Console Exclusives: Are you for or against them & why?

It hurts the devs vision of one community though.

Say SF5 sell 3 million on PS4 , 1 million on Xbox One & 300K on PC, as time go by less people will be playing the game as other games come out so the online community will be small on the PC and hard to find matches will lead to less & less people playing online on the PC. But if the PC players can play against the console players the small PC install base wouldn't be as big of a problem.
I'm not understanding your example. How does an Xbox One version prevent PC and PS4 from cross-playing? The PC player will still have 3 million extra opponents in your scenario. If anything, it locks out the XBox One player. And if it turns out to be a selling feature, people who are interested in cross-play won't buy the Xbox One version.

You are okay with the scenario I put forth in the previous post? Do you have all the consoles? If so, you might not care, but not everyone has all the consoles.
It hurts the devs vision of one community though.

Say SF5 sell 3 million on PS4 , 1 million on Xbox One & 300K on PC, as time go by less people will be playing the game as other games come out so the online community will be small on the PC and hard to find matches will lead to less & less people playing online on the PC. But if the PC players can play against the console players the small PC install base wouldn't be as big of a problem.
The PC players can play against the PS4 players. SFV on XB1 wouldn't prohibit cross-play on other devices. What's wrong with releasing SFV on PS4, PC and XB1, where PS4 and PC can play together and XB1 can't? XB1 is the odd man out, but the game is still available without needing to buy a whole new machine, and offers the income to the devs of a significant SKU.
The PC players can play against the PS4 players. SFV on XB1 wouldn't prohibit cross-play on other devices. What's wrong with releasing SFV on PS4, PC and XB1, where PS4 and PC can play together and XB1 can't? XB1 is the odd man out, but the game is still available without needing to buy a whole new machine, and offers the income to the devs of a significant SKU.

Not saying it is true, just saying that in theory MS could want feature parity with the PS4 version and thus could prohibit in this sense cross-play. Not saying that it is true of course. Just stating that in theory a Xbox version could prohibit cross-play on other devices and thus could be the reason SFV is exclusive. Of course, the reason is some Japanese face to face money agreement...imo.
I'm not understanding your example. How does an Xbox One version prevent PC and PS4 from cross-playing? The PC player will still have 3 million extra opponents in your scenario. If anything, it locks out the XBox One player. And if it turns out to be a selling feature, people who are interested in cross-play won't buy the Xbox One version.

You are okay with the scenario I put forth in the previous post? Do you have all the consoles? If so, you might not care, but not everyone has all the consoles.
The PC players can play against the PS4 players. SFV on XB1 wouldn't prohibit cross-play on other devices. What's wrong with releasing SFV on PS4, PC and XB1, where PS4 and PC can play together and XB1 can't? XB1 is the odd man out, but the game is still available without needing to buy a whole new machine, and offers the income to the devs of a significant SKU.

Isn't it a MS rule that games can't have features on other consoles that's not in the Xbox version of the game? Besides if the game is on the Xbox One and it's not cross play it does take away from the PC & PS4 feature for the simple fact that it un-unify the community.
Isn't it a MS rule that games can't have features on other consoles that's not in the Xbox version of the game?
That's a different reason to not release on XB1 than your original suggestion.
Besides if the game is on the Xbox One and it's not cross play it does take away from the PC & PS4 feature for the simple fact that it un-unify the community.
It'd mean XB1 SFV players wouldn't be part of the community. It wouldn't affect the PS4 and PC members of that community. As it stands now, let's say 3.3 million people are going to buy SFV (as per your figures). The community will consist of 3.3 million active SFV players playing against each other. Now if we add XB1, that 3.3 million is unaffected. Whatever XB1 does will be independent. So given that XB1's involvement with online doesn't impact PS4 or PC's community, there's no reason not to go ahead with an XB1 version.

The feature-parity idea would place the blame on MS for no SFV. That's not what we're hearing - we're told it's a Sony-Capcom partnership and not that Capcom wants to release on XB1 but MS won't let them. We'd have to take a couple of steps into conspiracy theory to entertain that notion, that MS won't allow XB1 SFV thanks to them refusing cross-play, but MS has also NDA's Capcom into not being allowed to tell their fans why the game isn't coming to their console leaving them blaming Sony/Capcom for no XB version.
That's a different reason to not release on XB1 than your original suggestion.
Wait what?

It'd mean XB1 SFV players wouldn't be part of the community. It wouldn't affect the PS4 and PC members of that community. As it stands now, let's say 3.3 million people are going to buy SFV (as per your figures). The community will consist of 3.3 million active SFV players playing against each other. Now if we add XB1, that 3.3 million is unaffected. Whatever XB1 does will be independent. So given that XB1's involvement with online doesn't impact PS4 or PC's community, there's no reason not to go ahead with an XB1 version.

The feature-parity idea would place the blame on MS for no SFV. That's not what we're hearing - we're told it's a Sony-Capcom partnership and not that Capcom wants to release on XB1 but MS won't let them. We'd have to take a couple of steps into conspiracy theory to entertain that notion, that MS won't allow XB1 SFV thanks to them refusing cross-play, but MS has also NDA's Capcom into not being allowed to tell their fans why the game isn't coming to their console leaving them blaming Sony/Capcom for no XB version.

If one community is a feature that the devs wanted & Xbox One doesn't allow the feature & breakup the community into 2 communities it nullify the point of the feature.
Wait what?
Not releasing on XB1because MS won't allow it is different to not releasing on XB1 because Capcom don't want a platform that's not part of the same collective.

If one community is a feature that the devs wanted & Xbox One doesn't allow the feature & breakup the community into 2 communities it nullify the point of the feature.
It doesn't nullify it. Exactly the same community will exist between PS4 and PC if there's an XB1 version or not where XB1 doesn't support cross-play. The only difference is there'll be a second community of XB1 players. If the purpose of the community is to find online games to play, PS4+PC achieves that.
Not really sure where this conversation is coming from. Sony paid for exclusivity. It's not as if Microsoft is blocking SF5 from coming to Xbox One. Capcom went shopping for a partner and Sony won the deal. It sounds like it was going to be an exclusive game one way or the other.
Not sure this will end up being a big deal in the end anyway, SF5 being exclusive will likely mean an Alpha or Versus title get released for XB1 in the near future. A SFV Versus title with Rare, Halo and other IP characters could be good anyways...


on an unrelated note the new forum interface, tools and options are really good.
Wait what?

If one community is a feature that the devs wanted & Xbox One doesn't allow the feature & breakup the community into 2 communities it nullify the point of the feature.
Do we have an expectation that if SFV is ever released on any other platform it needs to be crossplay? Do you realize many platforms SF II, III, and IV have been released on? I have to say, this line of reasoning seems to really be fishing hard for rationalization that's not there. Having SFV on Wii and XBox does no diminish the PS4 and PC version at all. And have you ignored the question I posed before? Would you enjoy a breakup of major third party franchises as I outlined?
Not really sure where this conversation is coming from. Sony paid for exclusivity. It's not as if Microsoft is blocking SF5 from coming to Xbox One. Capcom went shopping for a partner and Sony won the deal. It sounds like it was going to be an exclusive game one way or the other.
Who made the deal is irrelevant as to whether it is good for the industry to split established franchises along platforms. Again, I am looking at it from the consumer's perspective, not industry insider. If MS takes Mortal Kombat exclusively, I would be horrible it is too. And the same with Tomb Raider.
Paying for platform exclusivity for a series that used to be available on other platforms is incredibly evil, and something that only Microsooo ..... oh.

It's something Sony have always done, since they first got into this business. And MS too. And Nintendo. And Sega would probably have done it too, if they'd ever had the money.

Businesses being businesses. At least we can ditch all the Moral Superiority and Microsoft Slammin', at least for a while. Everyone's shit stinks for the next person coming into the bathroom, but everyone drops dem bombs.

I know I'm late to the party - and it's a rather old post to be quoting, but being one of those that was vocal in the Tomb Raider 2 topic, I thought I needed to clarify something that nobody seemed to have realized regarding the whole exclusivity discussion:

With Tomb Raider 2; the 'outrage' wasn't directed at Microsoft. At least not by the majority posting in the thread. It was largely because of how the exclusivity deal was announced and the way both Square (Crystal Dynamics?) and Microsoft communicated the deal. If anything, I think the TR2 deal is a brilliant move by MS, business wise. It's a powerful exclusive, no doubt about that. The issue that fans have regarding the exclusivity is that the previous game was a multiplatform gem that sold good on both platforms and better on the PS4. To take a sequel exclusive is in that sense is a decision that is hard to swallow for fans. The 'hatred' that arised wasn't solely directed at Microsoft who is just doing what is good for their business, but predominatently at Square/Crystal directly for going through with a deal that has the potential to upset their fans and split their marketshare. As a Tomb Raider fan mysel, and irregardless which platform I own, I question the reasoning behind such a deal that will surely alienate a large portion of their fans. The way fans reacted to the announcement shows and underlines that perhaps the way the deal was communicated perhaps wasn't the best way to go around things. If it's indeed only a timed exclusive, there probably would have been better ways to communicate the deal. If it's a full blown exclusive... well, I personally think it will be a bad move since the Xbox version alone won't make up for the lost sales by the PS fan base and such a exclusivity has the potential to alienate fans in the long term and away from the franchise. In other words, what they have built up with the brilliant franchise reboot, will be kind of lost to a large part of the market.

Look at Insomniac and Sunset Overdrive; It didn't cause an upset like TR did. Perhaps because it's a fresh franchise.

A similar example would be MGS4 on the PS3. Once it came out on the X360, it was an old game no one cared about anymore. The exclusivity on MGS4 perhaps wasn't such a big deal in the first place since it was always a PlayStation accociated game, so the impact on the exclusivity perhaps wasn't a major factor.

Anyway, Street Fighter exclusivity; I coudn't care less. Personally, as a gamer, I think it's a game that deserves to be multiplatform. Either way, I'm not blaming Sony or Microsoft for this or the Tomb Raider deal.
Associating blame is an emotional response only little boys and forum dwellers would have. There's no 'blame'! It's business, c'est la vie, life goes on! What's most amusing is the amount of complaining and discussions regarding this subject, when we ALL know that PS4 will get some kind of 'definitive ultra platinum edition' of TR, while the X1 will of course get the 27 sequels SF5 will produce, with Super, Ultra, Uber, Grindr SF5 all lined up for the fans when the time is right.
Associating blame is an emotional response only little boys and forum dwellers would have. There's no 'blame'! It's business, c'est la vie, life goes on! What's most amusing is the amount of complaining and discussions regarding this subject, when we ALL know that PS4 will get some kind of 'definitive ultra platinum edition' of TR, while the X1 will of course get the 27 sequels SF5 will produce, with Super, Ultra, Uber, Grindr SF5 all lined up for the fans when the time is right.

True. I disagree with the "little boys and forum dwellers" though. For some of us, playing games and its sequels is like it is to be looking forward to the next chapter of a popular movie or book. The next chapter of a story. Tomb Raider fits that bill pretty nicely. There are lots of different POVs in this discussion; You have the angle from the developers who by targeting a single platform might have it easier to extract better performance out of, the publisher that may be looking at cash upfront and security through the exclusivity contract, the buyer who has the game exclusive on his platform which will result in better awareness and perhaps better sales and the fans/gamers who either will benefit of all these advantages or lose out because it isn't on their platform.

In the above example of Tomb Raider; the platform holder who bought the exclusivity can nearly only 'win', just as do the gamers who bought that platform and don't care beyond their own benefits. For all others, it remains to be seen. As a whole, the franchise might sell less (less people buying your game) and at that, the awareness might be lower. This could impact the franchise as a whole longterm (see perhaps Sunset Overdrive). It all depends; is it a timed exclusive (less of a longterm impact) or fully exclusive (big impact). This is still left to be seen. Sometimes exclusives are less of a big deal when they are made with games that are more or less synonymous on a singular platform anyway. I.e. Metal Gear Solid has always been accosiated with the PS brandname. I think once The Phantom Pain comes out, sales will confirm this by selling much stronger on that platform.

As far as this thread goes; I think exclusives played a bigger role in the last few generations because the hardware was very different, so there were distinct advantages in targeting a single platform. This generation, Xb and PS4 are very similar, so I think the overhead to target a game for two platforms is a lot smaller than say on older consoles where each were very different and required different skillset.
Again, I am looking at it from the consumer's perspective, not industry insider. If MS takes Mortal Kombat exclusively, I would be horrible it is too. And the same with Tomb Raider.

Exactly. I really don't get why gamers (and really it's just about only gamers who act like that) are always so eager to make excuses for giant corporations. I don't care whether it's good for their business or not. It's my hobby, it's my money I'm spending, It's about what I want. And if I think corporations are waging their bs wars on my back, I'm gonna complain about it. The Street Fighter deal is bullshit for consumers. So is the Tomb Raider deal. It helps no-one besides MS or Sony. And in the end I don't really give a fuck about either one of them. It's entirely possible to make good business in a non-dickish way.

Again, if they basically pay a third party to come up with new exclusive titles, then that's perfectly fine. Got no problem with Sunset Overdrive. Or Ryse. Or Dead Rising. None of these games would have existed if it wasn't for MS. No problem with some niche Japanese titles never seeing an Xbox release either, because there's hardly anyone on that platfrom who'd ever buy them.

However, when a company basically pays to keep a direct sequel to a very successful game from getting released, then that is bullshit.
However, when a company basically pays to keep a direct sequel to a very successful game from getting released, then that is bullshit.
Although I agree, that requires one to know the basis of the deal. If it wasn't money-hatting by the console company (for any exclusivity deal), such outrage would be misplaced.
Seriously, what other reason could their possibly be? TR even sold better on Sony systems. Both the original release as well as the remaster did. Porting between the two systems is now more trivial than it ever was too. I'm certainly not buying the exclusivity for the sake of extracting all the power argument.
Quite frankly, most game companies don't really deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore to begin with. Certainly not Square-Enix. And most definitely not MS.
What about SFV? Did Sony wave money at Capcom and buy it? Or did Capcom go to Sony looking for a development partner? (Or even something in-between?) Different people will believe different things. Few will bother to wait until the facts on known. So we have an internet full of outrage whether justified or not.