Capcom's Deep Down

After seeing that direct feed video, I'm gonna have to say it's completely doable. You can see the aliasing in that vid too.

Very enthused about the level of quality Capcom's able to push.
look good , I hope next gen are able to do this , I doubt it will come at the start of the generation though. it really running in realtime on a ps4? Do we have direct feed screens for this?
Does Gamersyde have HQ vudeos of all game demoes shown?

and where's my KZShadow Fall thread B3D ?
Didn't anyone else see a bit of Dragon's Lair in this vid? It looked very much like there was limited interactivity.
Saw some clipping on the dudes armour as well.

I reckon in-engine prerendered, like Uncharted 2/3 cut-scenes. I can't believe that kind of lighting and IQ would be possible on PS4 in a full blown game.

Knowing Capcom too, their games will much likely look FAR FAR worse than this (if this gen is anything to go by, they'll start off great and then their games will progressively degrade in quality as the generation goes on) :p
Video looks great as a tech demo and it's good to see what Capcom can achieve so early. Would have liked to see some actual gameplay, but I'll take what I can get at this point. =p
One small little thing I liked was the fact the fiery sparks are not blured acording to the depth of whatever opaque geometry is behind it. They have correct dof on them. Observable on the first scene.
Yeah. Easily the most impressive demo to come out of PS Meeting 2013...

...and, tech-wise, easily the best graphics I've ever seen on any platform. The art style/coloring is also stellar and right up my alley.
This is supposed to be a new IP. It might be rejiggered(How is this a word that Firefox isn't flagging as misspelled?) into Dragon's Dogma 2, but I doubt it, especially considering there's an enhanced edition of Dragon's Dogma 1 coming out soon.

Edit: also I believe this was the most generic looking demo of the whole bunch, even more so than Killzone 193: Now With Slightly More Colors.
The fire was just far too good, so I have doubts if it is all realtime. It is possible to turn off antialiasing in offline renderers too, you know :)
We'll see though, and hell, Lost Planet had some pretty interesting particle and FX work done in realtime already...

Also, the Sony presentation had some extra imagery that suggested tessellation for the faces. But the base mesh was very low res (as in, less polygons than what most console games are using now) and that is what the facial animation system has to work with. So it was no surprise that the facial animation in the movie was actually a bit rough, especially compared to the Infamous game.
What with the obsession of playing RPG in cramped space and indoors...
That;s what i disliked on the near end of Dragon's Dogma and then Capcom will release a DLC that underground.

and now this DD2 game is underground again...
at least it looks like have wide underground area