Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) [2020]

I wish indonesia also have that kind of response. One of the main hospital got a patient (being treated for other reason) that turns out was infected with COVID19. The hospital's response for the doctors/residents/medical students that were in contact with that patient? Keep working on the hospital as usual while waiting for test result

It's something, but it's not much. Might save 1 life in 8 for those requiring ventilation and 1 in 25 for those requiring additional oxygen. (obviously referring to the steroid treatment here)
How do you get from 35% fewer deaths for those on ventilators in the trial to 1 in 8 in your prediction? And far worse, from a 20% reduction in the oxygen mortality to your prediction of a 4% reduction?
Straight from the horses mouth of those running the trials:

Landray said there was no room for doubt. “This is not the play of chance. This is a completely compelling result,” he said. “If one treated around eight ventilated patients, one patient would survive because of that treatment who would not have survived if you hadn’t given that treatment.”

Among those needing oxygen, one life would be saved for every 25 patients treated, he said. “If you put that in the scale of the UK epidemic over the last few months, the difference dexamethasone [would have made] is around 4,000 or 5,000 lives and clearly the epidemic is an international issue.

Obviously, this is in addition to those who would already survive regardless, so it is a positive improvement. It just shows how dangerous the illness can be in the most severe cases.
Ah, okay. The other figures are I guess total deaths, where you have a proportionally high survival rate anyway. However, death numbers aren't the whole picture. If it speeds recovery or lessons the impact of the disease, that's an additional good win.
You'd imagine that patients requiring additional oxygen who then deteriorate further will go onto ventilation before dying. This being the case, I wonder if the 1 in 25 figure is also factored into the 1 in 8 number? Does it stop people requiring additional oxygen from deteriorating further and requiring ventilation?

Perhaps I was being too pessimistic - the number of 4,000 or 5,000 lives which potentially could have been saved in the UK is something very positive to consider, especially if a serious second wave hits in the future.
16 friends test positive for coronavirus after an outing at a Florida bar

Three members of the group, who spoke to CNN's Chris Cuomo Tuesday, said they want to remind the public that the pandemic is not over yet.

"We want to raise awareness and get ahead of it," Kat Layton told Cuomo. "We want to tell people it's really not ready for what we thought it was ready for, it's too soon."

The group had gathered for a friend's birthday, they said. The bar was crowded, and no one was wearing masks.

"Standing there in front of those people, we knew we were pushing it," Layton said.

At the time, the virus was "out of sight, out of mind" since they didn't know anyone who had contracted it and they heard from their mayor and governor that everything was fine, Erika Crisp said. But within days, they started getting sick.

"Receiving the text messages that my friends were just boom, positive, boom, positive, boom, positive, back to back to back, it was overwhelming," Dara Sweat told Cuomo.

Everyone in the group tested positive; and though some had flu like symptoms, none got seriously ill.

The women said they are confident they contracted the virus on that outing. Since then, they said, they have been messaged by strangers who also got sick after visiting the same bar that weekend.

Though Florida is continuing to reopen from coronavirus restrictions, the state recorded a record number of new cases on Monday, according to the Florida Department of Health.

"No, we're not shutting down, you know, we're going to go forward
. We're going to continue to protect the most vulnerable. You know, we're going to urge, continue to advise, particularly our elderly population to maintain social distancing, avoid crowds," Gov. Ron DeSantis said.
More of the same. No end in sight. Nothing changed on their plan.

Testing is at 16.4K. The trends continue to be on the lower side but approaching the average, especially once the large numbers drop off the 21 day rolling average.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
2020-06-04;    434,608;    11,087;    37,181;    37,282;    4,732;    6,312;    2,339;    490;    61;    40
2020-06-05;    443,533;    8,925;    37,944;    37,758;    4,789;    6,385;    2,355;    476;    73;    16
2020-06-06;    455,823;    12,290;    38,996;    38,111;    4,827;    6,460;    2,370;    353;    75;    15
2020-06-07;    466,279;    10,456;    39,890;    38,476;    4,858;    6,497;    2,377;    365;    37;    7
2020-06-08;    473,988;    7,709;    40,550;    38,837;    4,910;    6,550;    2,404;    361;    53;    27
2020-06-09;    487,583;    13,595;    41,713;    39,162;    4,939;    6,620;    2,421;    325;    70;    17
2020-06-10;    499,019;    11,436;    42,691;    39,575;    5,011;    6,693;    2,457;    413;    73;    36
2020-06-11;    509,699;    10,680;    43,605;    40,004;    5,057;    6,753;    2,490;    429;    60;    33
2020-06-12;    520,813;    11,114;    44,556;    40,424;    5,112;    6,814;    2,508;    420;    61;    18
2020-06-13;    535,943;    15,130;    45,850;    40,848;    5,144;    6,864;    2,554;    424;    50;    46
2020-06-14;    543,260;    7,317;    46,476;    41,148;    5,175;    6,895;    2,557;    300;    31;    3
2020-06-15;    554,128;    10,868;    47,406;    41,576;    5,220;    6,948;    2,573;    428;    53;    16
2020-06-16;    565,034;    10,906;    48,339;    42,010;    5,271;    7,007;    2,597;    434;    59;    24
2020-06-17;    581,444;    16,410;    49,743;    42,422;    5,336;    7,051;    2,611;    412;    44;    14
2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) for Dallas County Texas

June 17, 2020 - 15,256 confirmed cases - 302 deaths

15,256 confirmed cases up 413 and nine new deaths
those 413 new cases represent a 2.8% increase over the last day

The 413 case increase is a new all time high. Not Good.

Increases (by percent) over the last 83 days:
21.0%, 19.6%, 11.1%, 12.5%, 14.9%
-- Month of April 2020 --
15.8%, 13.7%, 10.8%, 10.2%, 9.6%, 3.9%, 9.2%, 5.0%, 8.2%, 7.3%, 7.0%, 4.8%, 3.8%, 5.0%, 5.8%,
4.0%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.1%, 3.0%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 5.3%
-- Month of May 2020 --
5.3%, 4.9%, 6.0%, 5.7%, 5.9%, 5.3%, 5.2%, 4.9%, 4.7%, 4.5%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.8%, 3.6%, 2.9%, 3.0%,
2.8%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.4%, 2.3%, 2.5%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.3%
-- Month of June 2020 --
2.2%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.6%, 2.7%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.4%, 2.4%, 2.4%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.1%,
2.1% and now 2.8%

Increases (by count) over the last 83 days:
+64, +72, +49, +61, +82
-- Month of April 2020 --
+100, +100, +90, +94, +97. +43, +106, +63, +108, +105, +107, +79, +65, +89, +109,
+80, +124, +134, +104, +84, +90, +81, +80, +71, +75, +105, +91, +135, +112, +179
-- Month of May 2020 --
+187, +181, +234, +237, +253, +246, +251, +249, +250, +251, +253, +236, +243, +235, +199, +214,
+205, +224, +225, +186, +183, +204, +172, +178, +171, +190, +197, +202, +200, +219, +228
-- Month of June 2020 --
+228, +257, +239, +285, +298, +289, +263, +254, +298, +300, +312, +328, +345, +302, +305,
+306, and now + 413

As of 11:00 am June 17, 2020, Dallas County Health and Human Services is reporting 413 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 15,256, including 302 deaths.

The additional 9 deaths being reported today include:

  • A man in his 40’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas. He had been hospitalized, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 60’s who was a resident of the City of Duncanville. She had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 60’s who was a resident of the City of Mesquite. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 60’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 60’s who was a resident of the City of Mesquite. He had been hospitalized, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 70’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. She had been critically ill in an area hospital, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 70’s who was a resident of the City of Lancaster. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 70’s who was a resident of the City of Grand Prairie. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 90’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas. She expired in hospice care, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
Over 17 confirmed COVID-19 cases in children and staff have been reported from 9 separate childcare facilities in Dallas County over the past week, with additional reports of associated illnesses in family members of affected children. Prior to this past week, only 1 daycare facility had been reported with any cases in the previous 2 months. Increasing outbreaks of cases are being reported from multiple large social gatherings since the beginning of June. The recent death of a 12 year-old is under investigation by the Medical Examiner’s office as a COVID-19 associated death.

Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, over 80% have been critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions. Of cases requiring hospitalization, more than two-thirds have been under 65 years of age, and about half do not have any high-risk chronic health conditions. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

The age-adjusted rates of confirmed COVID-19 cases in non-hospitalized patients have been highest among Hispanics (667.4 per 100,000), Asians (187.4 per 100,000) and Blacks (136.4 per 100,000). These rates have been higher than Whites (43.8 per 100,000). Over 60% of overall COVID-19 cases to date have been Hispanic.

Of the 302 total deaths reported to date, over a third have been associated with long-term care facilities.
State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 6/17/2020 @3:45 PM:

Total Tests: 1,560,537 (Up +38,103)

Total Viral Tests: 1,369,638 (Up +21,196)

Only 87.8% of Total Tests are Viral Tests the other 12.2% of tests are the useless
Antibody Tests

Cases Reported: 96,335 (Up +3,129)

Fatalities: 2,062 (Up +33)

Texas tests per 1M population are 53,819 (Up +1,314) which places Texas as the 9th worst State. No change from yesterday.

Click this link: and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column twice to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 1,369,638 which works out to be 47,235 per 1M population so Texas is really the 4th worst state in testing
Testing is at 15.4K. The trend saw roughly 300 more new cases than the previous trend, with 700 total new cases for today. I'm not sure what the cause might be, could be anything from reopening too soon to protests to restart of summer sports. The State didn't specify where the higher number came from. Hopefully it won't continue on the higher side.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
2020-06-04;    434,608;    11,087;    37,181;    37,282;    4,732;    6,312;    2,339;    490;    61;    40
2020-06-05;    443,533;    8,925;    37,944;    37,758;    4,789;    6,385;    2,355;    476;    73;    16
2020-06-06;    455,823;    12,290;    38,996;    38,111;    4,827;    6,460;    2,370;    353;    75;    15
2020-06-07;    466,279;    10,456;    39,890;    38,476;    4,858;    6,497;    2,377;    365;    37;    7
2020-06-08;    473,988;    7,709;    40,550;    38,837;    4,910;    6,550;    2,404;    361;    53;    27
2020-06-09;    487,583;    13,595;    41,713;    39,162;    4,939;    6,620;    2,421;    325;    70;    17
2020-06-10;    499,019;    11,436;    42,691;    39,575;    5,011;    6,693;    2,457;    413;    73;    36
2020-06-11;    509,699;    10,680;    43,605;    40,004;    5,057;    6,753;    2,490;    429;    60;    33
2020-06-12;    520,813;    11,114;    44,556;    40,424;    5,112;    6,814;    2,508;    420;    61;    18
2020-06-13;    535,943;    15,130;    45,850;    40,848;    5,144;    6,864;    2,554;    424;    50;    46
2020-06-14;    543,260;    7,317;    46,476;    41,148;    5,175;    6,895;    2,557;    300;    31;    3
2020-06-15;    554,128;    10,868;    47,406;    41,576;    5,220;    6,948;    2,573;    428;    53;    16
2020-06-16;    565,034;    10,906;    48,339;    42,010;    5,271;    7,007;    2,597;    434;    59;    24
2020-06-17;    581,444;    16,410;    49,743;    42,422;    5,336;    7,051;    2,611;    412;    44;    14
2020-06-18;    596,875;    15,431;    51,063;    43,122;    5,404;    7,104;    2,633;    700;    53;    22
Countries such as Sweden and Japan have shown that you can keep the virus from running absolutely amok without a lockdown by a combination of distancing and a compliant populace (yes, I know there have still been a lot of deaths in Sweden).

It seems that a number of US states are determined to prove that a combination of doubt, half-arsed measures and wingnuttery is a recipe for disaster. Let's hope it doesn't end up being as bad as it looks.
2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) for Dallas County Texas

June 18, 2020 - 15,648 confirmed cases - 307 deaths

15,648 confirmed cases up 392 and five new deaths
those 392 new cases represent a 2.6% increase over the last day

Increases (by percent) over the last 84 days:
21.0%, 19.6%, 11.1%, 12.5%, 14.9%
-- Month of April 2020 --
15.8%, 13.7%, 10.8%, 10.2%, 9.6%, 3.9%, 9.2%, 5.0%, 8.2%, 7.3%, 7.0%, 4.8%, 3.8%, 5.0%, 5.8%,
4.0%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.1%, 3.0%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 5.3%
-- Month of May 2020 --
5.3%, 4.9%, 6.0%, 5.7%, 5.9%, 5.3%, 5.2%, 4.9%, 4.7%, 4.5%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.8%, 3.6%, 2.9%, 3.0%,
2.8%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.4%, 2.3%, 2.5%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.3%
-- Month of June 2020 --
2.2%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.6%, 2.7%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.4%, 2.4%, 2.4%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.1%,
2.1%, 2.8% and now 2.6%

Increases (by count) over the last 84 days:
+64, +72, +49, +61, +82
-- Month of April 2020 --
+100, +100, +90, +94, +97. +43, +106, +63, +108, +105, +107, +79, +65, +89, +109,
+80, +124, +134, +104, +84, +90, +81, +80, +71, +75, +105, +91, +135, +112, +179
-- Month of May 2020 --
+187, +181, +234, +237, +253, +246, +251, +249, +250, +251, +253, +236, +243, +235, +199, +214,
+205, +224, +225, +186, +183, +204, +172, +178, +171, +190, +197, +202, +200, +219, +228
-- Month of June 2020 --
+228, +257, +239, +285, +298, +289, +263, +254, +298, +300, +312, +328, +345, +302, +305,
+306, +413 and now +392

As of 11:00 am June 18, 2020, DCHHS is reporting 392 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 15,648, including 307 deaths.

The additional 5 deaths being reported today include:

  • A woman in her 50’s who was a resident of the City of Grand Prairie. She had been hospitalized, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 60’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • An man in his 80’s who was a resident of the City of Carrollton. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 90’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 90’s man who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Mesquite. He expired in the facility, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, over 80% have been critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions.

Of cases requiring hospitalization, more than two-thirds have been under 65 years of age, and about half do not have any high-risk chronic health conditions. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

The age-adjusted rates of confirmed COVID-19 cases in non-hospitalized patients have been highest among Hispanics (667.4 per 100,000), Asians (187.4 per 100,000) and Blacks (136.4 per 100,000). These rates have been higher than Whites (43.8 per 100,000). Over 60% of overall COVID-19 cases to date have been Hispanic.

Of the 307 total deaths reported to date, over a third have been associated with long-term care facilities.
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State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 6/18/2020 @4:15 PM:

Total Tests: 1,576,925 (Up +16,388)

Total Viral Tests: 1,407,741 (Up +38,103)

Only 89.3% of Total Tests are Viral Tests the other 10.7% of tests are the useless
Antibody Tests

Cases Reported: 99,851 (Up +3,516)

Fatalities: 2,105 (Up +43)

Texas tests per 1M population are 54,384 (Up +565) which places Texas as the 9th worst State. No change from yesterday.

Click this link: and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column twice to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 1,407,741 which works out to be 48,549 per 1M population so Texas is really the 4th worst state in testing
Cases in Texas are exploding right now.

Today's case increase is 3,516, yesterday was 3,129 and the day before was 2,622. The 2,622 was without the 1,476 on the 16th that were from prisons.

First day that cases exceeded 2000 was June 10th.
First day that cases exceeded 3000 was June 17th.

The numbers of cases in Texas for each week of June is :

June 1-7 : Total Cases 10,691 - Average of 1,527 per day
June 8-14 : Total Cases 12,876 - Average of 1,839 per day - 20% higher than the last week
June 15-18 : Total Cases 10,521 - Average of 2,630 per day - 43% higher than the last week so far in just four days.
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