Brothers in Arms


Dinosaur Hunter
It's basically a straight port of the Xbox games. There's a new interview about it here:

I found the following quote interesting:
GI: Were there any specific challenges you faced trying to port the prior games over to the Wii?

AR: The biggest challenge was probably moving the Xbox shaders over to the Wii. We moved skeletal mesh processing over to the CPU, and re-wrote the pixel shaders to Wii’s fixed-function pipeline. Overall, the lighting, water, particle effects look just about like they did on the Xbox.

It's cool that the graphical look is basically unchanged, and it's nice to see a developer give the Wii some attention. This is also possibly the first non-anonymous confirmation I've seen that the Wii's GPU still has fixed-function everything. It's nice to have a hard source on that now. Also this:

GI: Have you been able to get the same level of graphical detail that you were able to reach in the Xbox game with the Wii, or is it closer to the PS2 version?

AR: Closer to the Xbox for sure - The Wii version actually utilizes higher resolution textures than the original Xbox version. As a result, the fidelity of the world is actually quite a bit improved – it's really noticeable in 480p.

Sloppy port this is not (assuming the big words match the final release). Also, no multiplayer. Why?!