Computer online stores with international shipping?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
Most online stores in the US offer great prices (by euro standards, no idea what you think!) but don't ship overseas.

The dollar's still pretty weak, so buying stuff is thus even cheaper, for us anyway. But there's still the issue of no international shipping... :p

So does anyone know any good places? I'll probably be upgrading my aging system in a couple months (Everest Home Edition says memory latency 290+ ns, read bandwidth ~2GB/s, read 980MB/s... UGH!), so I'd gratefully accept any tips anyone has to offer.
actually , maybe no solution to your problem is if you know personaly somebody living over there, he could buy it and send it to you trough EMS or something and declare it a 40euro gift. that way you will have it cheaply and escaping paying tax.
It's a bit of a gamble doing things that way, when I upgrade I would shop for many hundreds of $, dunno if I'd trust just anyone with sending all that along to me... Plus I'd have to pay that person for the extra shipping, it would take longer etc...

Don't anyone know the NAME of a site??? :p
I'm not sure what the import laws are like in Sweden, but at least in the UK you have to pay import duty, then sales tax (VAT) and also an EU tax on any imported goods from outside EU. I worked it out that even with the low dollar that the taxes and shipping cost would make it unrealistic to do. I would *seriously* check what the situation is. Also be aware of different voltages, TV system (NTSC) and different region coding for devices like DVD players/writers etc.
UK VAT is considerably lower than swedish, and I guess, general greedyness-level from the retailers is lower too (due to bad competition and small market over here I guess; remember, all of Sweden has only slightly higher population than the city of London).

For example, a GF6800 Ultra bought from Dustin, a large online vendor, costs approximately 785 US dollars inc. VAT and the X800 XT PE is US$ 942 ( :!: ), so you see why I may want to look for alternatives...
Why don't you just buy from another european country? As you pay already the VAT in the original country you don't have to pay VAT in your country (at least it is how it works in france when i order from Germany or England).

Could you guys PLEASE not post to the thread if you do not have any answers to my dilemma? I've already considered the alternatives you bring up (I mean, I do have a brain you know... :p), and if I thought $660 was a great price for a vidcard, I'd have bought one already.
Guden Oden said:

Could you guys PLEASE not post to the thread if you do not have any answers to my dilemma? I've already considered the alternatives you bring up (I mean, I do have a brain you know... :p), and if I thought $660 was a great price for a vidcard, I'd have bought one already.

Sorry, only trying to help!
I was simply listing a price that was cheaper than the one you had listed, if you have found one cheaper than the one I listed than you should have listed what you consider too high.

Last time I checked Sweden and Norway were different countries, and as Komplett is based in Norway, that strictly speaking is international (which is what you asked for).

Have you considered ebay? Sometimes shops will use ebay for international sales.

Unfortunately Guden .. I asked for the same things almost nine months ago when I wanted a New X800XT PE.

Only offers I got were from EpicStruggle although he could only deliver it later in the year. :(

I too am looking for hardware shops that ship overseas.

The top of the range cards sell for around R5000 - R6000 ($830-$1000)

I eventually bought my X800Pro HISQII for R4000($667)

Exchange rate R6=$1

well tell me what you need and if I can find a good price overhere in belgium i can send it to you if norway /sweden is that expensive
Guden, the prices here in DE are quite a bit lower than what you mentioned above. You can order from here without problems, I guess.

Try , they take credit cards and have acceptable prices.
There is but as I stated earlier you have to pay by wire transfer and I have no idea about how much shipping would cost. There is also the fact you cannot place an international order on their website so you have to call them.
They have approximately the same prices as the german link I provided above, where the shipping would be much cheaper for him. But I can't imagine that Sweden is even more expensive. Are you sure Guden?
Yeah 6800 GT is $399.99 but Ultras are $499.99. The X800's seem to be even worse with Pro's around $449.99
You do realize that's what we pay in EURO. Which would be anywhere between $700-800 here for the $499 one there.

But that link above has the same prices like we have here, so it doesn't make sense.