Bush releases Vietnam-era Guard records

And of course we can't have any differences in how we fight it, can we Russ? If you think there might be some other way than bombing the living shit out of 3rd world countries, or favor a police-centric or diplomatic route to combatting terrorism, then you are in effect an agent of Al Queda, right? Yeah, real fucking inclusive.
Goodness, I had no idea somebody recounting his experiences was opinion. No wonder my world view is so skewed.

As for "only paystubs" there sure were a ton of paystubs handed out at that press conference by McClellan. From what I saw, it was about 30-50 photocopied sheets involved, and it was referred to in some less biased circles as "the vietnam era records" and contained things like which days he pulled duty, and other "icky" things like that.
As John Reynolds recounted earlier, one can have paystubs and not have actually served. The Medical Records would be lock solid evidence and make this entire situation go away completely.

But oops! Bush stated himself that there's no evidence. He just knows he served. ;)
Natoma said:
As John Reynolds recounted earlier, one can have paystubs and not have actually served. The Medical Records would be lock solid evidence and make this entire situation go away completely.

But oops! Bush stated himself that there's no evidence. He just knows he served. ;)
Exactly, and recounting of his experiences was opinion because it had nothing to do with Bush specifically...it was just another bit of FUD to imply that he COULD have been there and not been noticed. ;)
besides it was a straw man argument. the issue is not "Bush escaping his military responsibilities by hiding in the Texas ANG" but rather Bush escaping his responsibilities to the ANG.
What are the facts pray tell? That the only rock hard evidence is bush's pay stubs, but as we've seen, you can have pay stubs without actually being where you were supposed to be. Unless of course you think JR wasn't being truthful with his story.

I think the medical records of his time would solve this problem and put it to rest forever. Unfortunately, they don't "know" where those records are, and can't produce them.

Other than that Russ, what are the facts?
i'm currious too, seeing as how Russ was the one who posted the link to the defense based on a straw man argument.
They released a packet that included all of the records from the Vietnam era. From paystubs, to records showing when he showed up for duty for purposes of determining time served and retirement. There might even be medical records--I don't know because no news organization seems interested in actually releasing anything but their opinion.

Truthfully, its apparent that nothing will satisfy you, Natoma; you'll raise the bar everytime it's met. You're operating from a mode of "he's guilty, prove to me he's not".

Sure, its possible he didn't show up and still got paid and still got time recorded for retirement. Any proof of that? No.
I wish natoma would admit that this is only an issue for him and the democrats because kerry was a vietnam hero. If someone else was the candidate, then this would be a non-issue. Got the guts to admit it?

the burden of proof lies on the accuser.

Innocent until proven guilty right?

where is everyone else's proof that he did shirk his duty?

stop defending Russ, they need proof before it becomes fact.
RussSchultz said:
Sigh. Its pointless, you don't really even care what the facts are.
I do care about the facts Russ, that's why I want to find them out rather than just say; "Well, he showed us the paystubs so I guess that is that". :rolleyes:
epicstruggle said:
I wish natoma would admit that this is only an issue for him and the democrats because kerry was a vietnam hero. If someone else was the candidate, then this would be a non-issue. Got the guts to admit it?

What's there to admit epic? You must have only gotten back into this thread over the last two or three posts I suppose. :LOL:

As I stated earlier,

Natoma said:
Precisely why I bolded the portions I did. There are still a lot of questions raised by this situation. Personally I don't care about whether he went AWOL during the service or not because of the nature of the Vietnam War and what it was really about.

But if you're going to be commander in chief, you certainly have a duty to make sure there are absolutely no lingering questions regarding your own military record, if you have one. This release doesn't answer questions. It just raises a ton more imo.

Natoma said:
It wouldn't necessarily be a story as to how competant he'd be as a president, if it were taken inside a bubble. But let's see what's happened during Bush's tenure.

War with Iraq
Highly Questionable Reasons, Highly Questionable game plan

War with Afghanistan
Justified Reasons, Highly Questionable game plan

Justified Reasons, Highly Questionable game plan

There are many questions about his leadership as commander in chief during this presidency, and the results of his leadership. If it turns out that he ducked his service in the military, then it just adds to that very real perception that he is unfit for the job and should not be re-elected.

In and of itself it would not necessarily be a story. Tied in with everything else swirling around the White House, and it adds to the shark bait.

That is why it is more relevant today, politically, than it was in 2000 or 1994. Especially since you're potentially contrasting his military service with someone who actually served in Vietnam and came home with a chestful of medals, vs Al Gore.

Natoma said:
If the current "front runner" was Howard Dean or John Edwards, you wouldn't hear a peep about this, nor would it become front page news as I've seen it has become here in NYC.

If you look at the timing of when all thise really "broke", it was about 2-3 weeks ago when Kerry won Iowa and New Hampshire decisively, and it looked like he was on his way to wrapping up the nomination. Only then did Terry Macauliffe come out with his statements about Bush being AWOL, and then talking up the phantom "chestful of medals" comparison in a debate. Obviously he was discussing John Kerry.

Indeed, politics. Good (or bad, depending on your point of view) politics too. Just part of the game.

Natoma said:
I don't necessarily agree with what's going on because it's blatantly obvious that it's politics as usual. But frankly, I'm not teary eyed and/or driven to write my congressperson about it either.

p.s.: The republicans are going to try and paint Kerry as a "Massachussetts Liberal" who believes "gays should marry" and has "different values than the mainstream". They're going to use the Supreme Court decision against him. It's already been documented as that is their strategy for this year.

Republicans and Democrats have long rode the trail of divisiveness in American politics. This is no different really. Republicans simply tend to run on minority issues, god, women, and now gays.

So you and Russ just want to write me and my questions off as just "Bush Bashing" or whatever. There are legitimate questions here that need to be answered. If/When they are, this story will die. If/When they aren't, this story will still be alive.
RussSchultz said:
Truthfully, its apparent that nothing will satisfy you, Natoma; you'll raise the bar everytime it's met. You're operating from a mode of "he's guilty, prove to me he's not".

Sure, its possible he didn't show up and still got paid and still got time recorded for retirement. Any proof of that? No.

The only reason I did a :? when I read about the paystubs is because of what JR said regarding his time in the armed forces, and one of his suboordinates getting a pass basically. I already don't trust Bush, and yes, I do put the burden of proof on him, because as we've found in many issues to date, Bush hasn't been necessarily truthful (whether intentionally or not, so lets not get into that little ditty) with the american public.

He lost credibility big time with me in late 2002, early 2003, and even moreso in the last couple of weeks. So yea, I am putting the burden of proof on him to come up with the rock solid goods.
Here's the post where I commented on what JR wrote, earlier in this thread:

John Reynolds said:
Here's an example I should've mentioned earlier. One airman who served under me stopped showing. A few months went by, some phone calls to his place of residence were made, and it quickly became apparent that even though he was still being paid and drawing tuition benefits, he wasn't coming back. The 1st sgt. asked me to initiate paperwork for a dishonorable discharge and legal actions that would force the airman to reimburse *all* college tuition the OANG had paid for him since he'd failed to fulfill his six year obligation. I refused to do so because the airman was black and I knew of so many other similar situations in which the person (white) had simply been let go with no legal or financial consequences that I felt it was wrong to suddenly reverse the unspoken policy and go after this kid. And as his direct supervisor, my authority was required to initiate the paperwork, so the 1st sgt's suggestion was stopped.

Anyways, if this guy's records were checked they would show a honorable discharge and pay for a time period in which he was most definitely AWOL.

That offers credence to this particular section I bolded:

At one point, he sidestepped four consecutive questions about why medical records that Bush would have had to have maintained during his service could not be produced, leading a frustrated reporter to demand to know why McClellan would not directly answer his question.

If he was really there, why is there no evidence of him being there save for the fact that he got paid? Are we really supposed to believe Bush was there, without evidence of it, simply because he said he was? Sounds like the WMD situation all over again. :LOL:
jandar said:
the burden of proof lies on the accuser.

Innocent until proven guilty right?

where is everyone else's proof that he did shirk his duty?

stop defending Russ, they need proof before it becomes fact.

There is a 6 month gap in the time of his service that hasn't been accounted for yet. The White House is currently trying to find evidence of him actually being there beyond paystubs. If John hadn't shared his story regarding the armed forces here, I would have accepted the paystub story as enough proof, but his story opens a whole other can of worms.

There is enough circumstantial evidence to bring up a charge. Is it enough to convict? That remains to be seen, but Bush has not been convicted yet. Merely charged.
digitalwanderer said:
RussSchultz said:
Sigh. Its pointless, you don't really even care what the facts are.
I do care about the facts Russ, that's why I want to find them out rather than just say; "Well, he showed us the paystubs so I guess that is that". :rolleyes:

Yep. My days of accepting Bush at face value ended rather fast mid-2001. ;)