Business Approach Comparison Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox

I'm not always in a position to comment, but when I am, my hands are positioned over my keyboard.

Database == storage
Compute == processing

Very different beasts. You said database.
Aw, come on. If this were on any other forum, there would immediately be a "most interesting man in the world" gif with that on there.
saw this on gaf, xbox is "most wished for" :p

I figure they will try as hard as they can to get it out before black fiday.

Also the PS+ paywall isn't as bad as XLG paywall but it's certainly going to be more cofusing. NEtflix etc not behing it. DSubscribtion MMO's not behind it F2P oline games not behind it if the developer so chooses. So potentially only the COD's battlefields, Blazblue's etcs of the world will be hind it. AKA games where multiplayer is just an element of the design not the whole game.
I figure they will try as hard as they can to get it out before black fiday.

Also the PS+ paywall isn't as bad as XLG paywall but it's certainly going to be more cofusing. NEtflix etc not behing it. DSubscribtion MMO's not behind it F2P oline games not behind it if the developer so chooses. So potentially only the COD's battlefields, Blazblue's etcs of the world will be hind it. AKA games where multiplayer is just an element of the design not the whole game.

media apps not being behind it is a much better strategy imo. will keep ps the #1 netflix box, as it is now.

otoh, i can see it decreasing subscriber rates somewhat?

i mean that's why they put online play behind a paywall. i had read ps plus sub rates where a tiny fraction of gold's, with obvious reason. the more percentage of owners you can force into a sub, the more money you make.

i just think if you want to be a king media box, media apps should be free.
I like the strategy in itself as they said you shouldn't have to pay twice for services or pay for free to play. It's just going to be harder to explain to consumer and also explaining how MMO subscription is different then buying a fgame that has a muliplayer segment etc... PR has their work cut out for them there
you know ... there are a LOT of people that just naturally assume that if you pay more, you get a better product. People who never read what we read, people who see the camera on the box and think that's better and if $100 is in their budget they might just get the "better" one
More telling is that all the games on that list are for the PS3... Interestingly it's the other way around in the UK. PS4 is number one, LoU is 2nd, Xbone is 3rd.

Yeah I noticed that, chalk one up for PS. OTOH most of the "2013 bestsellers to date" list is Xbox games :p We could go back and forth.

you know ... there are a LOT of people that just naturally assume that if you pay more, you get a better product. People who never read what we read, people who see the camera on the box and think that's better and if $100 is in their budget they might just get the "better" one

I was thinking, given the online rage against it, there must be a lot of people who kind of live in an Xbox bubble/ecosystem and dont even consider too much else.
Aw, come on. If this were on any other forum, there would immediately be a "most interesting man in the world" gif with that on there.
I won't claim it's a very good joke, but laughter makes the brain release serotonin and boost endorphin levels.
Those chemicals break psychological barriers, making people more receptive to another person's opinion.

Why wouldn't we want that in every discussion forums ?
(notably, in the versus threads)
I honestly think the fanboyism in this thread is getting way, way out of hand.

There's so many misinformation and outright denial /making up of facts to support somebody's point of view that it's really unbearable and as much as I would like to get involved with the conversations, the replies I've seen so far are some of the worst on the console forum.

Just to highlight one example
Really? launching cheaper is a bad idea (within bom limits)? Why didn't I see so much praise when PS3 launched at $599? Last time I checked everybody absolutely destroyed Sony for doing that.

Get your positions straight and at the very least try to stick to it rather than bending it whichever way you see fit and having no problems with it.
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Just to highlight one example
Really? launching cheaper is a bad idea (within bom limits)?

To qualify that statement, launching cheaper by sacrificing system functionality such as the PS Eye is a bad idea. Since it's no longer guaranteed to be included in each and every single system and why should developers spend any amount of time to support it? Any why should anyone purchase the peripheral when it's not supported across the board?
There's so many misinformation and outright denial /making up of facts to support somebody's point of view that it's really unbearable and as much as I would like to get involved with the conversations, the replies I've seen so far are some of the worst on the console forum.

Yes, I see a lot of blanket proclamations going on and outright damage control. Sad that people can't honestly look past their own biases and see the whole picture from both sides.

Especially more intriguing as this is B3D, a forum known for attracting hardware enthusiasts, who you'd think would see some merit in purchasing hardware that's significantly more powerful yet less expensive, regardless if that power isn't realized in launch titles.
To qualify that statement, launching cheaper by sacrificing system functionality such as the PS Eye is a bad idea. Since it's no longer guaranteed to be included in each and every single system and why should developers spend any amount of time to support it? Any why should anyone purchase the peripheral when it's not supported across the board?

This argument I can support and understand. It's a well found argument and deserves a conversation.

I'm talking about quotes such as these.

Right, it looks like Sony has won the battle but lost the war. They are getting huge hype at the expense of desperately needed dollars by launch too cheap. As soon as MS announced $499, Sony should have done likewise. Anything else is utterly foolish, especially in the launch window. They gain absolutely nothing by launching at $399 as both consoles will be supply constrained.

And unless my eyes fail me there was not a single mention of kinect or pseye in this quote.
Why is there such sadness about PSEye?

Were there some groundbreaking games with PSEye that I'm missing?

Or were they all niche and tech demos or the same kind of dance and party games dreck that infects all motion games?
Yes, I see a lot of blanket proclamations going on and outright damage control. Sad that people can't honestly look past their own biases and see the whole picture from both sides.

Especially more intriguing as this is B3D, a forum known for attracting hardware enthusiasts, who you'd think would see some merit in purchasing hardware that's significantly more powerful yet less expensive, regardless if that power isn't realized in launch titles.

So your assumption is simply that the ps4's power is unrealized because its a launch title. Yet the same doesn't apply to Xbox. Ok got it.

More powerful, less expensive, less in the box too...