london-boy said:
Right, now i need some other help.
What do u people think of this system? Remember i need to run Maya and co on it.
Looks like a very nice system.
I'm not sure about the WinXP
Home Edition though, as some higher end software might not be totally supported but on Pro edition.
If I were to built my system, I might consider a bigger PSU. I don't know whose PSU is in the Mesh case, but I've read from my mainboard manufacturer's (MSI) forums that A64 systems need quite a lot of power, and some menufacturer's power ratings are way over what they are in reality, thus the system is running unstable even with manuf. specced 400W PSU's. My A64 3000+ system is running stable on Antec True Power 380W PSU, and AMD's recommendations is somewhere below that.
Though, as your system is pre-built, the components should be well matched
Separate CD RW and DVD burners isn't really necessary imo, and one puts less stress on PSU just in case.
Are you on dialup? If not, then the modem is unnecessary. If you are on broadband, and even if the MB has onboard LAN, I would buy a separate LAN card, as at least in my MB the onboard LAN had some issues with CPU utilisation and IRQ sharing.
I just built myself a system of A64 3000+, Antec Sonata case, MSI K8T Neo mainboard, 512MB ram, Radeon 9600XT 128MB, SATA 120GB, WinXP Home, Plextor DVD multi burner for around 1300 euros. I had bougt a Hyundai L17T monitor earlier for 500 euros, and had my old kb and mouse and some cables.
I've tried some 3D Studio and ProE on it and they are certainly fast enough for my uses.
Building a new system to replace my old PII 300MHz refueled my PC and 3D graphics hobby from 5 year hibernation.
The total cost of my system would be around 2000 euros. Your system doesn't seem overpriced.
In fact, today it is not necessarily true anymore that by building your system yourself you get it much cheaper, and with better extendability. Branded PC's are often selling considerably cheaper (at least where I live) and the components are much the same.
Edit: can you not buy a customized system from Matrix
without a graphics card, or with some very very cheap card, and buy a better card separately and install it yourself?
Edit: london-boy, do you have any of your 3D art on the 'web? It would be interesting to see if your artistic talents are as good as your verbal talents