn us into zombies or slaves or both with nanobots such as these.
Yeah but for a proper command and control job, you need to know where people are so you know which ones you're controlling! I guess Gates just isn't smart enough to plan like that and just wants to watch the world burn? Man that guy is dumb.
On one hand you hear this
"The data shared by PHE also showed that of the confirmed delta cases that ended up hospitalized since July 19, 55.1% of the 1,467 were unvaccinated, while 34.9% had received both doses of the vaccine. Experts have highlighted that hospitalizations of vaccinated people does not mean vaccines aren’t working. "

Thats a considerably high percentage

And on the other this:
Vaccines highly effective against hospitalisation from Delta variant
It's not an either/or situation because the risks are based on age to such a degree:

Statistics quoted in this article show that the risk of death for a vaccinated 80 year old is now similar to that of an unvaccinated 50 year old. That's a hugely substantial reduction in risk.

However, chances of an unvaccinated 50 year old being admitted or dying aren't insignificant by any means, so we'll still see a high proportion of deaths in older age groups. Just a hell of a lot less of them.
It's not an either/or situation because the risks are based on age to such a degree:

Statistics quoted in this article show that the risk of death for a vaccinated 80 year old is now similar to that of an unvaccinated 50 year old. That's a hugely substantial reduction in risk.

However, chances of an unvaccinated 50 year old being admitted or dying aren't insignificant by any means, so we'll still see a high proportion of deaths in older age groups. Just a hell of a lot less of them.

Yes age plays a significant role. 39% is still a significant number though considering that vaccination reduces both transmission and chances of hospitalization. To me it looks like the efficacy is waning off, or the efficacy was overestimated.

My private doctor told me that some people do not develop enough protection, some almost anything at all with the vaccines depending on their age and other probable health problems.
That she knows from her doctor colleagues who got vaccinated and after some months did an immunity test.
There are actually old people out there who got double vaccinated and dont have any protection at all, and they dont know it.

There are gaps in the information, in the media that raise questions regarding journalist knowledge of statistics or if this is another case of common statistical mispractice.
Like for example in this article:
  • Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry.
  • The two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data.
The efficacy figure, which is based on an unspecified number of people between June 20 and July 17, is down from an earlier estimate of 64% two weeks ago and conflicts with data out of the U.K. that found the shot was 88% effective against symptomatic disease caused by the variant.

However, the two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data published Thursday.

So it appears to me, at least at a first glance some kind of statistical data mining. It makes the interpretation of data confusing. They have to explain what they mean with 39% effectiveness in contrast to "88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness".
On one hand you hear this
"The data shared by PHE also showed that of the confirmed delta cases that ended up hospitalized since July 19, 55.1% of the 1,467 were unvaccinated, while 34.9% had received both doses of the vaccine. Experts have highlighted that hospitalizations of vaccinated people does not mean vaccines aren’t working. "

Thats a considerably high percentage
I have no idea, what data she means.
I think, she compared the last technical briefing with #19,
Ok something really weird is going on. This is from Gibraltar.
Covid cases are increasing and are worse than last year at the same period even though more than 99% of the population is fully vaccinated.



This is a small population of course. But still.
Ok something really weird is going on. This is from Gibraltar.
Covid cases are increasing and are worse than last year at the same period even though more than 99% of the population is fully vaccinated.
Vaccines doesn't fully prevent from getting COVID and that's only a few dozen of cases. And vaccinated people that get COVID are less sick.

There was a death last week and guess what? He wasn't vaccinated:
yeah its not strange in the slightest. I have my doubts about the >99% (I assume some spanish were counted, by sneaking over the border, as earlier it used to be easier to get the vaccine in gibraltor than spain)

Though the news today is some nurse in germany has been injecting 1000s of ppl with saline solution instead of vaccine (sounds like they were anti-vac)
Hopefully she gets charged for attempted murder (cause thats what it is, she might think she was doing the ppl a favour but the science saiz nah man) A strong deterrent is needed.
She can't be the only one doing this
It seems that the Delta variant is infectious enough and has enough antibody evasion, that the vaccines are probably only around 50% effective at stopping infection about now. This efficacy may continue to drop in the future as well as antibody levels fall - a perfectly natural and expected feature of the immune response. The protection against severe infection does seem long-lasting, however. The problem is for those who, for one reason or another, haven't mounted an effective immune response following vaccination. Hence the thought about boosters this autumn for the immuno-compromised and elderly.

Delta is so much more infectious than the original virus type out of Wuhan that it is practically a different disease so this is probably why Gibraltar will be showing higher rates of infection in comparison to last year. Also, could be due to the links with the UK and rates are so high here due to all restrictions being pretty much dropped.

As it stands and with the current vaccines, evidence shows that fully vaccinated people (even with the mRNA vaccines) can still catch and spread the virus, though to a lesser degree in both respects. The calculus might change with updated vaccines specifically targetted at Delta, but none of these exist at present.
It's getting clearer all the time that COVID-19 will end up being what it was claimed to be by some in the beginning (which it wasn't at the time though), close to a common cold with a bit of potential for complications. Vaccines won't prevent it spreading but will keep the fatalities low.

The last year and a half have actually been the only period in my life when I _haven't_ suffered several bouts of febrile cold per year. It used to be a standard event every few months, and a proper flu every other year or so.
It seems that the Delta variant is infectious enough and has enough antibody evasion, that the vaccines are probably only around 50% effective at stopping infection about now. This efficacy may continue to drop in the future as well as antibody levels fall - a perfectly natural and expected feature of the immune response. The protection against severe infection does seem long-lasting, however. The problem is for those who, for one reason or another, haven't mounted an effective immune response following vaccination. Hence the thought about boosters this autumn for the immuno-compromised and elderly.

Delta is so much more infectious than the original virus type out of Wuhan that it is practically a different disease so this is probably why Gibraltar will be showing higher rates of infection in comparison to last year. Also, could be due to the links with the UK and rates are so high here due to all restrictions being pretty much dropped.

As it stands and with the current vaccines, evidence shows that fully vaccinated people (even with the mRNA vaccines) can still catch and spread the virus, though to a lesser degree in both respects. The calculus might change with updated vaccines specifically targetted at Delta, but none of these exist at present.
So vaccinated people can still catch/transmit the Delta variant, but aren't at as much risk for symptoms/long term consequences? Am I reading you right?
In the decade preceding the pandemic, the mean IQ score on standardised tests for children aged between three months and three years of age hovered around 100, but for children born during the pandemic that number tumbled to 78, according to the analysis, which is yet to be peer-reviewed.
Seems like anti vax propaganda, so I wouldnt accept it as truth yet. But I wouldnt be surprised with a little drop, but thats massive (and can you really measure it accurately at an early age?) though I could see stopping 3-5 yr old meeting with other kids etc having a huge negative impact.
This along with how it seems ppl seem to be getting dumber (flyn effect seems to have stopped and now going down, I think due to social media), idiocracy is looking more and more like a documentary
Something to keep in mind when people are calling for lockdowns
Ok something really weird is going on. This is from Gibraltar.
Covid cases are increasing and are worse than last year at the same period even though more than 99% of the population is fully vaccinated.


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This is a small population of course. But still.
Don't trust absolute numbers.
Bing translation:
" Because in Gibraltar, the de facto vaccination rate is not 100 percent, but significantly lower. About 34,000 people live in the British exclave. According to the authorities, a good 78,400 doses of vaccine were administered there, mainly that of Biontech, which, given two doses per vaccinate, would even correspond to a calculated vaccination rate of 115 percent of the total population and an even more breathtaking vaccination rate of the vaccinatable population from the age of twelve. ...
At least 8,000 Spanish commuters who come to work on the peninsula every day have also been vaccinated. ... Gibraltar reported a total of 18 new infections this Sunday, ten of which affected fully vaccinated people of all ages. The eight unvaccinated infected also belonged to different age groups, on Saturday among the newly infected was also an unvaccinated person between the ages of 100 and 105 years.
The number of Covid deaths has not risen since then. However, the number of active cases is that Gibraltar currently has 281 active infections with Sars-CoV-2. This affects 254 locals and 27 visitors. However, due to the still high vaccination rate (also minus the Spanish commuters), the number of severe courses is low. Nine of the infected people are being treated in hospital, one of them in the intensive care unit. Almost all infections can be traced back to the delta variant of the virus."
A couple of years of adapted vaccine boosters might well be useful in helping suppress the number of Delta infections. Of course, we need to get any vaccine to as many people as possible around the world to provide some protection first of all.

The initial adapted boosters are apparently designed to have more effect against the Beta variant which is the one which has shown most vaccine/antibody escape so far. The adapted AZ vaccine is now undergoing trials and, helpfully, initial indications seem to be that it also improves immune response against Delta.

Here's neutralisation titres from mice dosed with a combination of the AZ vaccine types:


Much greater effect against Delta as well as Beta, which is very helpful. Trials have recently begun in the UK where those receiving the boost will receive either the new AZD2816 or the old AZD1222 vaccine so will be getting a booster either way. You'd have thought that Pfizer/Moderna/Novavax/Sinopharm etc etc must surely be testing similarly-modified vaccines? If so, how long will we have to wait before efficacy and safety can be proven and the production lines can switch to produce the newer vaccines?
Much greater effect against Delta as well as Beta, which is very helpful. Trials have recently begun in the UK where those receiving the boost will receive either the new AZD2816 or the old AZD1222 vaccine so will be getting a booster either way. You'd have thought that Pfizer/Moderna/Novavax/Sinopharm etc etc must surely be testing similarly-modified vaccines? If so, how long will we have to wait before efficacy and safety can be proven and the production lines can switch to produce the newer vaccines?

They are said to have delta-targeted boosters in their labs but generally when they advocate for boosters, they're talking about the third dose of the existing vaccines.

This discussion by virologists is interesting. It's 75 minutes but they discuss boosters as well as a lot of other issues around delta. They say boosters would absolutely work but they personally wouldn't get it yet. They support boosters for the immunosuppressed.

I think they also say that if Americans get boosters, it wouldn't necessarily deprive poor countries from getting more vaccines. I think they compared US sending vaccines to bailing the Titanic with buckets as it took on water. The solution would be to allow more local manufacturing of vaccines around the world, which would require the drug companies to drop their patent demands.
