Firstly, @Shifty: Exactly.
For me: "May the best man win" - That is my outlook on life and on the "systems wars". I don't like backroom deals and handshakes and the rest, even though I recognize these things are a part of life and potentially difference makers. (yes, I realize MS is probably just as guilty as Sony and Nintendo for that matter. But I can't say for sure, I only know what I know)
Who is the 'best man' though, and what determines that but our own individual criteria? The companies have to serve their corporate interests first and formost; we view the game we're a "part" of as gaming-related, but in truth it's not - it's sort of a mock sideshow of what's really going on. And what's going on is companies seeking to improve the appearance of their wares in the eyes of you the consumer... and in that environment, anything goes. Is MS trying to create the best gaming console, or become profitable? Consider the fundamental difference in corporate tactics approach that brings on, even if the end goal is
seemingly the same.
I disagree: If the liars won, they won, but they did not deserve to win. Big difference.
*Extremely* quick political analogy here, that I don't want to harp on and honestly doesn't belong here, but... that I want to use to illustrate this point:
Did the US administration
deserve to have the Iraq war they wanted? I was against this, *never* believed the WMD claims, and always saw the tactics at the time for what they were: deception to reach an end, nevermind the merit of the end itself. Now, did they deserve to get their way? And I'll tell you that yes they did - they did because although myself and many others who felt like me were sick to our stomachs watching what was going on around us, we at the sametime couldnot be bothered to muster the effort to rally around the cause to the degree that those favoring the war were. And so it goes throughout human history...
I blame the administration, I blame the American people, and within that I blame myself. Like my previous company+media+consumer example, we are all of us responsible when we have any role to play. Now, if the world worked on
your definition of 'deserved,' I would be here saying Sony "deserves" to win because out of the three consoel makers, they are the most active in pursuing technology for technology's sake, and you would say that Sony in fact "deserves" to lose because they are arrogant, care nothing for their userbase, and deceive. A Nintendo fan might say that Nintendo "deserves" to win because not only did they originate the modern console era, they are the only ones 'truly' concerned with bringing gaming back into the hearts and minds of the 'people.' So who is right and who is wrong in that world? It's all too relative. So... anyway, if you win, you earned it. How about that instead? Instead of saying 'deserve,' which has a lot of baggage associated, how about if I change it to whoever ends up winning, "earned" it?
Regarding misinformation etc, I don't want this to get out of hand either and honestly I would not dismiss evidence of misinformation from Nintendo or MS or Sony. I just think Sony has a bigger audience so what they say has more weight. (see ps2) If Nintendo crushes 360/ps3 sales this gen and has everyone's ear and overpromises (n64) there should be repercussions for that. I see the best thing that has happened in this regard is the explosion of the internet and the ability to find the truth if you seek it.
Wait were you upset at N64 as well? Man you really hold grudges Chef!
The Internet by the way I think is the best thing ever, but there's a dark side as well; it enables what I call the 'quasi-informed.' These are people who have "researched" something and
think they now understand it, but actually have a worse understanding than if they knew nothing at all. Read this thread from post #67 on to see a perfect example:
Agreed - we are a (small) part. On this very board when I joined I felt a very heavy bias and I felt the need to speak up in instances where I felt a properly balanced viewpoint was not being represented. Some of you guys thought (think) I was a troll etc because my views did not align with the majority but I still felt the need to offer ... balance.
I'd say B3D does have a Sony leaning, but the truth is it has little to do with gaming in the larger sense. It's a technical forum at heart, and a lot of us are simply here to discuss the architectures themselves. Where else do you have devs openly discussing the merits of one system vs the other, or members bragging about what they accomplished on their Cell simulator the other day? Interest in Cell also just plays a big part in it all, and the fact that a lot of the industry insiders here are loosely tied to the PS effort in one form or another naturally promotes an aggregation of PS-centric members. But you have some strong MS-related figures also here, and the fact is that I think so long as the discussions are technology centric and honest, the entire member base benefits regardless of their personal leaning.
Hey as long as you're ok with it, I'm ok with it.
Well, I'm enjoying it so far at least.