Thanks guys, I appreciate the good wishes.
It's just a real shame we couldn't get the game done.
I've worked on a number of canned games over the years, this is the only one that was canned despite being a good product albeit because the company ran out of cash.
I'm sure either Colin, or someone else will leak screenshots and video footage (I'll do it if no one else does). Personally I think the game looked really good.
And FWIW now theres nothing really to stop me talking about it.
This info is from the Xbox version.
Cars were 25000 polys (highest LOD), 4 textures/poly.
Base texture
Reflection map
a texture used to compute a fresnel term
Shadow map
Specular highlight (This was encoded in the alpha channel of the reflection map)
Most of the backgrounds were 2 or in some cases 3 textures/poly
I've measured peak in game polygon counts as high as 30M/sec.
I also did the game cube conversion that Colin mentions as a feasability excercise.