Can't stay logged in

Could this have anything to do with the way the DB is setup, I'm not too clear on how sessions and cookies work.
I'm actually wondering if its not the ad banners. We switched advertisers a while backj, and it seems to have started since then - in the other thread people were seeing similar issues with Rage3D, and one of the only common elements with them is that they use the same avertisement banners.
Are they cookie flooding? If so I could be a jack ass and not accept cookies from them, but I do want to support B3D so I'm going to refrain from doing anything of that sort.
Evidently it appears that a few people have complained about this and they ad company put some new code up recently. I've put it in the forum so some feedback would be good.
mmhh it's getting worse since last week.
I'm logged out everytime I come to the site... :(
I had to flush all cookies the other day, but now it seems to be doing much better. :)
I have not been logged out since the change to the add code.

New Posts and updates flags (unread posts) seem to work fine for me - although it is tricky since I access the site from about 5 different computers during the course of the day.

DaveBaumann said:
Question - is it just me, or is it now not seeing new posts when you log in again?
Started happening to me, it would mark everything as read and it would be a hassle for me to work out where to start reading. I cleaned out my cache and cookies and it stopped. I also had a thought though, what happens if you visit the front page but don't enter the forums? Does that count as a visit?
DaveBaumann said:
Question - is it just me, or is it now not seeing new posts when you log in again?
I think ive noticed the same thing. However I like the fact that its not logging me out. :)
