OK, so eaxctly how fast can GeForce4 Ti 4600 render:
Quake3, 1600x1200x32, 2X MSAA? (Looking for a fill-rate / bandwidth limited situation here.)
I've been browsing some of the more popular sites to get such benchmark numbers...to no avail. Anyone have a link?
Of course, assuming Matrox's AA technique is MSAA, we'll need to apply anisotropic filtering to sharpen those textures without increased aliasing as well. If the Parhelia performance rumor is true, looks like we might be getting a decent step closer to what I consider the "point of diminshing returns" of PC diplays:
16X "Full Scene AA" (16X on the edges, plus high level anisotropic filtering on textures, or some 16x full scene supersample AA equivalent.)
60 FPS
Traditionally, hardware developers have been trying to increase graphics power to combat two things:
1) user's desire to run with higher resulotions / AA / filtering options, and
2) Game developers desire to increase detail and complexity into gaming scenes.
Once we reach that "point of diminshing returns" however, then it's "only" a matter of hardware vendors increasing the power / bandwidth of their solutions to satisfy number 2.
Back to Matrox, it will be interesting to see what kind of product line-up they deliever. (What are the different price / performance levels.)