Borderlands 2 [PS3, X360]

I got B2 yesterday and had a lot of fun with it. I wish I'd read this thread before starting with Zero and putting points in the Assassin skill tree, though. I'm going to restart with a different character, I think.
I got B2 yesterday and had a lot of fun with it. I wish I'd read this thread before starting with Zero and putting points in the Assassin skill tree, though. I'm going to restart with a different character, I think.

You can respec any character in full. I don't think Zero is the easiest character to play, but you don't have to give up on the character if you think you've taken the wrong path with skills - just find a respec booth. I think the first one is when the game gets properly started and you first meet Sir Hammerlock.
I got B2 yesterday and had a lot of fun with it. I wish I'd read this thread before starting with Zero and putting points in the Assassin skill tree, though. I'm going to restart with a different character, I think.

First go sniper until you have enough points to reach the top of the tree Then, change to full cunning and fill up either sniper or assassin to half...great character imo!
I've decided on doing a theme build for my 4th character called: They called me a Bandit so that's what I became. Using only Bandit manufactured guns, shields, class and grenade mods. Once again playing as a Gunzerker.

That has created some interesting challenges. Like punching Knuckledragger to death because I didn't acquire Bandit pistol until Liar's Berg. It took another hour until I found a Bandit shotgun and AR. Bandit also makes only type of shield, Roid shields. And those won't become available until completing the Hunting the Firehawk mission. After that elemental weapons start to become more important, and those can be hard to come by for Bandit guns.

I had to plan ahead to get the right mission rewarded Bandit guns at the right time. I farmed a shock Roksalt (shotgun) from the Splinter Group side mission that proved invaluable when defending Overlook. I farmed Slagga, which is one the best legendary's to have for a Gunzerker. I'm still using my level 18 Slagga at level 28. I waited with farming the Gup until it's side mission became level 23 instead of 18. It's kind of average for a legendary. But it did great against BNK3R. And I just farmed Ba Da Boom, which should be great against what's ahead.

I rarely used Bandit stuff before this, but there are some things that work really well with a Gunzerker. Aside from otherwise average stats the only notable thing about Bandit guns are their massive magazines. I've been boosting that further using the Gunzerkers Filled to the Brim skill and a + magazine size class mod. It's nice not having to stop shooting until everything is dead. I also have a very nice Bandit E-tech incendiary SMG waiting on me for when I'm level 50.
First go sniper until you have enough points to reach the top of the tree Then, change to full cunning and fill up either sniper or assassin to half...great character imo!

I'm enjoying focusing on melee, but I've only reached level 8 so far. It's really nice being able to completely respec for a nominal fee!
DLC 3 is available now. It's once again cleverly hidden away again in the PSN store to give it that sense that you're buying something pretty exclusive.

Played though all the story missions with a friend, and tried, and failed, to kill the new Raid boss. All and another good DLC package.

After that we tried to kill Pete again using my Gunzerker and his Siren. At one attempt we lost the Siren with Pete still at 75% of his health and level 68 Spiderants. I decided on ignoring the Spiderants and just focusing on Pete. That worked surprisingly well. By circle strafing I could avoid most of the Spiderants attacks, and removing the DoT didn't seem to spawn any new ones as long as the old ones still lived. And by constantly gunzerking I was able stay alive. I got his health to 25%, which still took me 15 minutes of constantly running and shooting, and then I died. :cry: With better equipment I might be able to solo him.
I got really nice drop from Dexiduous. The CHOPPER, a Bantid assault rifle that shoots 4 bullets at once at the cost of 6, and with an incredible fire rate. It has a massive magazine that I boosted even further to now hold almost 1800 bullets. So it just keeps on shooting without needing a reload until all your ammo is gone. In fact it keeps shooting after you let go of the trigger until you do something to make it stop. It's great for gunzerking. The other classes are probably going have a hard time keeping this thing supplied with ammo.

Thankfully the bosses in the third DLC have a good chance of giving you their loot, so you can simply keep farming them. No point in being a Gunzerker to hold just one gun. Now if only Dexi wasn't so expensive to spawn.
Fun fact about gunzerking. Wielding 2 of the same type weapons gives your second gun a free clip of ammo on top of your maximum carrying limit. So with 2 CHOPPER's with a clip of 1800 ammo that gives a total of 3600 ammo between the 2. With the 5 shots or 6 skill I can get 25% of my shots to add ammo, effectively giving me 4500 ammo. And with the increased fire rate from Keep Firing I can empty my guns in 15 seconds. With the 4 shots at the cost of 6 that means I'm shooting 200 bullets per second. And I may be able to decrease my ammo consumption even further if my health and shield drop.

I think I like this gun. :D

Edit: And apparently I can keep my shield down permanently with the Rough Rider shield.
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What's the rough-rider shield like in TVHM? I only saw it in PT1 mode, but did think it might be interesting with the no-shield/low-shield perks.
What's the rough-rider shield like in TVHM? I only saw it in PT1 mode, but did think it might be interesting with the no-shield/low-shield perks.

I haven't gotten one yet but did look it up. It has 0 shield capacity, 20% resistance against all damage types, and adds just over 20000 health.

This thing should make some very interesting builds possible.
Looks like I'm close to the end of this game. Once the game is finished, are you still able to keep playing to finish all remaining missions or does the game just end?
Looks like I'm close to the end of this game. Once the game is finished, are you still able to keep playing to finish all remaining missions or does the game just end?

You can still play the remaining missions. The missions you haven't accepted will scale to level 50, the one's you did accept won't.
Randy Pitchford on raising the level cap.

Pitchford: That’s by design.*Some of those things start to become game-breaking. This has actually created a huge problem for us. We designed the skills really well this time, but we did, for better or for worse, make a lot of the decisions with the knowledge that there will be no more skill points available to put into any trees after you reach level 50. We knew the impossible configurations. Some of the design exploits that. Some of the impossible configurations, if they were possible, would break the game. Sometimes very literally. “Oh, that’s gonna blow memory. Your Xbox will crash.”

As much as I like Borderlands 2, reading through this article and playing the game, Gearbox seems like a truly incompetent developer.

I don't mind if they don't raise the level cap though. Just give us more characters to play through the regular game with. And let us know which it is going to be 'cause if not then I have some Torgue Tokens and Seraph Crystals to spend.
Not raising the cap also breaks the game. This game is all about getting new stuff and new skills. Making your character better and stronger. As soon as you hit the level cap, that stops, so what's the point? No more skills, no more higher level gear or weapons. If you've reached 50, you've probably already gone through the game and are playing in TVHM where being overpowered is what you want when the enemies can one-shot you down to ten percent of your health and shields.

If you're going to put levelling in a game, and then cap those levels far, far too low for even getting through the whole game (let alone DLC), then you've done it wrong.

IIRC to get to level 50 took me one playthrough on normal doing everything, and then probably another hour or two on TVHM, and that's without DLC. Since then the game has somewhat died for me. I can play through the DLC, but I can't advance my character in any meaningful way, so why bother?