CNPS7000A-AlCu problems


I'm actually feeling quietly proud that I haven't started playing with it at all yet, I spent the morning doing mowing the lawn since it looks like it's gonna rain anytime and it should continue all week.

I just picked up me daughter from pre-school and got about 1/2 hour-45 minutes until it's time for her nap and the real fun begins for me day!

I'm sooo enthused, I actually think I know what's wrong and I can fix it! 8)

Thanks again all!
Ok, here's what I did and how it ended up....

I took Snipes suggestion to heart and tried the heatsink he sent me, (similar to a stock one, but better), and the temps were WAY high...much higher than the Zalman.

So I tore the thing apart again and started drawing in some holes for some fans and then went out in me front yards and had a field day with a drill. (I only had a 1/4" steel cutting bit worth shit, I cut a LOT of little holes...I found my unibit as soon as I finished, of course. :rolleyes: )

I put an 80mm in the top of the case for a chimney blowing straight up, and a 92mm air-in fan on the backside bottom near the front and it seems to help. Oh, and I mounted me power supply outside the case again as is me norm. (It never did make much sense to me to put the hot thing right next to the thing you're trying to cool. ;) )

So now her temps are looking better. Not so much any extremely lower numbers as it happens to be hotter than a biatch in me house just now; but she seems able to bleed the heat off a lot faster and not have it accumulate and shut her down.

I just booted up after putting it together, so it's too soon to say if it's "fixxed"....but it's a long way down the proper path at least. 8)
Ok, so after all that I boot her up at 8.5x200 and try and run prime95 and when the temp gets to around 50c the torture test fails. :(

So I check me bios....

Crank me CPU to 10x200 saying "Fuck it, it SHOULD work at this!", crank the Vcore up a tad to 1.825, crank me memory voltage to 1.9 from 1.8, and crank me chipset voltage to the max from one below max and booted it up laughing at meself for me attitude problem.

And the fucker is on Test3 of the generic torture test and is holding at 53.5/54c pretty damned rockhard steady. 8)

Just passed the first self-test, it's looking like I can now call it a successful build and once she burns in her paste I'll start seeing if I can take her a bit higher. (I think it was my voltages all along and I chopped holes for nothing....but she has some seriously great airflow now which is NEVER a bad thing. ;) )

Fuck, I can't believe it's working and doing the torture test no problems! I even got the memory set at 6-3-3 cas 2! :oops:

Thanks again for all the help, I love it when I finally get to that light at the end of the dark tunnel! :D
EasyRaider said:
Hmm, isn't DDR memory voltage usually in the 2.5 to 2.8 V range?
No clue, you could very easily be right and I should have typed 2.8 to 2.9....I'll check it next time I reboot and get back to you on it. (I screw up numbers a LOT like that. :rolleyes: Sorry.)
digitalwanderer said:
EasyRaider said:
Hmm, isn't DDR memory voltage usually in the 2.5 to 2.8 V range?
No clue, you could very easily be right and I should have typed 2.8 to 2.9....I'll check it next time I reboot and get back to you on it. (I screw up numbers a LOT like that. :rolleyes: Sorry.)

You'll never touch my computer Dig ! ;)
