Center-parted hair

I started parting my hair down the centre back in grade nine and that lasted for about five years. Then I decided to just get rid of it all and got my hair buzzed down to a centimetre in length. :) I've stayed that way since then.
Parting down the middle looks silly, I did it way back in 97-98, its no good. The side parting is where it's at.
If I had my way, I'd keep my head shaved, cut it just like fingernails, hair grows in a spiral pattern so doesn't really matter how I part it, one bit is gonna stand straight up.. lol
zurich said:
Talk about 90s!

1 - 1.5 inch length, cropped at the sides and back, and messy/spikey up top, aka the Generic Guy Haircut of 200x. I wonder how lame that will look in 2010?

Yeah I used to have generic guy hair... find a good "barbers"/salon in a city somewhere and ask for advice, you could be pleasantly surpised. You'll pay for it, but IMO well worth it.
Back when my ex and I were still together, I asked her whether she liked my hair parted in the middle or side and she said middle so that's what I did. :)
Yep got i split in the middle, am saving up some hair now for a cosplay next year. And the char that i will try to look like has the hair split in mid.
I just comb it.