Cipher Complex Images, Details, Video Interview


IGN article

Video Interview


I won't post any of the images to avoid the 56k warning business, but it looks like it could be a pretty interesting twist on stealth gaming.

IGN Article said:
Videogame super spies move too slowly. At least the team at Edge of Reality studios thinks so. The Austin-based developer has played every stealth game under the sun and found them lacking. Now, after years of making profitable license games (think Shark Tale and Over the Hedge), they intend to do something about it. Put simply, they want to kick the stealth genre into overdrive by making it faster, smarter, and increasingly brutal.


When Cipher goes all out, he weaves through a crowd of enemies slicing with the efficiency of a surgeon and the visibility of a wraith. By the time the first guy realizes his throat's cut, the five guys next to him have shared a similar fate. This sort of thing happens all the time in the world of Cipher Complex. But what does this mean for players and how does such a dynamic work? The answers to both these questions stem from the idea of using adrenaline. Everything from combat to simple movement revolves around adrenaline. It's the most crucial resource in the game and the source of Cipher's unique abilities.


One of the cooler aspects of the game deals with enemy behavior. It's entirely dynamic, according to developers. Basically, this has characters perform actions, like turning on a light, because they actually think it's a good idea, not because someone has programmed them to. Instead of confining enemy guards to a patrol route, they'll investigate noise and movement as they see fit.


Edge of Reality likes to call Cipher Complex a "gamer's game", and thanks to how easy it is to sneak around and kick ass, it looks like that's exactly what they made. It doesn't have a publisher just yet, and the release date may slip into 2008, but it's definitely a game to keep high on that watch list.

Let the bidding begin!
Some nice shadowing in some of those pics, (however I only looked at a couple of shots). Although I instantly thought "how real are they??"
I can see Sony pickin this one up :) Dont know why, i just have that feeling.
You'd certainly hope they get their wallet out. What got me thinking about that was simply the mention of "Why We Fight", the Sony Picture Classics documentary. You could imagine that being on the disc of a Collectors' edition as part of the bonus extras, and as downloadable content for people with the standard edition. Or of course, just in there as standard.
I can't find interest in any project like this for next-gen machines. There's just so much unproven about the game and the developer and the standard for development is so high, I can't understand getting interested until there's something really worth it. Words and screenshots (possibly renders) are not enough.
Personally I'm not falling on either side of the divide, but I guess not having a publisher as yet sometimes speak volumes.
Well unless MGS or Sony pick up the title, I'd expect it to stay multiplatform. Wouldn't be any point going exclusive otherwise, as they are not a well known name like bungie/square/whatever, and there isn't exactly assassins creed levels of hype flowing.

The shots look nice, but I can't help think they are supersampled PR shots. The AA is clearly too high, but that makes me concerned, as the texture filtering isn't all that wonderful if it is indeed PR shots, you'd expect it to be close to perfect. Motion blur shows no banding errors either, which is suspicious.

I personally can't visualise how they expect high speed stealth to work, so I'm looking to be surprised :yes:
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Personally, I actually disagree with the "Good character models" comment...

One of the things that really bugs me with games like this generally are the character models, they're just too big.

I think Splinter Cell: DA got it just about right with the Spies vs Upsilon multiplayer models because they realised right from the start that the spies needed to be quite small and lithe.

Where a lot of games go wrong, in my opinion, with character models is following the Hollywood stereotype of beefy guys as heroes. It seems this games aim is to present a very fast moving, free flowing main character with great speed, dexterity and freedom of movement, but in the screenshots the guy is quite chunky for his height and that body-shape doesn't lend itself easily to that kind of movement. Look at most free-runners and their body-shape, it's very muscular but only in certain areas and they have small waists coupled to big chests and thighs with very sinuous tendons to give them their power.
Referring back to Splinter Cell, you can see if you look that Sam Fishers character model is actually a completely different shape to the spies in the multiplayer because he's more of a mix between the approaches of the spies and the Upsilon forces, while the spies are pure stealth and agility.

I'd just like to see more realistic character modelling, lithe, agile and dexterous can be just as, if not more dangerous as bulky and muscular.
Hey, I didn't say it was a good choice... The model work looks better than a lot of things I see at the moment. I think you're confusing art direction versus the modeling here... i.e. Arnold Schwarzenegger might have been wrong for his role in several of his movies, but that doesn't make him a badly chiseled individual. ;)
I actually do NOT like the look of this game at all.. the shading on teh models remind me very much of shadowrun which I also do not like... if you dont look closely it looks sexy but when you really look at it... its not.
This is the game I thought would be revealed at X06 as exclusive to the 360.

This lead programmer behind this is one of the most experienced in the console industry. He used to work for Iguana software and wrote teh N64 Turok engine.
I can’t remember which issue of EGM it was, but they stated “Don’t let the motion blur fool you, the graphics are realâ€￾ or something along those lines.

Yeah ,the graphics are real ,but the MB got added in photoshop ,imo.Look to much like a real subframe (and heavyly sampled ) motin blur.
the story is a yawn
graphics are ok nothing special
the motion blur also is obviously operating on the framebuffer, and not say on the character's arm hence cant be classified as motion blur (as things that aint moving are gonna get blurred as well)